Chapter Twelve - Child

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Edmund and Georgiana are now 21

Its almost a year since me and Edmund were married. In that short amount of time he had managed to impregnate me. Much to my dismay, don't get me wrong the fact that Edmund and i had created a life i was going to be a mum and there for my baby I was overjoyed. But the swollen feet, the cramps and the waddling do not even get me started. I was supposed to be a warrior who can ride 50 miles in under a hour. The woman who could battle to her heart's content. Not a woman who was restricted to walking everywhere and feeling like a giant.

"And how's my little niece or nephew doing?" Lucy came skipping in for a 18 year old she still had the mind and attitude of a child.

"Hurting Mummy and making her sit down every five minutes. this is the last time I'm ever letting your brother come near me. I'm bored , I want to horse ride and have sword fights with Peter and Edmund. I want to shoot arrows with Susan and i would like to walk to the beach without stopping till i get there. Being pregnant is driving me crazy." I huffed as I sat on Edmund's throne.

"Awh don't be such a sour puss"

"You wait till i have this baby i will chase you round this castle with cream and dump it all over you." i warned

"You won't you'll be too busy being a Mum." she smiled

"I'll find the time." i leaned my head back

"So are you excited" i swung my head to her. she was sitting on Peters throne.

"Yes i am it's not like I'm not happy to be having a baby it's the waiting and all the things i can't do that's annoying me. Let's not forget the emotions. I actually screamed at Edmund because he got the wrong cheese" she laughed

"Then there was the fact he laughed that i stormed well slowly waddled out."  i groaned in pain and rubbed my belly.

"You okay" Lucy asked

"Yeah" i groaned lifting myself off.

"Just going to go to my room and rest." i told her

"Well let me help you or make sure you don't do something silly on the way" I  sighed  and nodded were neared mine and Ed's room when Idoubled over.

"Lucy get help"

"Once i get you to your room" she hurried me into my room and sat me down before running out. When she came back Lucy held my hand.

"It's going to be okay"

"Says you. You do not have a giant nut for a stomach." I whimpered in pain. the doors open again and the midwifes came in.

" Queen Lucy please in from your siblings" Lu nodded and ran off they got me prepared.

"Your majesty you are ready to give birth would you like Queen Susan and Lucy birth with you" i nodded. One of them went outside and brought my sister in laws in. i took their hands as i gave birth.

"More towels. Your majesty last push" I screamed again and let out a breath. I leant back in relief.

"Congratulations your majesty it's a girl" my newborn daughter screamed as she was handed to me 

"Hello" i played with her fingers she calmed down and opened her eyes. she had the brownest eyes.

"She's so adorable" Susan cooed

"I'm just glad she's here" i smiled. Once i was cleaned up and changed as was my daughter. Edmund and Peter came in. Ed ran to my side and took a good look at his daughter before smiling.

"do you want to hold her?" he nodded and i carefully handed her over to him she squirmed about a bit before settling.

"she looks like you" i commented "she has your eyes for sure" he grinned as i saw from the corner her opening her eyes .

"what are you going to name her?" Peter asked i looked at Edmund and smiled


"how pretty" the girls cooed

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