{|Chapter Two | Death Of A Nakuma|}

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I awoke to the sun shining bright on me. I sit up before noticing I must have fallen asleep in the flower field. I stand up and brush the grass off my overalls and started walking to the guild remembering what happened last night. Those guys were creeps.

Once I stood outside I heard Natsu and Gray fighting and all sorts of other noises. I push open the doors only to be almost hit with a flying table, my aura suddenly got dark and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked my way.

"Who threw that? Huh!?" I was getting pissed quite quickly. Natsu and Gray pointed to each other, sighing I walk up to he two of them my murderous aura disappearing. "Oh, so it was you two idiots. Don't let that happen again or you may be more than just rethinking your life choices. Ok?" What creeped everyone out was I was smiling a innocent smile the whole time and my murderous aura returned. "Aye sir!" The both said before getting out of my way. I sat down and ordered a strawberry milkshake while Natsu and Gray looked like they were in time out. Quietly giggling to myself I drink some of my drink before a short girl with short white hair came and sat down next to me, I think her name was Lisanna.

"Hi!" She said flashing me a cute smile, "Hey! Your Lisanna right? Mirajane's lil' sis." I asked her, she nodded her head quickly. "And your Ishita right? Can I call you Ishi?" She asked me. My mind quickly went to my memories of Lucy and Stellar before I shut them off. "Yeah. Why not? Can I call you Lis then?" "Sure!" I drunk some more of my drink before talking again. "How old are you Lis?" "Oh! I'm ten like everyone else." "Aww, I'm only six..." "That's fine! You'll be ten in no time, but do you want to come play with me outside?" She asked, I nodded before she started dragging me to a playground to play on with her.

~Time Skip~

Mira, Elfman and Lis are all going on a mission together, but I was worried because it was a S-class request. "Please! Mira let me come! I won't get in the way and I don't want any jewel or anything so please?" I was trying to get her to let me come, "Fine, it's not like I can stop you. You'll just end up beating some sense into me." I started jumping around, "YAY!" "Shh, anyway. I am only letting you come because your a S-class wizard, got it? Good. Let's go."

I was now 11 and already a S-class wizard because my magic capabilities. Lis is 15, Elfman is 16 and Mira is now 17 and only Mira was S-class.


I walked to the Inn I stayed at and went to my room and got ready. I wore a white and gold crop top, some grey overalls and black combat boots with white, knee high socks. I tied my hair into a bun and left with my small bag. (Most of the time Ishita likes to wear the same thing.)

I ran to the train station to find Mira, Elfman and Lis already there. "Glad you didn't leave without me!" I said to them, "Of course we wouldn't leave without you Ishi!" I smile at her and we all get on the train.

"Hey, why don't you get motion sickness like Natsu?" I Mira asked me, "I do, but most of the time it just upsets my tummy a bit so I don't pay attention to it." "Ahh, so Natsu gets it way worse then?" Lis asked, "Yep! Exactly." I said smiling.


Elfman had tried to do the beast's takeover, but was now being controlled and we couldn't get him to snap out of it. "ELFMAN! PLEADE STOP! THINK ABOUT YOUR SISTERS! YOUR FRIENDS! YOUR FAMIKY IN FAIRY TAIL! YOUR NAKUMA!" I yelled at him, but nothing seemed to reach him. He tried to hit me again, but I quickly got out of the way, Mira was already down and Lis tried to get his attention. "No! Lis it won't work! Don't try!" "Hey, Elfman! It's me, Lisanna, your lil' sis. Remember? Come on! Snap out of it! I know you can!" Lisanna tried, I knew what was going to happen next. I ran towards Lisanna, yelling her name. "Get out there Lis! Quick! Please!" Lis stood there with her arms out wide, standing Infront of Mira. Elfman, or should I say Beast was about to hit her when I pushed her out of the way getting hit full force myself. The last thing I notice was Mira and Lis running towards me before everything went black.

Lisanna's POV

"No! Lis it won't work! Don't try!" I heard Ishita tell me, but I tried anyway. "Hey, Elfman! It's me, Lisanna, your lil' sis. Remember? Come on! Snap out of it! I know you can!" I tried to snap him out of it, but it didn't work. I stood there with my hand out wide, i have to get him to snap out of it! "Get out there Lis! Quick! Please!" I heard Ishi plea, but I had to get him by to normal. My normal big brother. Elfman got ready to hit me,  his giant arm rushing towards me. I closed my eyes, I am sure he will snap out of it. I'm sure!

I felt someone push me out of the way, I turned around and found out it was Ishi, she got hit full force. I ran over to her as fast as I could, she couldn't of, had she!? "Ish! Wake up, please!" I shook her, Mira-nee was next to me trying to get me to stop. "Ishita! You can't be dead! Please! You're too strong! I know it! You can't be dead...." I hung my head and ran to Elfman who was still beast. "Snap out of it! You are hurting your Nakuma! You need to stop! Please Elfman..." I was crying, these tears where for Ishita. She was my best friend and I might of just lost her. "Come on, you can fight it Elfman.... I know you can, please." Before I could notice I got hit by a giant force to the side of my stomach. "Ahhhh!!!!" I scream, I could see Mira running to me, leaving Ishi there on the ground. "Mira... Please go protect Ishita, she needs it more... She has more to live for... Help her... I know she... C-can't be dead... H-help her l-live... T-tell E-elfman I d-dont b-blame him." I started glowing a bright yellow, slowly the world went dark. This is the end. Please take care of her... Mira-nee.

~Time Skip~

Ishita's POV

I woke up, a bright light blinding my sight. I tried to sit up, but I felt a weight on my hand. Looking to my left I saw it was Natsu, my eyes softened as I pat his salmon pink hair. "Natsu, wake up." I shook him slightly, it didn't really work. Natsu is a heavy sleeper. I shook him harder. "Wake up Natsu! Your holding my hand too tight." Natsu started to move around before he woke up. "Huh? Who woke me up?" He asked, "Me." I state simply. He looked at me and his eyes widened. "Ish!" He yelled before tackling me in a hug, "Hey there Natsu." I said hugging back. "Why the sudden hug?" I ask him, he looked down before talking. "You were asleep for a month." He said sadly, "Nani!??!?" ("What!??!?") I yell, I was shocked to say the least.

"Let's go and tell the guild your awake, ok?" He asked. I nodded and he pulled me out of the bed and into the main part of the guild.

This took me a hour and a half and I didn't even take any breaks. Writing sure takes a while.

Word count : 1347

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