Chapter Six - Warrior

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"Left, right, up, down pivot" Orieus called and I moved accordingly

"Block" I did "Good your getting the hand of it." I had been training all morning I struggled at first but Orieus told me that my weapons are me they are what I am trying to achieve. All I needed to do was believe they would help and guide me which they did.

"Right now for a horse"

"Horse" I gulped

"Yes you need to work on moving targets" a faun came with a huge target.

"I'm not sure about this i don't want to hurt him" another faun brought me a coal black horse

"Remember what I said earlier and I won't. Now I will be back Merion will help you with your horse" Orieus left and I turned to Merion.

"This is your horse my lady her name is  Aria" I slowly approached Aria and petted once I was happy I smiled

"I don't suppose you talk by any chance"

"I do my lady"

"Well it's nice to meet you"

"You too" she replied. Merion explained how to mount and keep Aria stable we worked on trotting and galloping.

"Good I think you're ready Alfted will move around. Orieus wants you to shout around while moving on Aria"

"Okay" I clicked my tongue and Aria began running around Alfted moved also. I missed a few times but started getting the hang of it. I slowed Aria down when Orieus came back.

"Very good. You are confident, why don't you try and practice with the Kings"

"Where are they"

"Past the archery" he informed me

"Let's go Aria" she began to gallop and took me where I needed to go I saw Susan Practicing and decided to do that as well i was brave enough to let go of my reins.

"Aria keep it steady I'm trying to shoot Susan's board" she complied I took out my bow and arrow then aimed and let go. It flew through the air and into the bulls eye" I grinned I was getting good at this they looked back and I waved as I saw the boys come up on horseback.

"Come on Ed like Orieus showed us" I rode over

"Can I join"

"Sure" Peter replied and i took out my sword.

"En guard." Edmund joked

"Now block" Peter said

"Hey two against one is not fair"

"Peter, Edmund, Georgiana" Mine and Edmund's horses reacted to the talking beaver

"Whoa horsy" Edmund called "Easy Aria" I said

"My name is Phillip" Edmund horse replied

"Oh sorry"

"The witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan..." he breathed "she's on her way here" Edmund looked at me

"Everything is going to be okay Aslan won't let her take you...And neither will I." he gave me a small smile as we rode towards the camp. The five of us just arrived for her nearing Aslan's tent.

"Jadis Queen of Narnia Empress of the Lone Islands"  the dwarf called. Each of the creatures shouted at her to leave and making her unwelcome. Four Cyclops lowered her and she stood up stepping down she looked at us then went to stand in front of Aslan.

"You have a traitor in your midst Aslan" she declared

"His offence was not against you"

"Have you forgot the laws upon which Narnia was built" she taunted and he growled

"Do not cite the deep magic to me witch I was there when it was written" he snapped

"Then you will remember every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property"

"Try take him then" Peter stated as we both took our swords I pushed Edmund behind me.

"You really think you can deny me my right little King and Protector. Aslan know that unless I have blood as the law demands. All of Narnia will be over turn in fire and water" she declared

"That boy will die on the stone it tradition. You dare not refuse me"

"Enough. i will speak with you alone" the both left for his tent and I sat down and waited Edmund stated picking grass and I stopped him

"Don't hurt the grass" I joked causing him to smile.

"You look like a warrior out of a book" he told me

"Yeah right they are much better and braver than me"

"Says the one who stood between me and the witch" Peter stood up and we followed. The witch stepped out and made her way back. she looked at Edmund. Aslan came out next and we waited

"She has renounce her claim on the son of Adam's blood" we cheered.

"How do i know your promise will be kept"  she asked he roared and she sat down. we laughed as she left. I normally didn't do hugging or any kind of embrace but i was that happy Edmund was going to live i didn't care. He was shocked when i did but ultimately hugged back.


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