Mé Féin agus mo teaghlach- me and my family ✅

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(Me and My family)
Comment if you want me to tell you how its pronounced!

Teaghlach - family (in the house) / Tie-luck
Muintir - Family (relatives included) /moon-tur

Clann - children
Páiste- child / paw-shta
Páistí- children / paw-shtee
Leanmh - child / lan-niv
Leanaí - children / lan- nee

Tuismitheoir/ tuismitheoirí - parent/parents.

Mac - son
Mic -sons

Iníon - daughter / in-neen
Iníonacha - daughters /in-nee-na-ka

Deartháir - brothers / dra-har
Deartháireacha - brothers / dra-har-ra-ka

Deirfiúr - sister / dra-for
Deirfiúireacha - sisters /druh-for-ra-ka

Cúpla - twins /coo- pla
Leathchúpla - a twin / la- coo-pla

Leasathair - stepfather /lass-aww-her
Leasmháthair - stepmother / lass-vaw-her
Leasdeartháir - stepbrother /lass-dra-har
Leasdeirfiúr - stepsister / lass-dra-for

Seanathair - grandfather
Seanmháthair - grandmother

Daideo - grandad /daddy-oh
Mamó - granny/nana / mam-oh

Garmhac / Garmhic - Grandson / grandsons
Gariníon / Gariníonacha - Grandaughter / Granddaughters

Uncail - uncle
Aintín - aunt /an-teen

Nia - nephew
Neacht - niece /nee-yacht

Ainm - name /an-nim
Sloinne - Surname /slin-nah


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