A Christmas to remember

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Five days before Christmas and I was excited, I love Christmas. Except Caleb said to not decorate the apartment, he had something better, didn't question it.

Everyone was busy, Caleb said he had something important to do and that he would be back later. I was watching TV with the twins.

Then a noise in the kitchen made me jumped.

"Stay here please." They nodded and I went to check the kitchen.

"You know, you look so much like your mother. Wouldn't mind kissing you and some other things." He said smirking.

"Gross." I said covering my mouth.

"You deserve to rot in hell and die." I said angry.

"How about i play with you, or your twins will get hurt." He said pulling his gun out.

"Leave them out of this." I said as tears were falling.

He came walking towards me and punched me.

"My game my rules, bitch." He said giving me another punch.

"Mommy." Val said crying.

"Val go to your room." I said looking at him.

"Hmm, he is a mini version of you." With that he pulled the trigger and shot Valentin.

"NOOOOO, YOU MONSTER." I ran to Valentin.

"Please stay with me." I cried harder then I heard shootings, I turned around to see Kai in a blood pool.

"Caleb, he shot Valentin." His eyes widened.

"Let's go." We rushed to the hospital.

The police took Kai's body.

Hours of waiting, ugh I just wanted see my baby. One of the nurses took care of the bruises on my face.

"Mommy, I want to see Val." She was crying.

"We all do." I said hugging her.

"Why him, he is just a kid." Caleb said punching the wall furiously.

I pulled him into a hug and told him, "you are going to hurt yourself , please calm down." He sighed.

Soon the doctor came and told us that Valentin was shot on his arm. But he was fine. We made our way to his room.

"Hey champ, you gave us a scare." Caleb said hugging him.

"I didn't protect you enough, Val. I'm sorry." Tears were falling.

He wiped my tears and said, "It's ok, mommy. I love you." He gave me a hug.

"Never scare me like that." Mel said crying.

Caleb picked her up and sat her down next to Val. She hugged him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you, Val."

"I love you too, Mel."

"So not crying, you are." I said as tears were falling.

Caleb pulled me into a hug.

"Melody acted fast and called me." Caleb said.

"I'm glad she did, great job sweet lover." I said smiling.

Friends and family came to visit, Val.

The only good thing about this season, is that now Kai will never threaten us. He is now slow dancing with Satan.


Two days before Christmas, Caleb blindfold me and took me somewhere. We left the kids with my parents.

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