Chapter Seven - War

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That Night I went to sleep with hope. Hope for a better future, Hope for a better life, Hope to make lasting relationships and hope in general.

"Georgie, Georgie wake up" I groaned and moved away from the noise.

"Really?" the voice went I felt the covers being pulled off me

"Say wha" I shot up

"Georgiana" it was Edmund I rubbed my eyes

"What is it Edmund" I yawned

"It's Aslan he's dead"

"Boy from 1940 say what?"

"Susan and Lucy saw the witch kill him...he's gone" I got out of bed

"Oh this is so not good."

"They sent the trees to send a message everyone is waking up. Peter is with at his tent now. You coming" I nodded and put my shoes on then went to stand outside  Aslan's tent with Orieus and Edmund. Peter came out.

"She's right...he's gone" he leaned on the map of Narnia

"Then you'll have to lead us." Peter looked at Edmund "Peter there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you"

"I can't" he denied

"Aslan believe you could" I spoke "and so do we."

"the witch's army is nearing sire...what are your orders?" Orieus asked


I stood on top of a cliff with Edmund overlooking the battlefield I had changed into  armour . My sword and Dagger were round my waist and I held my bow in hand. I shared a look with Edmund as the griffin flew towards us screeching it came up the joined Peter below. From up here we could see the witches army and it was massive. Peter looked up to us and we nodded.

He took out his sword and held it up the trumpet sounded and the soldiers sheered holding up their weapons. The other side did the same and the minotaur screeched. They started charming towards us. Edmund took out his sword. Peter dropped down his and more griffin's flew over us holding boulders it was like the bombings happening in the war. They came closer.

"For Narnia and For Aslan!" Peter yelled and charged into battle. The soldiers on the ground followed

"He's got a voice on him hasn't he" I commented  they created a triangle with Peter at the front. It happened in slow motion like it is in films. We watched as they began to fight. 10 minutes in the witch began to move forward. Edmund lifted I sword up.

"Fire" he ordered  a Female centaur shot a flaming arrow which turned into a phoenix and lit itself before drawing a line of fire.

"Yes" Mr Beaver cheered but it was short lived as the witched used her wand to ice the flames. The signal was given

"That's the signal come on" we ran towards the rocks. I took out one of my arrows and got ready. We saw them falling into the rocks. Ed lift up his sword and  dropped it down we sent arrows flying in the sky. Everyone of them hit targets i took out another one then another one. We kept shooting our enemy. Peter was thrown of his horse Orieus looked at us before him and a rhino went charging.

"What's he doing" I asked he charged for the witch and didn't get a chance to battle before she turned him to stone.

"We have to get down there" Edmund stated and we left. I but my bow back in its quiver then took out my sword. I began fighting i don't know how long i was before i heard Peter's voice.

"Edmund there's too many...get the girls and get them home" he ordered I saw Mr Beaver take Edmund and I went on fighting. There was a blue light and i got distracted. Edmund fought the witch but was stabbed.

"Edmund!" I screamed I finished the minotaur and fought my way to him

"Peter get the witch I'll protect Edmund"  i fought around Edmund battling one creature after another until there was a roar. The witches army was surrounded and they surrendered. I dropped to Edmund side. There was a snarl and i saw the witches dwarf. i grabbed my arrow and shot him but i wasn't the only one. Susan, Lucy and Edmund arrived the rushed over and I stepped back. This was a family matter.

They took his helmet off and Lucy took out a cordial before letting a drop go into Edmunds moth it went quiet. Edmund started coughing and they showed signs of relief I smiled. Peter brought him into a hug then pulled away.

"When are you going to learn to do as your told?" he asked they just laughed and had a group hug. I saw Aslan as he breathed life into a stone statue. Lucy picked up her cordial and looked at the others before running off. Peter came up to me.

"I wanted to thank you. For protecting Edmund"


"No seriously. I hate to admit it but you do a better job than i do" I sighed and lift myself of the wall.

"Word of advice Peter, don't treat him like a subject treat him like a equal" I tapped his shoulder and walked off.

"Georgiana" i stopped and turned to Aslan "please kneel" i walked back the Pevensies were watching at i used my sword to put my weight on. Aslan put his paw on my shoulder then paused before taking it off.

"Rise Lady Georgiana Knight of Narnia" i looked up shocked I stood up and put my sword away.

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