Chapter 8

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My eyes opened slightly, the heaviness of my eyelids pulling them shut again. I forced them open once more, only to squeeze them shut again from the blinding white light above me. I threw my hands over my eyes, so confused as to where I was.

"Turn the lights off!" someone whispered loudly. I opened my eyes again, still sheilding them in case the light was still there. Luckily they weren't. I moved my hands away from my face and sat up. I was in a hospital room for the second time this week. In the corner of the room stood the doctor and Trevor. 

"Your parents are on their way," the doctor says. Wait, if I'm supposed to be tied to Trevor, how was he all the way in the corner of the room? I glance down at my waist and see that  the red rope that once tied us together was now missing. "We removed it to better help you." the doctor explains. Trevor was smiling at me, clearly happy to see that I was alive. 

"How'd I get here?" I ask. The doctor smiled and wrapped his arm around Trevor's shoulders.

"Trevor carried you here. Came running in like the world was ending." Trevor was looking at the ground, still smiling, but I could tell the doctor had embarrassed him. 

"You think we could turn the lights back on?" I ask. The doctor nodded and flipped the switch. The light blinded me for a breif moment, then I could see again. Trevor was walking towards me, his cheeks red probably from the recent embarrassment caused byb the doctor. 

"Hey," Trevor says. He hugs me, and I just sit there, dazed by the action. "I'm glad you're okay." I smile at him and he grins back.

"Well, if you hadn't brought me here, I wouldn't be okay," I remind him. Trevor moves his hand slightly, then stops as though he was too scared to complete the action he was going to do. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and hugged him, not quite as tight as he hugged me, however.  "Thank you, Trevor." I felt him stiffen underneath me, probably surprised by the sudden touch. He hugged me back, his hands gingerly resting on my spine. I let go and jumped down from the bed. 

I grabbed Trevor's elbow and dragged him out of the room. As soon as we hit the hallway, my parents were rushing towards us. 

"Oh my god, Andraya! We're so glad you're okay!" The both of them pinned me inbetween them. "Thank you, Trevor." When my father said his name, I remembered that I was still holding on to Trevor's arm. I released it and let my arm fall to my side. My parents let me go, and we were all on our way back to our house. Trevor and all. 

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