Chapter Eleven

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Merlin didn't like to follow the rules. He intended to carve his own path with his own hands and mind. The boy who became man wondered of another life that he would never claim. He could fight back all he want, could cry up a never ending storm, could use magic if he really wanted to. Even with all of that power Merlin knew he was incapable of grasping ahold of freedom.

The brunet didn't even say goodbye before treading back to his home where his family and he dwelled. Merlin had loved his kiss with Arthur far more than he had expected. He experienced all of the love and affection he saw in the eyes of the other when tender lips were placed on his. Merlin unconsciously put a finger to his mouth. He had wanted to stay with the man who gave him everything. The man sighed. Would he really leave his parents who gave him life over a man who gave him the world? Merlin pondered. How would you give someone the world if you weren't in it to even start with?

With a swallow, Merlin collected himself and peered into the cave. It was a dark contrast when put up against the beams of sunlight. It looked so ominous from the precise angle, and this made Merlin think: what if his family was lurking in the darkness with magic of malice instead of the people who intended to eradicate it? What if—Merlin gasped. He had tried so hard to think otherwise. To hear the words drilled into his head...

"Merlin!" a voice distantly shouted.

The brunet gazed up, his mind blank with fear. Magic was bad? Even Arthur had said otherwise when they had their conversation back at the river.

"Merlin!" the masculine yell came again. It was louder this time, and Merlin was pretty sure he could see an array of brown and grey hues in front of him, but his mind wasn't currently focused on that. His hope was dissipating upon every thought he accumulated. Magic—the very existence of him—was considered evil by most. Maybe they were correct. They didn't have a reason to not be, right? A tear dropped delicately from his cheek onto the mossy forest floor. Everything Merlin had ever believed was different. He could never have magic and intend to marry the man who's father and kind despised it.

The proclamation was just a death sentence.

As he was dragged inside by his father with a tear-stricken face, Merlin hesitated with a sniff of newfound confidence.

Maybe he was supposed to have a death wish.


Arthur was in a pool of emotions. He was leaning back and forth, not sure of where his destiny would lead him.

A great king, ruling an even greater kingdom.

Or laying down that life to love a commoner.

Arthur had always wanted a simple life—maybe to work on a farm and have friends and a family that would go to the ends of the earth for him. Arthur heaved a contemplated breath. Were the gods that generous? It would alter the course of mankind itself. What's a kingdom without its ruler?

Maybe Arthur didn't have to choose. Yes, there are always choices but those don't have to be the only two, right?

He could carve his own path. Make his own decisions without guidance. Arthur could fall in love with a commoner and show his father that they were different, show the kingdom and the council on how opinions and matters of love could change. It would be a question of death, of course, though. A snort escaped the blond's nose.

Maybe he was supposed to have a death wish.

It's been at least several hours, and Arthur still has no tracks of Merlin anywhere. "That little..." Huffing, several curses tumbled from his tongue as he continued to search for something—anything.

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