Chapter Four - Hurt

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Edmund helped me off the sleigh and into the witches camp. We were pushed down bound and gagged before being tied to a tree. I was in extreme pain and losing blood fast. It was afternoon and I was becoming sleepy. The witch came up to us but knelt down in front of me.

"humm and how is our little protector." She gave a sickly sweet smile. Then brought out her wand I looked at it with fear as she slipped it up my t-shirt and dragged it across my skin.

"How does it feel being helpless? How does it feel being powerless." I screamed through my gag although it was muffled I felt Edmund move beside me

"Oh look at that your little King wants to protect you"  she laughed then look her wand away.

"You are much more trouble than your worth. I am going to enjoy killing you on front of your precious Kings and Queens." she stood up and turned around leaving.  I felt weak


I tried to help Georgiana but I couldn't my movement was restricted and I heard her muffled screams. When the witch left I heard her sobs and tried to find her hand. When I did she didn't hold back and that worried me. Ginabrick came over and started taunting me.

"Is our little Prince uncomfortable?" Does he want his pillow fluffed?" he wanted his jacket in my face then walked around

"Special treatment for the special boy" I snapped my head round "isn't that what you wanted"  he smirked and went to Georgiana.

"awh look your little protector is crying. She want so hard to be brave but she is just weak."  It became dark and Ginabrick was still taunting . He was stopped though when creatures I read about in books came running in and held him at sword point.

I was set free and un gagged before being pulled away.

"Wait Georgiana" I ran to her and her eyes were shut I looked to see her heavily bleeding "she needs help" the Centaur lifted her on his back then helped me up. We left and rode through the night.

The next morning we arrived in a camp where two fauns grabbed a stretcher and took Georgiana away. It was my fault she was like this

"Take her to the medical tent" I went to go with them.

"Edmund" i stopped and turned "She will be okay. follow me" I did so and we talked about why I did what I did and he forgave me

"Edmund!" I heard Lucy I looked at the three of them i looked back to Aslan.

"When you are rested you may see her" i nodded and we went to my sibling.

"What's done is done there is no need to talked to Edmund about what has passed." Aslan told them "Lucy when you have finished greeting your brother you are needed in the medical tent." with that he left

"Hello" I looked down at my shoes Lucy was the first one to hug me  I smiled and hugged back. I then was hugged by Susan.

"How are you feeling?" she asked

"Tired but Georgiana it worse than me"

"Who" Lucy asked me

"My protector or our protector. She was also captured by the witch." I told them and they nodded

"You should get some sleep" I nodded and went to walk away. "and Ed" I turned round "try not to wonder off" I gave him a smile and went to my tent.


After I changed I went to see Georgiana. When I saw her last she was in a bad way and I felt guilty. She had tried to protect me and put herself between me and the witch. I was grateful to her. It was not what i was expected  she was sat up in bed eyes opening drinking.

"Hello Edmund" she croaked then cleared her throat.

"You're awake" A faun came over

"She was lucky your sister came when she did, I doubted there is much we could have done for her" she bowed to me then continued with her work. I sat down next to her.

"I wanted to thank you. For putting yourself between me and the witch although I don't know why?"

"It's alright I felt like i had to do it or whatever I could" she put her cup down i saw her bruises were gone. Lucy must have healed them too.

"Georgiana who gave you the bruises I saw earlier." she looked away. I know it was none of my business but I wanted to know.

"Georgie" I called her she looked at me.

"My Dad. He's not a very nice man anymore and well it's my fault for looking like my Mum but you can't help genetics." she chuckled nervously

"Your dad this to you?"

"Yeah. Look can we keep this between ourselves I don't want anyone pitying me"

" Fine...are you aloud to walk" she looked over to the faun who came over

"Am I okay to walk"

"Of course my leady but you will be a bit weak at first but you should strengthen up. Oh and Aslan himself wants to speak with you after you've eaten" she left. and  she got out of bed she wobbled a bit but I steadied her.

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