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cabhraigh    to assist
cailg    to bite
caill    to forfeit(lose)/miss/shed
cairt    to thaw??
cairtfhostaigh    to charter(plane)
caith    to cast(throw)/check(throw)/expend/fling/flip/hurl/toss/throw/wear
can    to speak
canbhasáil    to canvass
caoch    to daze/overwhelming(victory vi)/resounding(victory vi)
caoin    to cry (vi)/mourne (vi)/weep(vi)
caolaigh    to dilute/constrict
caomhnaigh    to conserve/preserve (keep safe)
carn    to accumulate
cas    to twirl
ceadaigh    to allow/approve/let(practise/claim/goal)
cealaigh    to annul/cancel/delete
cealg    to deceive
ceangail    to bind/fasten/hitch/teather
ceannaigh    to buy/purchase
ceap    to appoint/designate(to office)/devise
ceartaigh    to adjust(clock/scales/compass)/rectify(error)/rebuke/redress
ceiliúir    to celebrate(vi)/vanish
ceistigh    to interrogate/query/question/quiz
ciallaigh    to interpret
ciap    to annoy/besiege/harass/hound/plague/tease
ciceáil    to kick
cigil    to tickle
cinntigh    to assure/confirm/ensure
cionroinn    to allocate/distribute
ciorclaigh    to encircle
ciorraigh    to hack/maim/mangle
ciúnaigh    to becalm/hush/quell/sooth
clamhair    to maul
claochlaigh    to transform
claon    to incline/perverse/tilt/veer
cleacht    to ply(a trade)/rehearse
clip    to ?
clis    to conk-out
clois    to hear/overhear
cloígh    to overpower/digest/overwhelm(enemy)/repress/subdue/sap
cluimhrigh    to preen
cluin    to hear/overhear
clutharaigh    to muffle
cláraigh    to enroll
clóigh    to overpower/digest/overwhelm(enemy)/repress/subdue/sap
clúdaigh    to cover
cnag    to bash/crunch/knock/snap(sound)
cnaígh    to gnaw
cneasaigh    to heal
cniotáil    to knit
codail    to sleep(vi)
cogain    to chew(vi)
coigeartaigh    to update
coigil    to economise/save
coigistigh    to confiscate
coill    to castrate/geld/spay
coilínigh    to colonize
coimeád    to hold/keep/maintain/
coimhéad    to observe
coimrigh    to sum-up
cóineartaigh    to ?
coinnigh    to hold/retain/preserve/detain/keep/
coinsínigh    to consign
coip    to ferment/whip(as in whisk)
coir    to ?
coisc    to deter/obstruct(block)/preclude/prevent/prohibit/stave-off(attack)
coisric    to bless
comhaill    to fulfil
comhair    to count/reckon
comhairligh    to advise
comharthaigh    to denote/suggest
comhbhailigh    to aggregate
comhbhrúigh    to compress
comhdhearbhaigh    to ?
comhdhlúthaigh    to consense
comhfhadaigh    to justify(computing)
comhfhortaigh    to ?
comhfhreagair    to correspond
comhlíon    to discharge/fulfil/observe/perform(duties)/serve
comhordaigh    to coordinate
comhréitigh    to conciliate/harmonise (of texts)
comhtharlaigh    to coincide
comhtháthaigh    to integrate
conlaigh    to glean
corn    to bale/wrap-up
corpraigh    to incorporate
corraigh    to agitate/affect/budge/disturb/excite/stir(vi)
cosain    to defend/protect/safeguard
coscair    to hack/thaw
cothromaigh    to equalize(sport)
crap    to crumple/shrink(vi)
creach    to loot/pillage/plunder/ransack/rifle
creid    to believe
creim    to corrode/erode/thaw
creimseáil    to nibble
criathraigh    to riddle/sift
croch    to hang/suspend
croith    to shake/sprinkle/wag/waggle
crom    to crouch/droop/stoop
cros    to ban/prohibit/veto
croscheistigh    to cross-examine(law)
cruaigh    to hardened/toughened
cruinnigh    to gather
cruthaigh    to create/establish/prove
cráigh    to bother/harass/pester/annoy
créam    to cremate
críochnaigh    to accomplish/conclude/finish-off
cuardaigh    to frisk/prospect/search
cuidigh    to ?
cuimhnigh    to remember
cuimil    to fondle/rub/stroke/wipe
cuimsigh    to comprehend/include
cuir    to put
cum    to compose/form/invent/limit
cumaisc    to merge/mix
cumhdaigh    to protect/uphold(law)
cuntais    to count/reckon
cáiligh    to qualify
cáin    to condemn/criticize/fine/levy/penalize/slam/tax
céas    to crucify/hound/persecute/torture
cíor    to comb/scour(search)
cócaráil    to cook
cóimeáil    to assemble
cóineartaigh    to ?
cóirigh    to mend/overhaul/rig/straighten
cónaigh    to ?
cúbláil    to defraud/misappropriate
cúigeáil    to embezzle
cúisigh    to accuse
cúitigh    to compensate
cúngaigh    to create/establish/prove
cúrsáil    to cruise
daingnigh    to fortify/streng

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