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"Mummy! Look what I found!" A small child with ebony hair held up a flower to his mother. She gratefully accepted it, taking it in her grasp to analyze the beauty of it. Although it was wilted near the ends, its stem was strong, the petals a beautiful array of blue and yellow.

"It's gorgeous, Merlin," the mother thanked, giving the child a soft kiss to the forehead.

"Daddy said he would teach me how to bring a flower back to life!" the boy exclaimed in an excited tone.

The mother, Hunith, giggled at her son's antics. "Were you practicing?" she questioned. Hunith gave a small glance to the flower.

"Yes, but Daddy said he would help me!"

"Go on, then. Go find your father." Hunith then waved away her son, placing her gift in a small, clay pot. She sighed. Often, Hunith would wonder on how Merlin would have been a different person with other people around. She wondered if Merlin would be bullied, or be made a friend. Hunith looked down at the pot that she had recently placed on the table.

"Hello, my love," a deep voice sounded off. A tone so sweet and carefree.

Hunith breathed a smile. "Balinor; Merlin's looking for you."

A smile broke out onto the husband's face. "Oh? What of?"

"Magic practice."

"Ah." Balinor gave a soft chuckle, trudging out of the small house, finding his son.


Merlin!" Hunith called from afar. "Don't stray off too far!"

"Okay, mother!" came Merlin's reply. The child lept on deeper into the grove, his mind wandering further than body, the sight of trees and other floral clear in the boy's view. The forest was often beautiful, no matter which season it had to share. Summer and Spring—the leaves glistening from dew in the morning, silently dripping to the ground; the sun shining high in the sky, the heat in waves beaming down onto the surface. Winter and Autumn are equally as gorgeous. The trees going into their annual, dormant phase; shedding their excess leaves no longer needed, as a thick blanket of snow would cover the ground in formality, not letting a single footstep allowed in their territory; as storms continued to breeze by, layering a new sheet of white onto the ground to cover up previous blemishes.

Merlin would find the small things in life often beautiful; small things that the normal eye wouldn't spot. Although the warlock was young, he was wise and destined to become great. Even if Merlin didn't know of both his destiny or faith, small things would stick out to him—call him. The child didn't let them get to him, though. At the moment, he strived to be a great man like his father.
Merlin had found a small clearing. A tall, lone tree stood proudly amongst the rest of the forest. Its leaves were sapped with dew, the earth beneath it smelling fresh—like the earth had recently been recycled of its youth. The boy gave a sigh of content happiness, deciding to edge against the tree, pulling out his book of spells.

Hours passed, and not a single sound spoke foreign. Merlin was in captivity; confined to a small world only he knew as a safehouse, never to leave—to venture beyond its proximity.

"Halt! Who goes there?" a voice suddenly called out. The sound was intimidating—frightening, almost. But the taut, high-pitched voice spoke otherwise.

Merlin eyed the foreign noise with curiosity, watching with silent eyes as a figure then appeared from the trees. A boy, about the same age as Merlin, his hair the color of the sun and eyes alike to the sky.

"Hello," the stranger started. "What are you doing alone out here?"

"I live here," Merlin answered wearily.

The boy looked up to the canopy of the forest, his eyes reflecting the atmosphere above. The orbs then traveled back down to face Merlin. "You live out here?" He paused. "Alone?"

Merlin quickly shook his head. "No, I live with my family. What are you doing out here?" He studied the foreigner. Sheets of metal were placed on the boy, the surface reflective, each plate connecting to another. Expensive, black gloves encased his hands, the texture seeming to be soft.

Merlin giggled as he gently punched the sword at the stranger's side, watching the object dangle about, as the boy slapped Merlin's hand away.

"What are you doing? That's my sword!" the boy replied to Merlin's action, too giving a small chuckle.  He then stuck out a hand, deciding to introduce himself. "My name is Arthur."

Merlin's eyes shifted to meet his, analyzing. "Merlin," he replied with as much confidence he could muster. The boy didn't look intimidating to Merlin, rather just more of a regal appearance. Merlin narrowed his eyes in confusion, wondering what a boy of high power could be doing out in the middle of the forest. His father had once warned him of the boy's kind and how they mistreated and thought down upon people of lower class. Now that Merlin was looking at the boy, though, his opinion on that topic began to shift.

"You're not going to hurt me, are you?" Merlin questioned.

Arthur's eyes widened upon hearing the other speak his thoughts. "Why would I do that?" He then decided to take a gentle step forward, attempting a warm smile. "Is someone hurting you? I can bring you back to Camelot with me if you want to."

Merlin blushed upon the offer of kindness. "It's okay; I live with my Mummy and Daddy here."

Arthur nodded. "Do you ever see people besides your family?"

Merlin made eye contact with the boy, taking his presence in. "No. You're the first person I've met."

Arthur frowned upon his answer, tilting his head sideways to look at his newfound friend in a better view.

Merlin saw the boy in a new light. He was not at all like described to him in his younger years. Arthur was kind and welcoming.
Merlin's father was wrong.

"Arthur!" A voice suddenly called, the rustling of leaves and branches being heard off in the distance.

Arthur's head perked up upon hearing his name. "Merlin, I have to go. My friends are waiting for me," he said, turning, before beggining to leave. Before he could exit, though, Merlin took grasp of his hand, pulling the boy back to face him. Merlin could feel the slick texture of the fabric, the leather smooth and so different from the clothes he was used to wearing. "Please don't go."

"I have to," Arthur replied in a sad tone. He squeezed Merlin's hand. "I'll come back, though." He paused. "I promise."

Merlin smiled from his offer. "Okay." His hands soon let go of Arthur's, his fingers lingering against the texture before releasing, watching Arthur begin to depart back into the depths of the forest. The boy looked back at Merlin, shades of blue deciding to meet. A grin was then exchanged between the two boys, the atmosphere warm and welcoming. Arthur then turned, racing back from where he came from. Merlin was tempted to go after him—to see the boy's face again. His curiosity got the best of him, as he lept into the grove, sprinting to find Arthur again. Merlin huffed out several breaths, scanning determined eyes about the forest just to find his friend nowhere in sight.

He was gone.

Merlin let his eyes roam, basking in the presence of the forest and sky, his thoughts placed on the boy he had just met.
Merlin decided he was going to wait.

A/N: Okay everyone! That's chapter one! I hope y'all liked it! I don't have a set plan to this story yet, but I'll manage. Please leave a vote or comment to let me know if I should continue or not! Bye!

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