{|Chapter Eleven | NaLu Is Cannon|}

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Art is not mine, credit goes to the artist!

Ishita's POV

Time to get Lucy and Natsu to date! I mean they both are totally clueless of each other's feelings so I'll have to help with that.

I walk up to Natsu, a smile on my face. "Hey Natsu!" I greet, I wanted to come off cheerful. "Hey Ishita! So you and Aki got together?" Ah! That's exactly what I wanted to hear. "Yeah and to be honest I think you and Lucy should too, I mean I know you like her." "What! No! Um... Maybe? Yes.." I saw his face was as pink as his hair.

"But I don't think she likes me back." I laugh a bit at his statement. "Nahh. She is totally head over heels for you, she just thinks that you don't like her." "Really?" "Really." Natsu then jumps up from the table. "Hell yeah! So what do I do?" "I'll sort you two out. I'll get you two to meet at a quiet part of the park and there you'll tell her you like her."

He tilted his head to the side slightly, "Like this? I like you." I giggle slightly at his cuteness. "Yes. You can do it however you like!" "Ok! I'll head there now!" "Yep! I'll go get Lucy!" I see Natsu run off out of the guild before Lucy pops up next to me. "Where did Natsu run off to?" "To the park, to wait for you. He told me to ask you to go there so he can tell you something." "Ok! I'll be back! Bye." She said before walking out the guild doors herself.

I chuckle, I just made a perfect confession setting.


I smirk as I see Lucy and Natsu come in holding hands, I get up from my seat with Aki saying I'll be right back and walk up to the two of them.

"So, I guess everything worked out great?" I saw Natsu nod with his normal, toothy smile and Lucy just blush. I pull Lucy's and Natsu's free hands (The Ones they aren't holding each other's hand with) and pull them to Aki's and my table.

"So, what happened?" I heard Aki ask from next to me. "We decided that we are going to go on a date in Hargeon and we are now official."

I clapped softly and did a little fangirling. NALU IS CANNON! "Well I wish you guys the best!"

After a few minutes our Dragon slayers had fallen asleep. Aki was snuggling up to me on my lap and Natsu was hugging Lucy around the waist. (Like in the picture.)

"Natsu is so cute! How did you get such a cute boyfriend?" I joke, Aki was adorable right now. I started to stroke his hair. "Aki looks like a child, does he like sleeping in your lap." I nod, "On the train, we take turns doing this. It helps with our motion sickness because it's calming."

I was Lucy smiling at me, I smiled softly in return. I could tell we were thinking the same thing, 'You sure do love him, don't you?'. We both smile and laugh. It was great to be together with my sister. Nothing, but happiness all around.

We continued talking for hours, it was great. We didn't get to do this often.

Eventually the end of the day drew near and we were both quote tired. Aki and Natsu insisted on walking us home so that's what we did. At one point or another Lucy fell asleep and Natsu is carrying her in his back.

"Ishi, I'm sure your tired. Want me to carry you home?" I could tell he wanted to do what Natsu was doing and I think it's sweet. "Why not, I am quite tired." And with that I climbed on Aki's back. Shortly after falling asleep.

~Time Skip~

It's been two years, tow years of adventures, laughter, hardships and lots more. We've had harder and harder enemies, but we win each and every battle with our love and trust for our family. FAIRY TAIL.

We have only currently beaten one of our strongest enemies yet. "LETS PARTY! TO CELEBRATE OUR VICTORY!" I yelled that hours ago and now most of the guild members have gone because ethey are either very drunk or it's too late for them.

Most of them left it couples, right now Aki and I are the only sober ones, well the most sober anyway. "Natsuuu~~~ Lets go to my house!~ it's boring here~~" I was only hearing this in the background, but this was most definitely Lucy and she was most definitely very drunk. I wasn't worried about hem Doing anything, they were already wanting to get engaged so it's not for me to be shocked if anything goes down.

"Aki, everyone is drunk. I'm going to have to deal with this when they leave.... Please help." I groan, I myself have a high alcohol tolerance and I've only had a drink or two so I was mostly unaffected. "Yeah, I'll help you." I could hear Aki say from beside me. I was leaning against his shoulder.


Everyone had left, but Cana and we were currently getting her to leave. It was 3 in the morning. "Cana, if you stay you have to clean and there will be no alcohol while we clean." At that she got up and left. I useraly had to deal with her this way. Mira left early because she was tired and was feeling a bit sick. I said for her to take the rest of the day of and tomorrow if she still felt like that and that's why she isn't with us, helping.

I started lifting the tables back up right, one by one while Aki did that with the chairs. We wiped the tables and counter, we swept the floors. Cleaned up food and drinks and basically cleaned the whole place. Once we were done it was 6 am and people were now coming back to the guild.

I quickly said to them we haven't been able to sleep yet and we both made our way to back to our place. We bought a house together. Once we got here Aki and I layed down on our bed and fell straight to sleep, snuggled right up to each other.

~Dream Land~

I ran after two kids, one with pink hair, she had her hair up in two piggy tails, but with hair out at the bottom. One had spiky blonde hair. The girl had Lucy's chocolate brown eyes that we shared and the boy had golden eyes.

"Nashi! Luke! Come on. We have to go home now! I have to cook dinner for you and Mum." I called out to the two of them, the girl must be Nashi and the boy Luke. "Hai! Aunty Ishi!" They came running to me, I turn around and they both hold onto my hands. I giggle at them, "Now, what do you think Mama would like for dinner?" "Lasagna!" "Spicy food!" They say at the same time, causing me to laugh at how different the type of foods they like are.

"Let's go with steak and salad, it's much more simple." It earned a disapproved mumble from both children before it all started to fade into light.

I sat up quickly, was it all a dream? It felt so real...

So I though I may show you guys something I do each chapter. I have some very poorly written dot points and write the chapters off the main things I want to happen and have my imagination do the rest. I'll so you my dot points each chapter at the end now, ok? If you don't like it tell me and I'll remove it. Bye guys!

Eleven -{• Natsu and Lucy start dating with the help of Ishita.

Eleven -{• It has been Two years since Lucy and Natsu have been dating and Two years and a half since Ishita and Aki have been dating.

Eleven -{• It was yet another party and Natsu and Lucy got drunk and that lead to unfortunate events.

Word count : 1362

A Celestial Bond 《Fairy Tail》[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now