Chapter 12: Feelings

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Another night to dread. A night most girls and women get excited for, but given that Laura isn't much of a girly girl, she hates its very existence. It is a girls night out. Who plans girl's night on a Wednesday night? All Laura wanted to do is stay home and listen to Peter go on about some quantum physics or something. That is how much she hates the idea of having to spend time with these snotty girls. She hates the idea of science, but wants to listen to the science nerd. The nerd who has opened something inside her. He has managed to budge the door open just enough to pop his head through.

She wasn't mad at him for staying with her the other night. If it wasn't for him staying with her, she has no idea what kind of damage she would have caused. Laura also hated the idea of getting dressed up. It was just pizza, why did there have to be a dress code? The world may never know with those girls. It's like watching a reality show, annoying as can be but entertaining because you're trying to make sense of why they act the way they do. Maybe that's why everyone watches the Kardashian's? Or those housewives shows. Who knows. That's one show that she couldn't understand one bit. They're rich and half of them have plastic surgery and have impossible bodies.

Why do they have so many problems? Can't they just pay for them to go away and then go to a high end, top of the line therapist who has five stars and many awards for being successful at helping people? So confusing. She applied little yet bold makeup. No foundation, eyeshadow or ever. Just mascara and lipstick. Boom, done. Took all of... She checks her invisible watch. She's done this so many times that she knows it waa bit even a minute. Maybe 30 seconds at most. Laura walked out of the bathroom and back to her and Peter's room. She decided it was time to just move him back into his own room. He's harmless... right? She walked in expecting for him to still be gone but he's standing right there in his suit.

"Oh hey Laura." He said in a shaky, nervous tone as he gets undressed.

"Hey" She said in a low tone.

She was not expecting to see him undressing. She also didn't expect to see the eight pack, very toned arms and back muscles, and... Laura had to stop herself from getting carried away. Ever since Saturday night things have drastically changed.
Usually they get dressed in the same room but facing away from each other. There's only an exception for right now because she's fully dressed and... well, he was fully dressed. Laura doesn't hate him anymore. She doesn't know what to feel. Does she like him as a friend? He is a really nice kid and has been helping her a lot. Even with homework she struggles with. Now the boy was fully dressed again and looking right at her.

"You uh, you look... really nice." Peter was now blushing and nervous. Mentally, Laura laughed at his dorky self.

"Uh... thanks. It's a girl's night. We had a dress code." Laura shrugged, feeling uncomfortable.

Peter will fully admit to only Ned and maybe May that he thought Laura was undeniably beautiful. Even if she wore all black. Her taste in music, movies, and even alcohol screams "I was born in the wrong era". Some days black was just the color that looked best all together. She's worn different colors though and she switches out jackets. Sometimes to a jean jacket or sweatshirt. He keeps getting that feeling he had with Liz and Michelle that he has with Laura, except on a lesser scale because of staying with each other. Peter didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. It also helped him guard his heart.

"You ok Parker? Do I need to web your jaw to your mouth?" Laura joked.

Other than keeping Spider-Man a secret, he was terrible at keeping them. Peter's facial expressions always gave his secrets away. Recently Laura has picked up that Peter totally has a crush on her, if that's appropriate to say for two teen/adults. Just the way he looks at her sometimes says "I totally want her to be my girlfriend." She's friend zoning him for so many reasons. She's not doing it because he's not her type but rather his safety and for the fact that she's not sure about her feelings for him yet.

"Well, I have to go. See ya bug boy." Laura goes over and hugs him just to mess with him.

It leaves Peter speechless. He tries everything in him not to hold her tight and lovingly. But to Laura, it's a harmless game. She finds messing with people hilarious. Laura makes it down the elevator out to the lobby.

"Umm, what took you so long?" One of the girls said not so pleased.

Oh how Laura wanted to whip her claws out but turns out the person at the front desk was there. Not feeling getting arrested and exposed.

"Oh ya know maybe I was fucking the boy of your sexual fantasies before coming down." She retorted getting jealous and disgusted looks.

She's already regretting this. They make it to the pizza place and the entire way there she wanted to gouge her eyes out and slice her ears off. All of them were dressed like hookers for pizza, PIZZA! Her being hangry didn't help. The entire time Laura spaced out and didn't talk. Who could blame her though? Even someone who's the happiest person on earth would probably much rather be somewhere else. Laura also couldn't stop thinking about Peter. How does she feel about him? Yeah she wants to be friends but maybe she wants more. Her thoughts earlier about him pretty much being naked in front of her indicated something. She also thinks he's an amazing guy and is kind of shocked that girls don't want him.

He is slightly on the list of dreams guys, right? The guy every girl wants to have babies with? Laura's not great about detecting those things. She's only ever dated one guy and then he cheated on her so she's clueless.

"Laura! Snap out of it. You've been a buzz kill this entire time with your depressing personality." Laura has had it.

She stood up, took her drink and dumped it on the prissy fake blonde and then walked away satisfied. She texted Peter to come get her. All she had to do was send him one code word and he was on his swinging way. Laura is free and super fucking happy about it. She'll just keep walking until he finds her. Considering Laura has claws, she can take care of herself but she's also lazy and Peter is an easy ride back. About five minutes later she decides to wait in an alleyway for him to show up. For a boy who's pretty fast he does take his sweet ass time. Out of nowhere he lowers himself to Laura's head height. She jumps from the sudden red blob that's there and puts her claws out.

"Woah! Calm it's just me. Don't slice me to shreds." Peter begs.

"You asshole! You're lucky I know how to control myself a bit. You would've been a dead spider." She says letting a breath out. Peter chuckles at the dead spider comment.

In his best Italian mob accent he says, "Sorry miss. Didn't mean to scare ya." Laura rolls her eyes at the stupid accent.

"You ready to take me back?" She asks.
"What no kiss for the hero who's saving you from bitches?" Like Laura was going to kiss him in an alleyway upside down.

"Yeah no. Just come down and take me away. I'm tired." He hops down, happy that his mask is covering his disappointment.

At least he tried and Laura gave him that. If he had done that somewhere else then she probably would've done it to shut him up and get out of there. Where they were brought back memories she wasn't fond of.

"You ready miss?" Peter asked in that stupid accent again.

"Stop doing that" Laura commanded as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Ok, ok." He grabbed her waist and shot a web. "Here we go!"

Needless to say they both enjoyed swinging like that but would never admit it to each other. Laura watched as the big city looked smaller than usual. But she could now see the Hudson, the sunset shining beautifully on it. The rich folks didn't feel so big anymore. The wind having a relaxing, cooling sensation as they swung. Feel Peter's secure grip on her made her feel safe. The safety and relaxing sensation made her feel at ease. She didn't want it to end but it did. They were now on the fire escape entering their room.

"Thanks." She said softly.

"No problem. Um, look, if you ever want to swing around like that again, I'd be happy to do so." Peter scratched the back of his head with a nervous smile.

Without saying much else, Laura leaned up and kissed Peter's cheek. This was not to mess with him or to say thank you. It was true sincerity and wanting to do it. Laura thinks she knows how she feels now. But to hell if actually ever admits it.

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