Chapter 23: Say My Name

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As everyone knows that there's bullies everywhere. Some choose to ignore them and others choose to let them get the best of them. Peter is somewhere in between. Laura feels bad for him. Such a confident guy with everything though he's shy but when Flash is around he cowards. All she wants to do is scare the piss out of him so he can stop teasing her baby. Yes that sounds very cheesy and cliché but it's true. Unfortunately being Wolverine can't work on the young bully for identity sake so she's stuck watching Peter get knocked down.

But today Laura was seeing red. Flash was literally picking out everything he could that would make Peter feel small. He would say that a hot girl like Laura would never date Peter so she is just using him to get to Stark, his hot date with Black Widow would put Peter and Laura to shame, Laura should just dump Peter because he's too much of a virgin to be dating a hot girl. These things were crawling under Laura's skin and multiple times throughout the day Peter had to calm Laura down so she wouldn't beat the shit out of Flash. He loved the fact that Laura loves him so much as to go out of her way to beat up a bully but he was trying to refrain from future drama.

"But Babe, I'm literally getting to a boiling point. I love you but the next time he opens his mouth he's fucki-" Laura starts to ramble on but is cut off by Flash.

"Hey Laura, sup Penis." Laura felt Peter started to belittle him just by being called Penis. This pissed her right the fuck off.

"So, got big plans for not fucking? Hey Laura if he's to chicken just know I'm available." Flash said being snide.

"That's it." Laura thought. Peter saw the look on her face and panicked. This is not going to go down well.

"Listen up Flash, you think you're so big and bad well little news for ya, I've dealt with guys who are just like you. You think that preying on the innocent is cool. You think belittling someone makes you more powerful. Well guess what? You're just the biggest PUSSY, out of all of them. Oh and guys like you also have small dicks, so why would I want to fuck that when I've got a great guy with a dick bigger than yours." She spat at Flash with so much anger and trying to contain the claws. Flash looked at her with anger and Peter stood there shocked.

"Oh yeah? How do I know you're not trying to fool everyone into thinking you and Peter had sex. We all know he's a virgin." Flash said a little too confident. Laura cocked an eyebrow, crossed her arms and stepped forward.

"Oh I don't know, ask anyone in the Stark internship about it. Since we stay in the same building on the weekends they can confirm that I, Laura Kinney was screaming Peter Parker's name on Saturday night. Yeah that's right he was THAT great." She said one upping him.

Miles decided to speak up. "It's true. I heard it myself. I had no choice. I went back to my room before dinner and they were going at it. My room is right next to Peter's." Laura gave the 'see? I told you' look.

Now it's Peter's turn to speak up as he gains a new found confidence thanks to his girlfriend and Spider Bro as he calls Miles. He's never been this confident around Flash every. Laura could tell and it turned her on so much.

"You see Flash, my girlfriend," He pauses as he puts an arm around Laura. "And another intellectual that I can gladly call my friend, both confirmed that I'm for one not a virgin, by the way, sorry you had to hear that Miles, and two, I'm so good in bed I can make a girl scream my name. Out of all of it, I don't need to be an asshole to get a girlfriend or be cool. I can just be me." Peter has never done this but it felt amazing to do. Hopefully it'll help.

Flash didn't know what to say he was so pissed. Flash just walked away after that leaving the couple there. Laura turned to her man, proud that he finally stood up to his bully, of course with her help and hugged him.

"Babe I'm so proud of you." She said into his chest.

"I couldn't have done it without you." Peter kissed her forehead.

"Hey Miles, sorry about the other night. We didn't know." Laura said feeling a bit bad that he heard all that.

"It's fine, that stuff happens all the time. Next time just give me a warning and I'll make sure to get out before I hear 'uhhhh Peter! Harder!' again." He teased them causing all three to laugh.

"Sure thing man." Peter gave Miles a hand shake as he left the two to go to class.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Peter asked.

"What?" Laura said, curious as to what's going on in Peter's head.

"I never do this but you want to skip the last two periods to go have a little bit of fun at home? May will still be at work." He suggested biting his lip. Laura thought about it for a second.

"Swing me away from this hell Bug Boy." She but her lip. Hopefully the neighbors weren't home either.

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