gabh to take/
gaibhnigh to preen/
gair to acclaim/exclaim/roar
galraigh to infect/
galstobh to braise
geal to brighten/
geall to bet/promise/
gearr to cut/shorten/snip/
gin to conceive/generate
giorraigh to curtail/shorten
giortaigh to shrink/
glac to take/
glan to clean/
glaoigh to call/
gloinigh to glaze/
glám to clutch/grab/
gléas to adjust/
glónraigh to glaze
gnáthaigh to haunt
gníomhachtaigh to activate
gníomhaigh to activate/perform/act
gnóthaigh to earn
gob to peck/
goid to steal/
goil to weep/
gor to hatch/
gortaigh to hurt/
gread to batter/swish/wallop/
greamaigh to fasten
grean to engrave/grit
greasáil to nibble/
grinnléigh to peruse
griog to annoy/excite/incite/irritate/rile/tease/
griosaigh to fire/incite/stimulate/inspire
gráinigh to hate/
gráinseáil to nibble/
gríosc to broil
grúdaigh to brew
guailleáil to jostle/shoulder
gualaigh to char (burn)
géaraigh to aggravate/
géill to capitulate/give/submit/surrender