Chapter Thirteen - Daddy!

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Lessa pronounce like Lisa

"Alessandra!" i called walking through the halls

"Where is that girl" I was currently looking for my 7 year old daughter because Aslan wanted to see the both of us at the stone table. Just us two and no one else. I heard giggles coming from the throne room and open the door. There she was sitting on her father's throne.

"Then you stand and curtsy to the guest" Susan explained I folded my arm watching in amusement. All the Pevensies were watching Susan try and teach Alessandra to be a lady well a delicate lady. She wore velvet blue gown and her hair straight. Instead of curtsying she bowed while giggling.

"No Aless that's a bow" i chuckled and walked up

"Alessandra like so" even though I had tunic and pants I had on my cloak. Holding it out I crossed my legs and dipped bowing my head the coming back up. My daughter copied me

"See Susan!" just then Mr Tumnus now a middle age faun walked in.

"Your majesties, Your highness." he inclined his head

"Mr Tumnus" Lucy exclaimed running off to her old friend.

"What can we do for you?" Peter asked

"there has been a white stag sighed near the lantern waste. Legend has it whoever catches one will have good fortune"

"we already have good fortune but I've never seen a white stag" Susan smiled

"you girls wait in the castle I'll go and catch the stag myself" i giggled Alessandra pulled his robes  and he looked down.

"Your full of yourself daddy" she smiled i cracked out laughing as did the rest of them except Alessandra who didn't get the joke and Edmund who looked both shocked and crest fallen.

"That's your doing Georgie" he pointed at me then lifted his daughter up. "where did you learn to say that Lessa"

"Mummy said that you were full of yourself at times" I walked up to my husband

"As much as i would love to continue this Aslan wishes to see me and our daughter. And you have a white stag to catch." He sighed but let her down i put on my daughter cloak.

"Say goodbye to your Daddy, Aunts and Uncle"  she did so then came and took my hand i led her to the courtyard where Aria was waiting.. I helped her on first before i swung myself on and wrapping one arm around her and the other.

"The stone table Aria"

"yes your majesty" she set off and Lessa started giggling. It took us an hour until we spotted  the great Lion waiting for us. I let Alessandra  get down first.

"Aslan" she exclaimed and ran to hug him he chuckled and leaned into her embrace. I stroked Aria before joining my daughter.

"Why did you call us here Aslan?" we pulled away.

"15 years ago at the coronation you informed me of your decision to stay with the Pevensies. The time has come my child."

"For what"

"To leave Narnia." i gasped

"But why? did we do something wrong?"

"No dear one but you have learnt all you can for now. The Pevensies are back in their world and I shall send you to theirs as well."

"Me and Alessandra?"

"Yes in that world you shall be sisters. You shall know not much of your old life but know of the one I created for you." i nodded

"Will we ever come back" he smiled

"Narnia has yet need of you but not now" i sighed

"okay." he breathed roared and the arch behind him rumbled

"Lessa say goodbye to Aslan" she nodded and hugged the Lion goodbye i followed before taking her hand and walking through the arch.

------3rd Person------

I stood on the platform of Coombe Halt there was sound of hooves and a woman i took Alessandra. There was a woman with a horse and cart i knew this was Mrs Macready.

"Mrs Macready" I stated

"'afraid so get on" i did as i was told and helped my daughter up. I knew of our time in Narnia but I also remember Aslan said he was giving me a new life. So i remembered that i had been sent away from my Aunt who was looking after us. We were taken towards a  large mansion.

"Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having so many children in his house as such there will be a few rules. there will be no shoutin' or runnin' no im...." a door opened and out walked Peter, Susan, Lucy then finally Edmund

"Ah children we have two more joining you for your stay" they looked at me and their faces lit up especially Edmund.

"don't run to Daddy quite yet" I whispered in her ear. She looked at me confused but nodded

"children what are your names?" Mrs Macready asked

"I'm Georgiana and this is Alessandra"

"well seen as you four have been here i hope you remember the rules i have some chores to be doing. show them to their rooms." Mrs Macready left and Peter looked till she was gone he smiled

"now you can..."

"Daddy" she ran up to him and gave him a bear hug. She had seen drawing s of when they were all younger. I laughed and hugged the others.

"come on we'll show you to your room."

End of Book 1

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