{|Chapter Seven | Finally, A Happy Family|}

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Just so you guys don't get confused, if you remember I said that Lucy knew for a few weeks before she left so she should at least be eight or nine months pregnant now. Play Music When I Say.

Natsu's POV

It's been seven months since I came back to the past. The kids are going to be born anytime now. Luce and I talked about it and agreed to call them Nashi and Luke. We knew it was going to be twins and a girl and a boy.

It was hard to get use to it all the first month or so after I came back. I mean Luce is alive and our kids haven't even been brought into this world yet. We also had Luce get a checkup about that illness and it turns out in runs in her family. If she wasn't careful it could of gotten much worse and killed her in however many years time. They said there was a way to at the very least double her life. Which 24 years at the very least to live is good news.

She has been getting a shot to keep it at bay every month and it makes the chances of Nashi and Luke getting it smaller which is great.

"Natsu? Can you get me some food?" I heard Lucy shout from the couch. I quickly got her some food, last time I said do it yourself I couldn't move for an hour. Geez it really hurt, that's for sure. "Here Luce." She smiled at me as a thanks before digging in. I laugh at her childishness, I know I shouldn't since I'm useraly a lot worse, but I think Nashi is always wanting food. Even when she isn't even born. Yup, my child for sure she is.

Oh and the magic council locked up the dark guild who were starting on the eclipse gate. They were shocked at how I knew, but I got thanked and they even said they could turn a blind eye to the last land mass I destroyed, but just one time. I laugh at the memory. Who knew the council would actually let me off the hook once. I thought they hated me... Oh well!

I couldn't wait to finally meet Nashi and Luke again, I never had played a part in their childhood, at least not a proper one.

~Time Skip~

Luce gave birth to the twins a week ago, they are so cute. Nashi's pink hair has already begun to show. Luke is so quiet, not that I was surprised as he useraly kept to himself in the future. Nashi's was currently demanding food from Luce. I just laugh at the scene. I was holding Luke and rocking him to sleep. It was about time for both of them to have a nap and it was clear Nashi didn't want one.

"Here, take Luke and I'll deal with Nashi, I know you're very tired Luce." I give her Luke and she passes me Nashi. "Thanks Natsu." With that I leave Lucy in our bed and take Nashi out of the room. "Hey Nash, how's a bed time song sound?" She tilts her head and makes a cute gurgle sound while smiling. "Yes it is then." With that I sing a lullaby Nashi and Luke once sung to me, they said Luce sung it to them when they were younger all the time.

(Play Music)

Hush now my Storeen

Close your eyes and sleep

Waltzing the waves

Diving the deep

Stars are shining bright

The wind if on the rise

Wispering words of long lost lullabies

Oh, won't you come with me?

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun

We'll be sailing

Oh, won't come with me?

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by

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