{|The Children She Left Behind | Chapter One|}

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Nashi's POV

I wake up to Aunt Ishi getting us out of bed so we get to school on time yet again. School is such a hassle honestly, I already know everything they teach us and so does Luke. We aren't dumb. Probably due to Aunty teaching us very high levels of these subjects and she did promise us if we do good in school she'll teach us lots of magic, just we can't let Mum know.

I slowly crawl out of bed and get dressed into my outfit which consisted of a light blue shirt with some sort of design on the front, a grey skirt, white knee high socks, grey flats and my hair into a side ponytail with a blue ribbon.

I shake Like who was still sleeping, waking him up. He gets dressed in the same thing as me but shorts instead of a skirt, ankle length socks and grey sneakers. He also had no ribbon in his hair or anything of course.

We walk downstairs to find Aunt Ishi serving some bacon and eggs on toast onto three plates. "Where is Mummy, Aunty?" I ask. "She already went to work. Now eat up, I need to clean the place and be off to work as well so your Mum doesn't get stressed, but when I come back and it's after school time want to practice your magic if your mother isn't here?" We both nod Quickly before continuing on with our meal.

Once done we say our thanks and goodbyes before we head to school. Luke and I walk together, but our friends join us and we all start talking about magic. "You know people who have magic and use it as a job are called mages." A friend of ours said, her name was Yuui. She took a pause before continuing. "Mages make magic groups called guilds, one of the strongest guilds are called Fairy tail! If I knew magic I would for sure join it!" Yuui was interested with anything magic so was another friend Lily. Luke and I mostly have the same friends which leads to a lot of friends that are of the female gender.

"Lily, I can show you something, but you and Yuui can't tell anyone about it, ok?" I ask them both, they look to me, nodding before I decide to go through with it. I use my magic to form a star. I show it to both of them, they look at it was eyes, sparking like the star itself. "Cool! How did you learn this Nashi?" They ask me, I make the star disappear before talking. "Our family has magic in it and our Mum has celestial magic while our Dad and Aunt have dragon slayer magic! So I'm like our Aunt and Mum and have celestial dragon slayer magic as well as normal Celestial magic while Luke has fire dragon slayer magic! Cool right? And Aunty said she was in fairy tail and was the master! She is so cool." I said looking at the sky with stars in my eyes.

"Yeah! That's awesome!! My family is so boring compared to yours." "Yeah, but having money and magic isn't that exciting. I wish I had an exceed though! Aunty has one. Doesn't she Luke?" Luke nods, he prefers to stay quiet while I talk.

"Wow, cool! You have a talking cat that can fly you around. So lucky!" I just smile at them, I'm glad I have friends. I don't know how life would be like not being able to share my father's and mother's adventures with others that aren't Luke or Aunty.

We get to school and walk inside, we are in 3rd grade, Luke and I. It's easy work.


I sigh putting my hand up for the answer. "Yes Nashi." "The answer is 42 Sensei." I state, we were doing easy maths. Adding and subtracting.

I hear everyone complain, Luke and I are top students and are useraly the first to put our hands up and we get the question right straight off the bat. It makes everyone mad, but some find is interesting and ask us how we are so smart.

A few minutes roll by and the bell goes, I grab my bag, pack my things and I'm the first put the door. My pink hair flowing behind me, as well as my scarf that Aunty says looks like Daddy's because it has a dragon scale pattern. She said mummy made it when Luke and I were babies. I stop at the exit of the school, seeing Luke waiting for me. I run up to him, grab his arm and start dragging him back home. Running.

"I'm so excited!! We are going to learn more magic today Luke!" "Yep! This is going to be fun." We laugh before running all the way home, side by side. Most kids don't think we are even bother and sister, let alone twins which I find funny when we tell them that we are in fact twins. The faces they pull are so funny!

We reach our front door and quickly catch our breath before going inside. "Aunt Ishi! We're back!" We yelled, but we heard a crash. We run into the lounge room and Find five men and Mummy with Aunty. "Kids stay back, if they get close use the magic I showed you." I heard Aunt say, mum was shocked that Aunt Ishi let us learn magic, but recovered and stared fighting.

"Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!" Aunt Ishi yelled, she was holding a celestial key. "Open! Gate of the maiden! Virgo!" Mummy shouted, I didn't know she still uses magic... A man in a tux and a lady in a maids outfit popped out of nowhere and started fighting the big guys. One got through and went after Aunty, she moved out of the way and flipped him, standing on his neck, paralysing him. Another one got through and went at Aunty again, but mummy got Aunty out of trouble by drop kicking the guy and using a spell on him. Aunty used a spell on the guy she was on as well before they both pick us up, one each and start running with us.

"What's happening?" I question, I was too shocked throughout that fight to say a thing. "Some bad people are coming for mummy because she and I have some very special keys. Remember how I told you about the celestial zodiac keys? Well together Mummy and I have ten of them so that makes us a good target if you want them and don't need every single one."

I sigh in realisation. This is not good. "Are the guys chasing us from one of the bad guilds? Was it called Dark guilds, I think?" Luke asked. They had put us down now and we were running to the train station. It seemed like they had emergency Jewel. "Loke returned. I'm sure Virgo did too so we have to hurry, ok?" Aunty spoke to Mummy. We got to the train station and got on the first train. It was heading to Hargeon. Where's that? I think Aunty said something about it before, but I forgot...

"This brings back memories..." I looked at Mummy and she was looking sadly out the window. I was sitting next to her so I snuggle up to her and wrap my arms around her, my head against her boob as a way to surportmy head. "I love you Mama." I say, hugging her tighter. "I love you too very much sweety, I love you as well Luke. Thank you so much Ishi for every. I know without you I might as well been taken and the kids would be alone, so thank you for that." Aunt Ishi just smiled softly at mummy, "I'll be your lil' sis till the end." Aunt just smiled after she had said that, you could tell from miles away they really did love each other dearly.

"We need to go back, we need help. We need to go back to FAIRY TAIL"

Another dot point thing. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapters! I love you all, see you all!

The Children She Left Behind | One -{• Nashi has Lucy's magic. Nashi has Natsu's personality and looks but Lucy's eyes. Nashi is like Ishita and can use Celestial dragon slayer magic because of Natsu's dragon slayer magic and Lucy's Celestial magic.

One -{• Luke has Natsu's magic and Lucy's looks and personality but has Natsu's eyes. He is great with hand to hand combat.

One -{• Nashi and Luke are told about their dad and shown pictures by Ishita while Lucy is out as much as she can because she wants them to know their father as well as they could. Aki visits them sometimes after jobs because Ishi said where they live in a letter.

One -{• Nashi and Luke went to school at a non-magic school where it does not teach magic, but the norm like Maths and Science, English etc. They were taught magic by Ishita, also when Lucy wasn't home. Lucy hid her guild mark and Ishita's hair always covered hers unless she had her hair in a bun or something.

Word count : 1547

A Celestial Bond 《Fairy Tail》[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now