Chapter Two - Survivor

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I  was a survivor and I adapted to survive. If people believe themselves to be characters from a book then i would blend in well as much as I could. I noticed I had fallen asleep when I was woken up by the sound of a door. One of the Cyclops' brought in a boy about my age and threw him  to the floor before chaining him to the same ring as me. I couldn't for the life of me remember who he was it was like I was slowly forgetting what I knew and it was starting with the book. A plate was put down in between us with two cups and some bread I went to split it in half before eating. I was so hungry I didn't care it tasted foul.

When the door closed they boys looked at his half of the bread for ages then tried to eat some of it but coughed it back up. He went for one of the cups yet threw it to the floor. It was ice.

"If..." Mr Tumnus coughed

"If you're not going to eat that" he sat up. The boy grabbed the bread and shuffled over to the hall that separated us and him.

"I'd get up but my legs" he took and ate it hungrily just like I did

"Mr Tumnus?" I wondered

"What's left of him" he replied then stared at the boy with no name.

"You're Lucy Pevensies brother" he stated

"I'm Edmund" he replied

"You have the same nose. Is your sister alright? Is she safe?" he asked there were barks outside and I jumped

"I don't know" there were doors opening again and the woman came in with the dwarf.

"My police tore that dam apart. Your little family are nowhere to be found." she put her hand on her him then pulled him up

"Leave him alone" I yelled she looked at me but ignored my plea

"Where did they go" she questioned him

"I don't know!" I pulled myself to my feet and tried to push her away she backhanded me and sent me to the floor.

"Then you are no further use to me" she dropped him to the floor and ready t strike. I was going to put myself in front of him.

"Wait the beaver said something about Aslan." he shouted and she stopped we looked at him.

"Aslan?...where?" she looked down at him

"I..." he struggled to form a sentence

"He's a stranger here, you majesty. He can't be expected to know anything." Mr Tumnus tried to sway her attention but the dwarf hit him.

"I said... where is Aslan?" she repeated her question

"I...I don't know I left before they said anything. I wanted to see you!" he admitted

"guard" a Cyclops came in "release the faun" he went over to Mr Tumnus and broke the shackles but also hurt him as well.

"Stop your hurting him" she hit me with her sick thing.

"Do you know why you're here faun"

"Because I believe in a free Narnia"

"You're here because here because he" she pointed at Edmund "turned you in...for sweeties" I looked at Edmund then away.

"Take him upstairs" she ordered "and ready my sleigh. Edmund misses his family." he looked away ashamed then the woman picked me up

"Ever interrupt me again protector and I will make sure you wished you'd never entered my dominion."  she threw me back down and I hit Edmund. she left us in silence.

"Are you family good?" i asked


"Are your family good do the treat you well" i clarified

"I suppose" he answered

"Then why did you turn them in. I would kill for a good family like yours" I rubbed my bruises on my legs.

"Who is she anyway?"

"You don't know" i shook my head

"No. I was in my father's car he was drunk and there were these two bright light. Next thing I know I wake up in the middle of a field. She with her little friends found me and kidnapped me. All I know is am in a place called Narnia and Mr Tumnus is a faun."

"Where are you from?" he questioned

"America. You?"

"England" I nodded

"What year because no one dresses like that where i come from" i pointed to his attire

"1940 why"

"Really that like 60-70 years ago"

"When are you from"

"2014" he looked shocked

"So who is she" i nodded back to the door.

"The Queen of Narnia. But my sister says she isn't really and everyone else calls her the white witch"

"I'm Georgiana by the way" I held my hand out

"Edmund" we sat there for a while before the guard broke our chains and the dwarf pushed us forward. The doors opened and I looked around there were lots of statues, one of them was Mr Tumnus. I tapped Edmund and pointed to where i was looking

"When you're ready son of Adam and Daughter of Eve" we walked foreword and for some unknown reason I grabbed a hold of Edmund's hand.

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