Chapter 7: Alchemax

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You'd think that the first week would go by so quickly. That wasn't the case for these young heroes. It went slower than fucking molasses. Who knew it go by like that? It's most likely different for others. Obviously it felt like it was going the slowest for Laura and the quickest for Peter. Now, what about our good friend Miles Morales? You can probably guess it was in between, which it was. The week had its slow days and then the fast ones. Though, obviously he is apart of the academy, something else extraordinary happened this week. One that he's acting afraid to talk about because he's not sure if it'll get him or them in trouble. Miles isn't sure if it's a criminal or another hero. Anything is possible in this day and age. If Thanos, an intergalactic supervillain can come and rain hellfire of all living creatures, then it is definitely possible.

He was swinging around Brooklyn, doing his spiderling duties of kicking criminals asses and jumping off the formerly known Avengers tower for the thrill of increasing speed as he plummeted towards the ground. After awhile, the thrill died down from low energy. Miles decided to take a little Big Mac break when his senses tingled. Thinking it was criminal interrupting his sweet moment with the greasy, overloaded fat bomb, he groaned knowing he had to go take care of that. When he got to the suspected area of criminal activity, he heard unusual crashed and a man begging.

"Alright, alright! I'll surrender them, I'll- AHHHHHH!" A man who clearly was up to no good was thrown out of the shadows. Another man followed after him.

"Nah I don't need these. I'm just helping the government out. Thanks for being wimps. You made my job easier." A female voice said proudly. Sirens started and then she was out of sight and mind.

Miles stood there astonished. He took in every. She wasn't a mutant or some science experiment. She was... another webhead. Therefore, she technically was a science experiment. He was used to him and Peter but now there's a girl. Who else was like them? His curiosity grew as the night went on. Miles went home that night with so much wonder that a couple times he almost forgot to shoot his webs. He laid in bed for two more hours staring at the ceiling questioning how there's a third. He thought after Peter and him, they got control of all the spiders, or at least that's what they said on the news. Maybe she was there around the same time as them? What if there's more than just the three of them? What if more people were a bit? So many questions ran through his mind as he drifted asleep. His last thought he had before he was completely out was what does her face look like?

For the rest of the week the boy pondered it in his head and questioned everything known to man. Some of his most important thoughts was what she looked like? Did he already know her? He thinks it's totally badass that a girl/woman who has the same powers as him and is kicking criminal ass. Let's be real, seeing a strong, independent woman kick ass is like watching WWE. You want to shout at the TV and cheer your favorite on. For him, right now, she replaces Black Widow. But don't tell Nat that. She might beat him up. These thoughts will crowd his brain until he meets the girl. For now he's just gotta keep up at the academy. That is his number one priority.

In his free time he tries to calculate things. He does some research on the spider outbreak at Oscorp. About ten broke out, only five were returned safely. The other five were reported missing/dead. Maybe she was bitten by one of the five. He knows that after he was bit, the one that bit him died. Then again, he didn't know at the time that the spider that bit him was from Oscorp. It wasn't until the next morning when he was about five inches taller and more muscular that he realized it was from that spider. But then he dug too deep. He found an article stating: "ALLAN CO. TO ALCHEMAX. COULD OWNER LIZA ALLEN REALLY BE MERGING WITH OSCORP BY 2099? Article by Mary Jane Watson." His tired eyes widened with a bit of fear. When large companies like those merge, that usually means sketchy things are happening. So Miles continued to read.

The article read: "The Allan Company may become Alchemax when it possibly merges with Normie Osborn, the great Norman Osborn's questionable grandson, due to stocks from Oscorp and the last remaining properties of Horizon Labs after its destruction. Oscorp is currently in question for bankruptcy. Norman stated at his retirement party that, "Oscorp is drowning. It's up to my grandson to bring back our legacy." Normie has been questioned as a good fit for the company since his 18th birthday bash.

As some may remember, many were arrested that night for underage and unknown drinking when the club it was held at was busted for a noise complaint. Since then, Normie has been arrested on multiple occasions for physical assault and more underage drinking. Harry, his father, has even put him in the most prestigious school in New York, Midtown School of Science and Technology. He hoped that this school would help Normie grow to his full potential, since he is known for his advanced technological ways. When Normie was just seven years old, he won the Junior Nobel Prize for his project on how advanced he could make a simple Iphone in a matter of just three years.

Unfortunately, he turned down Apple's offer of $5 million to fund his project and make it something more. Now a little about this new deal the Ms. Allan and the Osborn's may be striking. Norman brought up this merging companies deal (Alchemax) in order to leave a strong empire for his grandson and establish an empire for the Osborn legacy. Smart move on Norman's part. Normie has been proving that he isn't quite stable enough to run a business yet. Alchemax may be a lead competitor for Stark Industries for a contract to build a new supervillain prison. In order for Alchemax to win the contract, Mark Raxton and Tiberius Stone will have to find a *hopefully* legal way to bring down Stark Industries.

This being a difficult challenge for them since Stark Industries will have to go through big guns like S.H.I.E.LD. if the want to win. Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, or S.H.I.E.LD., has been on Stark Industries' watch since Tony Stark announced back in 2008 that he was Iron Man. Since then, Tony Stark went from genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist to just a genius who is well respected around the globe. He has made many sacrifices including nearly ending his life in the battle against Thanos. Allan and Osborn have quite the competition ahead. We all hope they know what they're getting themselves into.

Alchemax will have a division called Alchemax Genetics that will be under the leadership of Robert Chandler. This division will be aided by Hank Pym with the help of daughter Hope Van Dyne, that is if Hank and Normie can get along for the time being. Pym Particles (used to help save the universe against Thanos, thanks to Tony Stark.) will be the base of this testing. Hank has currently had his doubts about working with the Osborn's. Pym has never collaborated with any other big name companies in his time of being a scientist. Pym used to work for S.H.I.E.LD. during The Cold War in 1985. The war soon ended in 1991. During this time, Pym took the opportunity to use S.H.I.E.LD. technology to perfect his particles..."

Miles sat there astonished as he continued to read about Pym particles how they could safely be used for Oscorps experiments. Something just didn't feel right. Mixing business and science together from completely different companies never ends well. Well, that's what all sci fi movies say. Has anyone seen Jurassic Park and World? Cool movies, shitty ideas. Maybe the spiderling woman is behind all of this? She has to be! She does have his and Peter's powers. Maybe it's not just some coincidence. Maybe Oscorp is paying her to look good and in the end, she'll do their dirty deeds. He needs to get to the bottom of this. Time to bring out the big guns.

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