sábh to saw
sábháil to save
sádráil to exceed/violate (as in history)/outclass (as in sport)/
sáigh to stab
sáinnigh to beset/hem
sáraigh to solder?
sásaigh to satisfy
sac to tuck
saibhrigh to enrich
saibhseáil to ?
saighid to incite/provoke
sainaithin to identify
sainigh to define
sainmhínmhínigh to define
samhlaigh to envisage/imagine/suppose/visualize
sann to assign
santaigh to covet
saobh to distort/pervert/warp
saor to emancipate/free
saothraigh to cultivate/farm/make/till
scag to filter/refine/sift
scaip to scatter
scaird to gush/jet/pour/splatter/spray/spurt/
scairt to shout
scall to poach/scald
scan to scan
scanraigh to appal/frighten/overawe/scare/terrify
scaoil to release/
scar to detach/diverge/unfold/
sceimhligh to terrify
sceith to divulge/overflow/spawn/spew
scil to divulge/shell/
scimeáil to enlist/enlist
scimeáil to enlist/enlist/
sciob to snatch
scioll to scold/
sciorr to skid
scoir to adjourn/detach/disband/disconnect
scoith to wean
scor to slash
scrabh to scrape
scrios to erase/to destroy
scrábáil to scrawl/scribble/squiggle
scréach to screech/
scríobh to write
scrúdaigh to examine
seachaid to deliver
sealbhaigh to possess
séan to deny/disown (son)/outgrow (clothes)/repudiate/renounce
séid to blow/inflate
searbhaigh to embitter
searg to shrivel/wilt/wither
seas to stand
seiceáil to check/test
seiftigh to improvise
seilg to hunt/prey
seinn to sound/perform/play (all of music)
seol to dispatch/remit/sail/send
sioc to congeal/freeze/frost
siortaigh to forage
siúntaigh to shunt (as in rail)
slad to destroy/devastate/loot/pillage/plunder
sleamhnaigh to glide/slide/slither
slog to engulf/swallow/swig/
slánaigh to redeem
slíoc to pat/pet/
smachtaigh to control/dominate/restrain
smaoinigh to think
smeadráil to smear/
smear to grease/smear/
smiot to swat
smol to blight
smuigleáil to smuggle
smálaigh to blot/blur/tarnish
smúr to sniff
snaidhm to knit/knot
snoigh to carve
snámh to swim
socraigh to settle
soilsigh to enlighten/illuminate/shine
soiléirigh to elucidate
soláthair to gather/procure/provide/supply
sonraigh to distinguish/perceive/remark
spall to spall (small chip of fragment)
spalp to shrivel?
spoch to castrate
spreag to urge/inspire
spáráil to spare
spíon to exhaust
spól to carve
srac to drag/extort/strive
sraon to deflect
sreangaigh to wire
srian to curb/restrain
sroich to arrive/reach
sruthlaigh to rinse
stad to stop
steall to dash/spatter/squirt
steiriligh to sterilize
stiúir to manage/navigate/steer
stoith to extract/uproot
streachail to dissipate/squander
stócáil to stoke
suaimhnigh to placate/quieten
suaith to massage/shuffle
suigh to sit
suiteáil to install
síl to seep/trickle
síolraigh to breed/
sóinseáil to change
súigh to sit
tabhaigh to deserv