Drunk Bill

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Much to Eddie's dismay the first few weeks of school were quite boring and had a serious lack of hot guitar boy. Except for the few awkward encounters in the hallway (that usually ended in Richie making a comment about how short and adorable Eddie was) nothing between the two had really happened. He was sitting on his bed doing yet another homework assignment two weeks early trying as hard as he could to ignore the loud music coming from the room across the hall.

Okay Eddie focus who was president in 1958, he looked down at his assignment racking his brain for the answer as he tapped his pencil on his forehead.

The door opened, and shut with a loud bang drew his attention up from his assignment, and honestly, he was thankful. Bill walked in pacing the room muttering to himself about something that Eddie couldn't make out. He was running his fingers through his hair and looked like death.

"Okay, what's going on?" Bill looked up at him and for the first time since he entered the room and Eddie noticed how bloodshot his eyes were clearly he had been crying.

"Ed-d-ie I was ov-ver at St-ah-ah-ans... SHIT!" Bill sat down on his bed burying his face in his hands. Eddie made his way over to him facing the distraught boy. He was obviously very drunk from the look in his eyes, and Eddie could smell strong liquor on his him.

"Bill just breathe tell me what happened," this normally worked to calm him down, but he had never seen Bill this drunk before. Even when they were in High School and would go to parties he never got plastered.

What the hell did Stan and Richie give him? He looked down at the boy ready to talk him through it when he realized Bill had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and pulled a blanket over him reminding himself to ask Bill about it in the morning.

He could hear the music getting louder, and looking at his clock it was getting late. He had three classes tomorrow so this was going to be a long night of not sleeping.

Eddie woke up to the delightful sound of puking coming from his roommate. "Oh my gosh, my head has never hurt worse than right now." Bill groaned grabbing his head with an uncomfortable pale look on his face. Eddie stood up and walked over to his desk throwing Bill a bottle of ibuprofen. He winced at the smell wafting from the garbage can and tried to ignore it focusing on the main issue.

"So... are you going to explain what happened last night?" Eddie crossed his arms looking at Bills expression which changed to sadness, his eyes shifting from the floor to Eddie nervously.

"Honestly id rather not talk about it." He pressed his face into his pillow and sighed. "You're going to have to tell me, eventually I am going to figure it out." Eddie sassed back knowing that if he didn't push Bill the boy would never admit anything and he didn't want to deal with sulking Bill all year long.

"I guess you're right..." he sat up wincing from the obvious pain of his hangover. "Last night there was a party at Richie and Stans as you know," Eddie nodded rolling his eyes remembering how the music did not stop until four in the morning.

"Well you know how I have been trying to get Stan to like me, and we've been flirting back and forth," he shifted uncomfortably. "Well things were going really well we were talking, and dancing almost kissed a few times I even got his phone number." Bill looked down at his hands and Eddie could see tears forming in his eyes. "I went to get another drink and when I came back I saw him making out with some random guy!"

Tears started streaming down his face and he didn't bother to wipe them away as they soaked into his shirt. "So when I saw him doing that with that guy I didn't know what to do so started to drink more, pretty sure I made out with someone and the last thing I remember was that ended up back here somehow." He sounded panicked and scared almost as if he was ashamed of himself.

The Boy Across The Hall  (Reddie)Where stories live. Discover now