{|Chapter Twelve | The Children She Hides|}

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~Two Weeks After The Party~

Lucy's POV

I was currently sitting at the guild, the whole thing that happened earlier today shook me. I'm sure Natsu and I did something that I will regret. I hope we did it resposibly, but since we were drunk I doubt so.

I sat up straighter and felt this sudden urge to throw up. I cover my mouth before slouching again, letting my hand fall. I felt terrible now, I wonder why.

~Time Skip~

I had found out a few weeks ago, I was pregnant. It was early enough you could not see the bump yet, but I knew soon it would be starting to show.

No one, but Ishita knows. Not Natsu, no way would I tell him. Even if it's his children I'm scared if I tell him he will hate me and leave me. I know deep down I am being silly, but I can't help it! I love him too much to loose him.

I plan to go to the guild and tell Ishita I'll be leaving. I know she'll want to come with me for sure. I hope she does because I don't want to raise a child or two alone, but she should stay with her partner. They were engaged after all. I know if she comes she will tell him and he'll visit and help.

I get dressed and head to he guild, I was feeling ok today. Before I left I summon Virgo and ask her to pack all my stuff and bring it to the spirit world. It's easier to transport that way.

As I walk down the streets I think about how Natsu will act like when he finds out I've left the guild... I hope he is fine without me. Even if I love him more than he could know, I hope he will be better without me than I will without him.

I stand at the front of the guild doors and open them. The first people I see are Natsu and Happy. I smile and wave, "Hey! Natsu, Happy." Natsu comes up to me and kisses me to which I do the same. "I love you Luce." "I love you too, oh and thank you." He seemed a bit confused when I said that.

"What do you mean?" "Thank you for everything, for bringing me here, for saving me all those times, for letting me fall in love with you. Thank you for it all." I looked up at him with a smile on my face, his eyes held worry. "Is there a reason your saying all this Luce?" I shook my head, "Nope! I couldn't leave you!" I smile one last time, hug before kissing him and leaving for the bar.

"A strawberry milkshake please Mira." "Coming right up Lucy!" Mira looks so happy today, I wonder why. She gives me my strawberry milkshake and leaves to go serve other customers.

I finish my drink and head to my sister's office, or as most people call it, the master's office. I knock on the door to which I get a come in. I walk in and see Ishita finishing some paperwork. "Sis, I want to leave the guild." I could see she didn't look surprised. I think she saw this coming. "I knew this would happen, it's about what I think, right?" She asked, to which I simply nodded.

"Ok, but I'm coming with you. I saw this coming so I packed and told gramps I was going to step down as master and he is going to be master again. I dont care what excuse you use because I'm coming with you. Aki already knows and has not and will not tell a soul. I swear."

I smile at my younger sister, she was a wonderful person. She grabs the stamp, stamping it over where my guild mark is and removes it. "Let's go, make a new like for you and your family. Ok?" She winked at me, I laugh at her. She's a Great sister to have.

~Time Skip~

Ishita's POV

These two children are little monsters. A girl and a boy, twins. They both act like Natsu and it doesn't help they are at their terrible threes. "Nashi! Luke! Come back here! You two need to finish eating." It doesn't help Nashi, the girl had the same magic as me and could use it. Luke, the boy knew Natsu's magic and could use it. Not fun.

I was currently chasing one of them, I had just gotten Luke and I'm chasing around Nashi. They are both intelligent like their mother which makes it even worse! "Guys! If you finish eating and are good I'll tell you storied of your daddy again." With that both of the stopped and ran to the table and started eating. They both love their father's stories.

Lucy didn't tell the about him because she still has a broken heart to look after, but I love telling his stories.

"Ok, done? Now, let's continue from last time! Your father was battling the dragon with the help from a fire dragon. The defeated to dragon with hard work and the will to win for the sake of his friends. He hit the dragon so hard it went flying right into something Mummy was trying to destroy! It helped her lots."

"Your Mummy and Daddy celebrated with everyone else. It was a magical night! And after we had this giant party because we won!-"

"-Mummy and Daddy where stuck on that island for seven years, not against one bit! I wasn't there with them so I went from 13 straight to 20 when they were gone! It was if I was not older than them!-"

"-Your Mum was so cool! So summoned to celestial king! So even found her friend again, her celestial spirit Aquarius. Her key only broke and made a new one and was somewhere else, but your Mummy still managed to find her because she loved her!-"

"-I think that's enough to storied for tonight." I wispered, seeing both of them asleep. It was now nighttime. I kiss the both on the head and go to the kitchen and start cleaning. Wiping the bench and washing the dishes, etc. I then vacuumed and mopped. Cleaning the house in a general aspect.

"I'm home!" I heard Lucy call from the front door, she just got back from work. "Hey Lulu! Welcome back, dinner is in the fridge. Kids are in bed and the house in generally clean." "Thanks again Ishi!" She said before hugging me. "No worry, I'm your sister after all. The kids have a great time with me anyway! Don't worry too much about it!" I smiled at my older sibling. She is amazing. I love her to bits.

"Thank you so much and I'm sorry for having you hide my children."

Another chapter! Oh and I did the dot point thing this time as well. I hope you enjoyed!

Twelve -{ Lucy gets pregnant with twins which are Natsu's children, he doesn't know about them because Lucy was scared. Ishi found out as Lucy told her first, she appointed Gramps. She wrote a letter to the guild saying something like Lucy and her are going on 10 or more mission so she would step down as master and give that title to Gramps untill they get back.

Word count : 1240

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