Chapter Ten - Happiness

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3 Years After Edmund and Georgiana = 19


"Alright get off me" I shoo the two queen's away who literally attacked me as I was walking to the library. They said i needed to look extra special and beautiful then the assaulted my face with makeup and my hair with rollers.

"Crazy women" I huffed and continued walking down toward the library.

"Georgie!" I turn and wait for Edmund to catch up.


"I know your sister's attacked me with face paint. Now I don't mind make up but not caked on like this. I bet I look like one of the children's dolls" I huffed he laughed

"Not funny Edmund and the put me in this ridiculous tight dress. I'm thinking of giving up on going to the library and changing into some pants and a short just to wind the up."

"Well you look beautiful"

"No I don't I look like a doll with poodle hair. Besides you have to say that anyway you love me." I pout

"Well before you go and ruin my sisters hard work or bad work in your case will you come to the beach with me."

"Fine but only cause it's you" i sighed. We walked across the beach before stopping.

"Georgie you know we've been courting for three years and well its clear not to us but to everyone we're kind of stuck with each other" I nodded

"Well I know you're not one for the whole romantic book thing but..." he pulled a small box out of his robes

"Lady Georgiana will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" my jaw dropped

"You are actually serious right now aren't you"

"Well yeah or i wouldn't have got the ring" he opened the box and i smiled it was simple yet pretty. It was a silver band with a diamond in the middle.

"Er Georgie you kind of have to say something?"

"What? oh yeah of course I'll marry you" he took the ring and slipped in on my finger before gently kissing me.

"Wait is this why your sisters jumped me" he chuckled

"I might of mentioned that i planned to propose you today" i ahed

"Now wonder they were so giddy...Can I go change now" he cracked out laughing hard.


"We just got engaged and the first thing you want to do is go change"

"Well yeah. I'm suffocating and boiling in this overdone makeup. I'm not Susan and Lucy, I don't cry with over joy or jump up and down squealing.  You know this already. Of course i am ecstatic that were getting married and i am beyond happy you asked me but this bloody ordeal with your sisters is silly and it's getting on my nerves."

"Come on then" he grinned and took me back to the castle. What I wasn't a girly, girl like the queen's. Inside I was jumping for joy that he had asked me to marry him I had lots of thoughts racing through my mind but they were all muffled by how uncomfortable i felt. Once i changed into my shirt and Pants the brushed my hair and removed the overdone face paint. I braided my hair in the fish tail style and had minimal make up.

"Edmund was leant outside the door waiting when I stepped out with my sleeveless jacket.

"Better?" he asked

"Much. Now let's go tell your family" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the great hall where I knew they would be. The doors opened and we entered. I looked at Edmund and gave him one of my mischievous looks he caught on and smiled

"Ana why aren't you wearing your dress and why is your makeup and hair not done." Susan asked

"What's the point today is not a special celebration I've missed is it?" i questioned sitting down.

"No but" Susan started

"But what...Peter have I forgotten something is someone important arriving?" I saw a glint in his eye he must know what I was up to.

"No" i shrugged

"See nothing special"

"But Ana Edmund was going to..." Lucy started but was silence by Susan I bit my lip trying not to laugh. I had my ring on full display but the hadn't seemed to noticed as they cared more about their hard work.

"Edmund was going to what?" I asked seeing if i could get her to crack.

"Nothing, nothing" she looked down dejected. Edmund started snorting with laughter followed by Peter.

"What are you snorting at" Susan glared Edmund began to laugh and covered his eyes Peter tried to hide his amusement behind his goblet.

"What is so funny?" Lucy whined I just leaned back watching them befuddled as to why their brothers were laughing.

"Georgia... you are.. mean" Peter cackled in between laughs.

"Am not"


"What is so damn funny?!" Susan was in a huff now because she didn't get the joke.

"Look at her hand silly she's wearing a ring" Peter pointed out Edmund was leaning on my shoulder still laughing I watched as the girls eyes trailed down to my left hand and saw the ring in place the squealed

"oh my gosh he asked you" I had the wind knocked out of me as the brought me into a bear hug.

"Can't...breath" the let go and i took large breaths.

"That wasn't very nice Ana" they scowled folding their arms

"What? and attacking me with making up and dresses is?" i countered

"We wanted to make you beautiful" i put my hand to my heart

"Hurtful i thought i was already beautiful...Edmund?" he sobered up to reply

"Exquisitely beautiful" he kissed my cheek.

"Did you go and changed as soon as you left?" Lucy wondered

"No Edmund caught me before i could do anything. I've just got changed." they smiled

"Well that's some comfort at least oh i can't wait till the wedding."

"whoa hold your horses. You are not coming anywhere near the planning. If it i was up to you it would be over the top. That is not how your brother and I work. You will not be in charge of anything because i refuse to look like what you put me in half an hour ago" the pouted

"Edmund" they looked to their brother for support.

"sorry you too but she's right. nice and simple " the huffed but agreed

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