{|Chapter Eight | Aki The Dragon Slayer|}

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I will now be making more of my own plot and leaving the original one behind. Sorry for those who wanted me to follow the plot, but I like being more creative.

Song- {Fairy Tail Fairy's Glitter Ost - Extended}

Ishita's POV

Lucy, Natsu and Happy all went on a job together to find this special unmeltable ice or something, it's meant to be 'special' anyway.

I think it's weird they chose that one, but if they want to freeze half to death they can be my guest because I'm not doing that, no way.

Just thinking about it makes me cold so I decided to go for a walk around Magnolia since it's such a nice little town. While walking I looked into different windows, there was plenty of colourful and amazing things everywhere.

I was tapped on the shoulder getting me pulled out of my trace like state. "Hmm, yes what you like?" I ask, it was a man, slightly taller that me with short brown hair and forest green eyes. "U would like to know how to get to Fairy tail, please ma'am." I smiled one of my best smiles and start talking to him, "Sure, follow me. Don't worry because I currently have nothing better to do. It's this way!" I pointed to the direction of our guild hall. "If I may, can I ask why you want to join?" I ask the man politely. "I am a wizard and am looking for a good powerful guild to join with a good reputation. Fairy tail just seemed perfect fit for it." He states. "Well we are here, I hope you join and have a good time!" I say smiling, he seems quite nice. Oops, didn't ask him his magic. Oh well I've got to go in my office now. I sneek around where he is so he doesn't see me and go into my office.

"Master? There is someone here for you." I heard Mira's voice on the other side of the door. It is most likely the guy, I see the door open to reveal Mira and that man from earlier. "This gentleman would like to join the guild." She said gesturing to him and he currently had his eyes as wide as saucers.

"And we meet again, you know you were luck to bump into me earlier. I got to meet you before you even joined the guild." I smiled at him. "Your fairy Tail's master?" He asked, he still seemed unsure. "Yep! Due to some unexpected things happening in the past I was put as master at the young age of 13 and I still am. Even if I did appoint someone else." I wispered the last bit to myself, but even so he laughed.

"Ok! Now down to business, what's your name and magic?" I ask him, I have yet to know both. "My name is Aki Funai, I am a second generation dragon slayer." "Master, we now have six dragons slayers!" Mira cheered excitedly, "I thought there was only four, Laxus, Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel." "Nope, there is one more and that's the most powerful one your missing." I slightly glared at Mira, but started giggling myself.

"It is true, we have five not four." I sigh, "really!? Who is it?" He seemed excited, I thought he would tell from my smell, but the other dragon slayers say I don't smell like one. "Why that would be me, the most powerful one in this guild of course." His eyes widened straight away, I could tell he was amazed. "But! Enough chatting! Let's go and get your guild mark." I pulled him down stairs to the bar with Mira following us.

I think she just made a new ship with the two of us by the bright light sparking in her eyes.

Mira walked behind the counter as we stop and I let go of his hand. "Where and what colour?" Mira asked him, he didn't even take a second to reply as he had already known where and the colour for years. "Green on my left shoulder!" I could see how happy he was when the guild mark was stamped on his arm.

"Welcome to the guild!" I said holding out my hand with a cheerful smile. "Thanks!" He said with a smile just like mine before shaking my hand. We let go and I turn my back to him and towards the guild doors.

"Where is Lucy? Didn't she go on a job with Natsu and Happy? She should be back by now with those tw- wait no.... They probably caused trouble again." At the end I was more or less talking to myself. "I think she will be back any moment soon Master." I sigh, it sounds weird to be called master still, even with years of being master under my belt. As soon as I was about to reply I was cut off by a voice.


I turn around and see Natsu, Happy and Lucy! I run up to her and hug her. "Lulu, you took too long I was starting to worry!" I complained looking at her face while holding her shoulders. "Oh and Natsu we got a new member!" I said to him, I said it because I wanted to see how strong Aki is with him and Natsu fighting. "REALLY? I'm going to go fight them!!!" He yelled with some fire going out his mouth.

I sigh as I watch Natsu go straight up to him, way to forward. "Ok, I'll try not to take so long next time Ishi." Aki dodges Natsu and comes over to us. "So your name is Ishi?" He asked me, he must of heard Lucy calling me that. "No, that's a nickname people use for me. My name is Ishita Heartfilia! If your wondering this is my sister Lucy Heartfilia. That's why she calls me Ishi."

A 'Oh' could be heard from his mouth. "That makes sense, so do I call you master or Ishita?" He asked, I begain the think. He is new and I don't think it would be fair when a lot of guild mates call me Ishita anyway so.... "Ishita, if your fine with it of course." "Sounds great to me, well I'm going to look for a apartment. Bye Ishita." He said before waving and waking it the doors. I stand there and wave back, he seems nice enough.

"So, you've made a new friend? What is his name?" "Oh! His name is Aki and he is a second generation earth dragon slayer." I said putting a finger to my lips, thinking about the information as I gave it out. Lucy came closer to me with a smug look on her face. "What?" I ask. "You two would look cute together." She said, I jump away from her in shock.

"WE JUST MET LUCY!" I tell at her, I was embarrassed of course,but I just met him plus I'm the guild master, it would be a but awkward.

I could see Mira and Lucy now huddled up together wispering, but for the life of me I couldn't hear them even with my dragon hearing. Wow I'm impressed. "You two better not be plotting something!" My face was now as red as a tomato, as red as Erza's hair. They just Snickers as I stand there embarrassed. "Ishita and Aki sitting in a tree K-i-s-s-" I didn't let them finish as I start chasing after them, my face feeling like it was on fire. They were laughing the whole time.

"I will kill you both!!"

Hope you like this chapter, hopefully we will be able to continue this a chapter or two a day. I love updating, but sometimes things get in the way and I'm so sorry if they do. That's all, bye guys!
(Sorry it's a hundred words short....)

Word count : 1325

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