{|Chapter Six | Hoshimi And Celestial Spirit's|}

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(Some art I did yesterday of Lucy. I'll show you guys my Natsu next chapter.)

(Ps. I used my school pencils.)

Sorry guys if this chapter sucks, I am sick and a bit tired so this won't be my best writing, but I got to watch some fairy tail and can do a chapter or two before I slowly branch into my own kind of fairy tail plot. Like I said I won't stick to the whole plot because I prefer to be more original. I also didn't take the Lucy's sister from anything as I though of the idea myself. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Ishita's POV

I was walking through the forest back to the guild from a job. I didn't want to catch the train and walking would only take me two or three hours so I decided to spare myself and walk.

While walking through the thickest part of the forest I hear soft cries. Me being me and me being the curious person I am, I followed the noise. When I got to the source of the noise I was shocked. It was a cream and purple exceed.

"Hey little fella. What's wrong? Why are you out here so deep in the forest by yourself?" I was on my knees as not to impose as such a dangerous creature. "I got lost.. I-i had a h-home I build, but I-i got lost.." "Do you live with anyone?" I asked the now shaking Exceed. "N-no." I smiled one of my sweetest. "Want to come home and live with me? You see I am a dragon slayer and us Dragon slayers useraly have exceeds and I don't have one yet. If you come with me I'll provide you with a warm home and plenty of food. What do you say?" "O-ok, but what's y-your name miss?" "I'm Ishita Heartfilia from Fairy tail. Now is it ok if I pick you up?" I ask her. She nods shyly and I pick her up like I would a baby.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I ask her once again. "It's Hoshimi, it means starlight, so you can just call me star if you want." I smile happily at her, "Ok, star it is. I feel like we are going to have some great fun."


After I make it out of that forest I decide to bring her straight to the fairy tail guild. "Ready to join the fairy tail guild? The strongest guild in Fiore?" I asked Star, "Yeah! It seems so amazing and wonderful at the same time." It was a bit of a shock when Star warmed up to me and got real energetic, but that was her personality.

I stand Infront of the door, Star now on my head. "You ready?" "I was born ready!" She exclaimed quite happily. I kick to doors open and walk in, everyone goes silent. "I'm home Minna!" I yell, everyone cheers before I get people crowding me and asking questions which I say I'll tell the the answer to later.

I walk up to the second floor and stand Infront of the guild master's office doors. "Why are we here? Are we going to talk to the guild master?" Star asked me quietly. "Nope!-" I walk inside and place her on one on the chairs. "-This is my office, I'm the guild master." "Nani!!??!" Star yelled in disbelief, I knew this would be her reaction.

"I've been guild master since I was 13 actually due to some unlucky situations." Her eyes suddenly saddened. "So you lost your childhood at 13... That's sad." I just smile effortlessly at her. "Not really, being the guild master, it was amazing! It was quite possibly the best 7 years of my life. It was so interesting for me that it was more fun than what some people would call it 'a pain in the ass'." I could hear Star giggling slightly before I heard a knock on my door. I sit down and place Star on my lap. "Come in." I state simply. As soon as the door opens I see some long blonde hair. "What do you want Lucy?" I ask kindly, I could also tell it's her because of her scent of Strawberries and vanilla.

"Ish? I heard you found an exceed." Lucy stated as she walked in the door and sat down. "Yeah, her name is Star. I found her lost in the thickest part of the forest so I took her in and now I'm going to be helping her." I show Lucy the cream and purple exceed in my lap.

"I'm Hoshimi or Star for short, Ishita said I'm going to stay with you and her." "Perfect. My little sister finally has an exceed." Lucy smiles at Star, it was a kind smile she gives to you when she likes you.

I giggle silently at the two before standing up, Star now on my desk. "Well, it's 7:00pm. How about we go home and I cook some dinner?" I offer. "Sure! Your cooking is great Ish!" Lucy said, she seemed very happy today. "Well let's go!" Star said before taking off, into the main area of the guild and out the doors. Lucy an I laugh before we both run after the young Exceed.


I was finished dinner and served it to the two, setting down a plate for myself as well. I cooked Steak and a salad as everyone seems to love my steaks and with salads you can't really go wrong. I sat down as they both thank me and start eating.

"Oh yeah, Ishita what type of Dragon slaying do you use?" Star asked out of the blue. "Oh, simple! I use Celestial dragon slayer!agic which also allows me to use the powers of a normal Celestial mage like Lucy, but Lucy is of course stronger than your 'normal' celestial mage even if they are quite rare." While I was looking at Star I could see a blush of Lucy's cheeks in the corner of my eye before she stood up and washed her dishes.


"Hey, Ishi! Star! Want to come with Yukino (Is that how you spell it?) Natsu, happy and myself to reward our zodiac spirits for their hard work closing and opening the eclipse gate?" She asked us, I looked at Star. I had Capricorn's and Loke's key so I should... "Yep!" Star suddenly stepped up for me, making the decision.

"Alright! Let's go!" Lucy said before pulling is to where Yukino, Natsu and Happy where waiting. Once we got there we stared walking to where we were going to summon them.


Hoshimi/Star's POV

"Were here!" Lucy cheerfully annouced, "good, it felt like my poor little cat lugs where going to fall off. I should of flew, but I am getting a round tummy." Happy complained, he walked the whole way.

Ishita picked him up and started tickling. "We all walked! And because you complained you get tickles!" Ishita was grinning at Happy who she was currently tickling.

I flew up into the sky a bit and watched the whole thing played out. "Now, let's get this over and done with! Open gate of the goat and lion! Capricorn and Leo!" Ishita said summoning them at the same time. "Hey guys, Lucy, Yukino and I are doing whatever you want for your hard work with the Eclipse gate." She smiled sweetly at them. "Oh really?" Leo said, he then went and flirted with Yukino. Ishita, Lucy and I sigh as I flew back down. "Leo! Really!?" I heard Ishita say before she closed his gate and turned to Capricorn, "You may ask for us to do whatever you guys want us to do now."

Capricorn then continues to then reads us poems he has written. Some where ok while others were cringe worthy.

He finished and the others summoned their spirits and did their tasks they wanted from them. Some more inappropriate than others. Once done everyone was tired. Those spirits where quite the handful.

"How about we head back, I'll make lunch and Lulu's, Star's and my place! How about it?" Ishita asked, Natsu and Happy cheered and Lucy and Yukino said they thought it would be a great idea.


Ishita's POV

I make tons of sandwiches and cooked lots of meat and steamed vegetables which Happy and Natsu stared eating in large amounts straight away. At least I knew their hunger before I cooked everyone food.

We all started chatting a eating, this was one of my most relaxed afternoons I've had for awhile now.

Done, now this may be called short again, but this is longer than my starter chapters so it's still good in my opinion. Sorry if it's bad, again I am sick and may not be at the best of my capabilities in writing.

Word count : 1488

A Celestial Bond 《Fairy Tail》[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now