Chapter Six

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Merlin knew he wasn't knowledgeable in the fashion department. It's not liked he cared about the whole ordeal, anyway. He always supposed the fancier fabrics were used for presentation. But in the forest, with only animals and plants around...there wasn't much to impress. But Arthur made his mind switch gears. Merlin gradually became more self-aware of his appearance and etiquette when around the elder. He dared not to admit it, but he didn't want to disappoint a man who gave him the world when nobody else would.

"This one looks nice," Arthur commented as a suggestion, casually pointing to a ruby encrusted dagger.

Merlin practically cringed at the many intricate designs that etched the weapon. "I want something for use, Arthur, not decoration."

The blond sighed. "Perhaps a bit of both then, yeah?" Arthur's eyes swept over the tables that offered said blades. Every so often he would glance up to see if Merlin's expression has changed. Biting his lip, Arthur analyzed the daggers and swords set for sale. Merlin was right, if Arthur were to ever grip onto one of the fancier daggers, he was sure his hand would be molded by the weapon within a minute. "Maybe we can have one made for you."

Staring to the ground to hide his flushed complexion, Merlin let a smile graze his features gently. "Are you sure you're a noble? You're awfully kind to be one, in my opinion."

Arthur rolled his eyes in reply. "It's called a friendly gesture, Merlin. You should try it sometime."

"I'm not the one with filled pockets."

The elder gently touched the exterior of the blade on one of the weapons. Blunt. It made sense. None of the shopkeepers would want any brawls to occur while their weapons were stolen during the act. "You don't have to be rich to be kind, Merlin."

The younger man sighed. "It seems that money resolves most problems, though. Name one thing money can't buy."

Arthur paused in thought. His finger remained still on the cold surface of metal, his blurred reflection gazing up back at him. "Love."

"Yeah, there isn't a thing you would know about that topic," Merlin joked.

Turning to face the other, Arthur raised a finger with a small smile. "Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions, now."

"Oh?" Merlin cracked a smile. "Who's the lucky woman? Is it Princess Ione? That would be fortunate given the situation you're in-"



"We're not here to speak of the Princess."

"Ooh," Merlin teased. "Getting rather defensive, are we?"

"No," Arthur stood resolute and collected, avoiding Merlin's gaze to objectify the difference between collectives, aesthetics, and weapons. "All I'm speaking of is about your dagger, Merlin. Unless you're better suited without one?"

Merlin rolled his eyes. "You know that's not the correct assumption." He paused, looking about the assortment of blades. "I just don't find any of these appealing."

Arthur grabbed Merlin's hand, quickly dragging him away. "Alright, then. Let's go back to the castle, shall we? I think I may have a dagger for you in my satchel, actually."

Merlin instantly blushed at the generosity. "Okay?" All Arthur did was chuckle, guiding his companion back to the castle.


It didn't take long until they heard commotion throughout the streets, a bustling crowd trying to edge their way to the front to see what was happening. With all of the chatter amongst the citizens along with the clambering of footsteps against dirt and stone, silence was the only sound that couldn't be detected. With weary eyes, the two men traveled towards the booming voice that was covered with the bodies and talk of other people.

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