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A young girl no older than five and her sister who was no older than one sat next to their mother's bed and wept. Their mother had died, the younger one was confused, but still crying for her mother to respond.

Soon their father came in and told them to go out, the older girl listened as the younger just sat there and cried for she is not but a baby. The father started yelling, making the poor child cry more so the older one took her out.

A year later the death of their mother, their father turned very cold and ignored them completely. They started to lean on each other more and more as the days passed. It was yet another year before a terrible thing happened, the young girl got lost. She had no idea what happened or how she got there, so we wondered. With no idea of where she was going she hoped to see your older sister.

"Lushi" She mumbled not knowing how to say her older sister's name, Lucy, right. She started crying, she couldn't find her house or sister anywhere. This went on for an hour before she sat down, she didn't stop crying even then.

A shadow covered her figure, worried, the toddler looked up. What she saw was a dragon, a white and gold dragon who looked like it shimmered in the light. "Child, why are you crying?" "I-i Lost. Lushi gone." The child could barely say a proper sentence. "What is your name?" "I-ishita." The small child replied, "Want to Stay with me untill we find your parents and your sister? I'll teach you magic." "Magic?" She asked, "Yes dear, how about it? My name is Stellar, the celestial dragon." "Ok..."

Years later.

A six year old stood infront of a dragon, practicing magic. "Celestial dragon roar!!!" The young girl yelled, a large amount of magic came from her knocking quite a few trees down. "Good job Ishita." "Thanks Stellar!" The girl smiled sweetly at the dragon in front of her, as if she had known her all her life. "Let's go back home now child, ok?" "Hai." Ishita said following Stellar.

They walked into a cave and Ishita started right away on cooking. "Will I be able to use celestial keys soon too?" "Yes, here. After you are done cooking I'll teach you how to use them."

Ishita's POV

I can't wait to learn celestial magic, I've had this golden celestial key for as long as I can remember and have always wanted to use it, but not knowing how has always been a bummer. I remember it's name was Capricorn? I'm not quite too sure.

I finished dinner and served it up for Stellar and I. "Food Stella!" I yelled into the cave, she came into the main area and turned into her human form. She had White hair and a white dress with golden trims on it, she also had golden eyes.

We are dinner and I crossed another day off our calendar, 6th of July X777. After that Stella and I wash off the dirt and grime on us before she tucks me in and tells me a story. "Goodnight my ray of light." "Night Stell." I said before finally falling asleep.

I awoke the next day to a letter and a key. The letter read.

Dear Ishita,

I'm sorry to have to leave you, if I had a choice to stay I would take it, but I can't. I left you this key, it's a rare Bronze key. I hope you find it useful. The celestial spirit's name is eclipse, she is the spirit of the night and day.

To call her say "Open gate of the gardian of night and day, Eclipse." Ok? And don't spend your time on looking for me, you won't find me. Instead continue looking for your sister. I'm sure she still misses you.

Good luck on your long journey.

Sincerely, Stellar.

I didn't notice I had tears streaming down my face until one landed on the letter. I quickly wiped the tears away before grabbing what she gave me, some clothes and food before running out of our cave.

My bare feet hitting with every step I take. I ran, for hours it seems before I decide to sit down. I knew crying won't fix anything so I got some food out of my bag I put everything in and started eating. I got out some vegetables and quickly ate them before hearing something coming towards me. I jump up ready to fight.

"Who's there? Reveal yourself!" I yell, getting into a fighting stance. A short man with grey hair. "Calm down child, I'm not here to harm you." My stance faltered a bit, but I kept still. "Why should I believe you, Stellar said not to go near strangers because they are dangerous." The old man walked closer to me, but I stood my ground. "I'm not wanting to hurt you in any way. I was simply coming over to see why you are by yourself?" He asked, "None of your business, but If you have to know I am looking for my older sister." I state, I am now standing normally. "May I know her name?" "No, private information." I sit back down and start eating, if he was going to hurt me he would have already. "Well, how about this. You come with me back to my guild and if you like it you tell me your sister's name." I mubble under my breath, it not like I have anywhere to go. "Fine, but I'll leave right away if I don't like it." "That's fine, now pack up your things and follow me." The old man lead me through the forest, as we walked my memories with my sister came up.

"Come on Ishi! You can do it!" Lucy cheered to the toddler Infront of her. "L-lu" "Try again Ish." "L-lushi." Lucy was teacher her younger sister how to talk. "Good job! But it's Lucy, not Lushi, but we will work on that later."

The memory of when I was two and Lucy was trying to teach me how to talk it's funny, I can now say her name perfectly.

My mind then flashed to when I first met Stellar.

"Lushi" She mumbled not knowing how to say her older sister's name, Lucy, right. She started crying, she couldn't find her house or sister anywhere. This went on for an hour before she sat down, she didn't stop crying even then.

A shadow covered her figure, worried, the toddler looked up. What she saw was a dragon, a white and gold dragon who looked like it shimmered in the light. "Child, why are you crying?" "I-i Lost. Lushi gone." The child could barely say a proper sentence. "What is your name?" "I-ishita." The small child replied, "Want to Stay with me untill we find your parents and your sister? I'll teach you magic." "Magic?" She asked, "Yes dear, how about it? My name is Stellar, the celestial dragon." "Ok..."

I sigh before I hear the old man say we are here. I look up and see a tall building, he walked in and opened the doors to what seemed like madness.

Done, yes it is a long prologue I get it. I just wanted it to be long. Ok, that's it guys. Bye!

Word count : 1247

A Celestial Bond 《Fairy Tail》[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now