Chapter Twenty-Three

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Merlin wasn't sure what to think of Morgana's plan. He pondered in thought, wielding the clothing the woman had given him. It was thin—showing no difference to all the other servants in the castle's household. He was in complete disguise. The tray wobbled in an askew fashion in his grip, the hidden keys causing just a slight tremor of sound. He would have to keep this facade up just a little longer; then he would reach Arthur and his father. The brunet bit his lip. He wondered what his father wondered of him. He must've thought of Merlin as a complete disaster. That had been the outcome of this, afterall. But then again, was his father that oblivious to Merlin's curiosity? Surely after having been locked up in an isolated world, he should have expected a change in the atmosphere.

Now he was facing the consequences. Thanks to his own son.

Merlin continued trodding down the flight of stairs, glancing about with an aura of trepidation. Morgana had been quick to explain the procedure to him. Several halls down, and a left after a level down. The brunet blinked, gulping a breath of air in to calm his nerves.
No matter the consequences, he cannot keep running away from his problems. He will face them with pride and without hesitation. Merlin will show his father the changes the world has to offer.


Arthur bit off a piece of dead skin from his cuticles. It had been only several hours, but Merlin had yet to become a sight faced with the dungeons. The blond had been stuck on the constant thought of Balinor not being here. He sighed in anguish. Arthur could relate to being motherless—the idea compared to only having a father. He wondered if Uther would have been a different man if not had Igraine died. Arthur's father never talked much about her, but the blond would like to imagine her as an ethereal woman who was both strong and courageous. Whenever they were on the topic of said person, Arthur would see the love and compassion shown in his eyes. He wasn't blind to his father's adoration. He was a human too, afterall.

And so was Arthur. But even with being of the human species, consequences took action. The blond just wasn't sure if it was humanity's fault or his.

With a sudden rattle to the dungeon doors, Arthur's gaze traveled up with curiosity. Was his father to see him again? To bask in his glory as he watched his disobedient son tumble into a broken state?


What he saw gave him the opposite attraction. Hope lit up Arthur's eyes as if ocean waves crashed against the shore when he saw the familiar mop of dark brown hair. The blond laced his brows in a questionable stance as he took notice to the clothing and the tray in his hands.

'He must've had help,' Arthur thought with a small smirk of amusement. Leave it to his lover to convince another party to accept giving aid.

" to give the Prince his food," the brunet's voice echoed off. Who had it been? Who'd give Merlin the benefit of the doubt when he clearly expressed the talent of magic? Languid movements betrayed his partner's mind as he strode across the room and to the cell; and Arthur could just stare—could just watch as his brain rambled up infinite possibilities on how Merlin would get him out of here. The elder racked up a thought that contrasted his companion's stupid plan. Leave it only to Merlin to do what others would think were imbecilic.

"Ow," the suddenly brunet hissed after bouncing off Arthur's cell door, putting delicate fingers to his forehead, attempting to stop the flow of invisible blood. Arthur held in his grin as the guard regarded Merlin's reaction.

"What's the problem?"

"It's—nothing." Merlin patted his head. "Just a wound."

The guard set down his sword and took the tray from the brunet's hand, gazing at the 'wound' with curiosity. "Is it bleeding?"

"I think it's fine." Merlin dropped his hand, allowing his eyes to glow the familiar metallic hue before the guard could react. Said man fell to the ground, out cold. A few huffs followed the brunet's movements, where he just stood and watched the unconscious man with frightened curiosity.


He turned, eyes wide with an emotion Arthur currently couldn't detect. "It feels weird," he mumbled—as if just speaking to himself alone. "Hurting people. It's a strange feeling."

Arthur chewed his lip before asking his companion to grab the cell keys. He was definitely concerned, but talk that included emotion would have to wait for now. "Merlin, we need to go." The blond gripped the younger man's hand, dragging them both out of the dungeons before the brunet could speak a word. Arthur swiped his head both ways, analyzing the hallways crowded with people. They had the higher probability of passing without being noticed within the crowd. But it was there; Arthur knew it. This was it. They were almost there.


"C'mon. Be quiet. Try to blend in," he whispered.

Merlin didn't reply, already following Arthur's orders without hesitation. The two tread, aware of the guards marching throughout the castle with heavy footsteps. Arthur's heart felt heavy too. It was as if several anvils were weighing him down with a layer of anxiety resting upon it. His adrenaline was prominent in his veins, though. The blond would have to shed his disconcertion and reveal the supposed confidence underneath. He believed since they were so close that they had passed the worst, though. Oh, how Arthur hated being so naive in that moment.

He wasn't prepared for the guards to take notice to them once they had passed the door and into the hallway. Not even a curse could be held in as the two raced up the nearest path of stairs, attempting to rid themselves of danger.

"Where—we go?" Merlin was panting now, his sentences cut short from inhales. The man's pupils were dilated, searching with great effort for a hiding place. But even he knew now that there wasn't much hope.

"Closet," is all Arthur answered before yanking the brunet to the small room. Shutting it as quietly and swiftly as possible, he released a breath, fiddling with the knob.


"It doesn't have a lock! It doesn't have a damn lock!" He turned, slamming his hand against the back of the closet, looking up to the ceiling with a silent pray to the gods. They were done for. If the guards didn't see them run inside, surely the sound had given their location away. Arthur's gaze rested to Merlin. The younger man's lip was trembling, as he blinked furiously, trying to avoid tears. He didn't speak, though. He was afraid to. Even then Arthur saw something he could never grasp for himself—hope. It was dim, but Merlin's silence spoke for him. And it was enough for Arthur.

"Over here!" a shout came from outside the closet. They were getting closer.

Merlin stared at the ground, eyes filled with water and recollection of former memories. His eyes twitched to the doorknob before looking up to his lover. As footsteps boomed against stone outside their enclosed room, the brunet squeezed his eyes shut, as he executed a raspy inhale.

Arthur suddenly felt fingers trying to lace with his palm. He didn't need a voice, just an action—and that was it. He squeezed Merlin's hand out of comfort, out of love, out of fear.

"I'm scared," Merlin whispered, terrified that even his voice would alert the guards to their spot.

"I am too," the elder confessed, glancing to the door. It was vibrating from the steps echoing just right outside. Even a rattle to the doorknob would suffice. This was it, this was really it. Arthur pondered. Is that what Merlin's believes too?

Arthur's question was never answered, but the door was. And as light washed the couple's appearances away to the guards, Arthur couldn't help but give a solemn smile.

A/N: HellO EVERYONE! Yes, it has been forever (3 months forever), bUt I am BACK and will be finishing this book very soon! Through all this time, though, I have collected sO much inspiration and will be posting quicker because of that and because it is summer! If you also have any recommendations on what I should write, feel free to leave a comment below! Thanks y'all, bye!

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