Chapter One

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It's been years, and Arthur hasn't returned.

Merlin had obtained new skills and talents while the latter was gone; and by the time he had reached of age, his mind was more quick-witted and incisive than most intended him to be. He would often trod throughout the forest near his home, collecting an assortment of fruits and animals when in need of the resources, then safely return home to his parents who would greet him like any family should.

Arthur was a different story. When the boy had reached of age, his father expected much more than most could comprehend. His mind was agile and sharp, detecting things others won't.

Arthur was confident.

And an imbecile.

He would stumble through the kingdom with a curious gaze plastered onto his face, wanderlust taking advantage of his mind, not taking his father's words into account. Uther was beginning to think the boy had a mental affliction.

"Arthur, speak to me when told!"

"Why should I, father? Why should I when I know you're wrong?"

Uther scoffed. "This isn't a matter of right and wrong, it's a justification! And you must follow my orders!"

"Because you are King," mumbled Arthur in reply with a hardened scoff.

"No, Arthur. I am speaking to you as a father. You are in need of an heir. And without one you will rule the kingdom alone."

"Then so be it!"

Times were often rough for Arthur, but his mind would meander through thoughts and memories that blinded the blanket of hatred that concealed his life. Dark hair, azure eyes; the boy was as curious as him.

With a pretty smile.


Merlin's eyes reduced to slits as he took notice to the deer get hit by an arrow. He shuffled silently, trying to see in the midst of the hazed opening in the grove. Crimson leaked from the innocent in streams delicately.

"Alright!" a voice suddenly whooped in accomplishment. The sounds of metal clashed the silence, footsteps cracking multiple sticks and leaves as debris on the forest floor. Merlin—ever so curious—leaped from behind the bush, stalking up to the predator. Closing in on the man, Merlin noticed several characteristics that reminded him of his early childhood. Blond hair—like rays of sun—twisted in coils that curled behind the foreigner's ears. The man's build was considerate, chainmail wrapped around him in a secure fashion.
Merlin pulled his hunting knife from his boot, glinting it against the beams of sunlight to make sure it was sharp enough to injure the stranger. Then, with swift motions, Merlin pushed the dagger to the man's throat, his arms locked in a compressed matter against the foreigner. "Who are you?"

The man choked, gesturing that Merlin was keeping him close to the edge, the knife having the ability to slit his throat at any minute. Giving a small sigh, he then released the stranger, who quickly turned and unsheathed the sword at his side.

"Who-" his voice faltered, gazing at the sight in front of him. Arthur saw glimpses of the man in his dreams, but those eventually proved to turn into a fantasy. But he was here now. Staring at him. "Merlin?" Arthur croaked, shocked on the man's appearance. He was not like his past self, rather obtaining sharper features, with muscle filling the skin through. But Merlin's eyes still remained the same. The beautiful, deep color of sky blue that had haunted his visions is back—but now as a reality.

"Arthur?" Merlin asked quietly, making sure the stranger was the right man. But who else could it be? Arthur was the only person he had the fortune of knowing besides his family.

Arthur breathed a smile, dropping his sword with relaxed hands, swooping forward to bring his childhood friend into a hug. Merlin quickly pulled away, his features hardened along with his tense posture now present.


"Why did you kill it?" he questioned, gazing down to the fallen creature.

Arthur was dumbfounded. That was the first thing he wanted to speak of? "For a banquet being held," Arthur answered quickly. His eyes desperately tried to search Merlin's, seeking out something that didn't hold a presence.

"You were gone for eight years, Arthur." Merlin's tone was full of defeat and suppressed solemness. Arthur had promised that he would return. But not this late. Never this late.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't. Every time I tried to leave my father would stop me." Arthur's stance lingered somberly, as a flash of guilt glossed over his eyes. "But we're here now, right? I'll make this right."

Merlin's eyes peered, analyzing the other boy sternly. A quick, taut smile reached his lips before it returned to an emotionless expression. "Well, you got off at the wrong foot, then."

Arthur's face contorted in confusion. "How?" Nodding to the creature, Arthur noticed Merlin's eyes filled with a deep undertone of respect. He had a connection with the forest—the least to say the animal.

"I don't like when things are hunted without a reason in my forest, Arthur." The elder studied Merlin silently, skimming over his features and how the man had changed. Merlin wasn't the little, frightened boy who had wanted a friend; he was now a man with a purpose. His tone was contained with a regal posture even Arthur sometimes couldn't muster.

Merlin was the keeper of this forest.

Arthur sighed, a hint of aggravation laced in his voice. "Even though there is plenty of food back in the country Eirdar, I assure you that this kill was needed for tonight's banquet." Arthur watched as Merlin bit his lip, concealing the onslaught of anger.

"So you'll let your pride get the best of you," he spoke.

Arthur quickly shook his head, as his mind desperately sought for a solution to the predicament. An idea suddenly popped into his head like a candle wick, as Arthur then stuck out his hand. "Come with me. I'll show you."

Merlin eyed the hand wearily. "You've been gone for so long," he muttered to himself, not sure of what to do.

"C'mon, Merlin," Arthur pleaded. He secretly wanted Merlin to come badly. He had dreams about the boy. The only person who had treated him like anybody else. He needed this. He needed Merlin. "Just for one day."

Merlin pondered. He was sure his parents wouldn't care if he were gone the whole day. Merlin had made a silent oath when he was younger to never speak of the boy he met in the forest that one day. But if Merlin's parents knew of his whereabouts, then the punishment of Arthur abandoning him for years would seem like a prick to the shoulder. Letting Merlin's features soften, he then softly stuck out his hand, reaching for Arthur's grasp. "Okay."

A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you're liking the book so far! Please leave any suggestions and support/criticism in the comments below! It would mean a lot! Bye!

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