Chapter One - Georgiana

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Hi so I'm writing this after i wrote six chapters that this is sort of like the Fae protector but different in most ways well i hope most ways i hope you don't mind but I'm going to continue and Where as i can't be bothered doing a sequel for Fae Protector i will be doing one for this. Don't ask me why I'm weird like that.

"Georgiana!" I heard my father scream. I jump and rush downstairs to my father's side.

"Get me my shoes and jacket" he ordered

"Yes father" I rushed towards the front door and grabbed my father's jacket and shoes then went back to him. I placed the shoes at his feet while I held onto his jacket. Once he put his shoes on I held his jacket out for his arms to slip into them.

"I will be back at 11 tidy up the house and do diner. You Understand" i nodded quickly

"Yes father" he grunted and left the house with a slam.

Let me introduce myself. I am Georgiana Elizabeth Camille Lawson. I was born 1st April 2001 and i am 13 years old. Now my story is a sad one, My Mum Camille died giving birth to me and I was left in my father's care. It was alright at first but when I was eight it all changed , He started to beat me and abuse me. He said I looked too much like my mother and it was my fault that she died. You see they were childhood sweethearts and as soon as they could they married a few years later they had me but I was the only one to survived. He resented me for it but much more because like I said I look like my mother.

I went to clean his room because if I did he would go light on me. Maybe a few slaps and a punch if I was lucky. Once I was done I tided the living room and dining area before going to make dinner. A child of my age shouldn't even be let near a cooker let alone turning it on. I grabbed my buffet and stood on it then began making dinner.

It was a lovely stew and it tasted wonderful I had some then left some in a bowl for my father who coincidently staggered through the door. Oh no it luck like my Luck turned sour.

"Come hear you little bitch" he grabbed my hair

"What have you made" he slurred

"Stew father" I whimpered

"Stew what are you a witch." he sneered and then looked at the contents "not even a dog would eat that" he dragged me out of the garage door and threw me in the car. It was night and he swerved in and out of lanes.

"Father you're scaring me" I cried

"Shut up wench" I saw two bright lights then darkness

I screamed as I jolted up and looked around. No longer was I in the car with my father but in some snowy felid. I scrambled to my feet, what happened , where was I and how did I get here. The wind blew and I heard whispers.

"Hello?!" I called "Is anyone there"  I was met by silence I started walking covering my arms up trying to keep warm. I shivered as i tried to find something that would warm me up I wish I had a lighter then I could create a fire. I began to here belles and I turned trying to find a sound when I did it came from something that was approaching fast. It began to scare me because i hear growls as well. I started running but i tripped and fell on one of my bruises I screamed. Not only did it hurt but something was on top of me.

"be still i will not hesitate to bite you"  I thrashed about.

"Maugrim let her go" the heaviness was removed and I turned around. There were four wolves a woman wearing a crown and a white/grey dress, Cyclopes and a dwarf.

"What is your name Daughter of Eve" she asked I stood up.

"Georgiana." i chattered

"Tell me...Georgiana how did you come to be in my contrary"

"I don't know. I was in my father's car and then there were lights. I woke up here"  she looked to her wolves then back at me.

"Georgiana do you have any siblings." I shook my head.

"My mother died giving birth to me" she sucked in a breath.

"Grab her" she ordered and the Cyclopes came after me I started running but I didn't get far because of my hurt leg.

"Let me go! Let me go I didn't do anything" I yell. I was but into a sledge and taken away, we arrived at a castle and I was thrown into a cell. I whimpered

"I want to go home I don't like it here" I was more scared than when i was with my father.

"Hello" I jumped  next door there was a man with weird legs he coughed and I moved back.

"You are a daughter of Eve" he stated.

"What's a daughter of Eve and what are you" I pulled my legs to my face.

"I am a faun and you are human"

"Of course I'm human" there was silence

"Where am i? why did she take me?" he slid up the wall.

"You're in Narnia" he told me I gasped

"But that's impossible. Narnia isn't real it's a book and a film" I shook my head. At school we had read the chronicles of Narnia. When I was younger and before my dad hit me he read them to me as well , I used to love magic and the possibility of a land in the back of a wardrobe.

"What do you mean it's in a book and film"

"Narnia is a made up land by a author. It's not real"

"It is real" I looked at him

"You said you were a faun" he nodded meekly I then racked my brains for a name. i used to live that book for years. Although i hadn't seen the film.

"Your Mr Tumnus"

"what's left of him"

"I'm Georgiana" he gave nod to me but fell asleep

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