Chapter 20: Ghost

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The students have made it through two and a half months at the academy. Every weekend gets tougher and tougher. But it has to be that way for they are being trained for catastrophic moments. They need to know how to control themselves and learn how to be a true hero. After what happened with Peter and Laura, Tony couldn't take anymore chances and had to make things stricter. It was for their own good. Everyone hated it but it's what they deserved. Tony refused to separate the couple. If they're going to be a couple then they're going to have to fight a long side each like one. Like always, Peter's morals on fighting girls get in the way and Laura kicks his ass in sparring.

Then weapons training. They had to compete for the highest score and support the other, not get jealous. That is a difficult task for most of these future Avengers. Their egos are still so large even after taking a hit from the school attack. It was no surprise that they were envious of the couple when they had near perfect shots. As much as they did not enjoy the idea of others experiencing what they did, maybe they would've had better shots. After a long day of training they head back to their rooms.

"Babe? Do you maybe want to hang out in my room?" Peter asked nervously with others around.

"Yeah I'll be right over." Laura quick hopped in the shower and then put clothes in a bag to carry them to his room. She knocks and Peter opens letting her in.

"Ok so now that we're alone..." Peter trails off pulling Laura in for a kiss, hands on her hips and kissing deeply.

"Oh by the way, why did you bring a bag with you?" He asked pulling away.

"Oh I brought it because I just have this gut feeling I'm going to be sleeping here tonight." Laura's dramatized sarcasm made both of them laugh

He walks over and jumps on the bed. Just to mess with him, Laura hops on top of him straddling his waist. He goes wide eyed but before he could do anything she kissed him. Laura continued to kiss down his jaw to his neck until she found his most sensitive spot when his breathing nearly stopped. She continued to kiss and lightly suck on the spot but not enough to bruise. They didn't need May badgering about condoms and what not. Laura trained her body due to her past to create a natural spermicide that is 100% effective.

But on the outside of the room, Miles snuck out of the academy unnoticed. He did this often. Miles felt crazy. He couldn't tell another of his discovery of this mysterious new hero. She was picking up the slack he had no idea he had. He just wanted to work with her for one night. Just one. He waited by a pop up shop, waiting for action. Being exhausted from his day, Miles fell asleep on a rooftop. As his eyes slowly dropped closed, a shadow bounced back and forth across the skyline. But his brain couldn't register for him to wake up fast enough.

The girl stood there, her senses going off about another person like her. She took in his sight. The black and red spray painted recycled Spider-Man suit intrigued her. Was he cosplayer just enjoying his night? That wouldn't make sense with her senses, he had to be another hero. She had so many unanswered questions. She kicked his leg and he jolted awake.

"Huh? What? Bad guys! I wasn't sleeping!" She giggles at his reaction, which caused him to look at her.

"No way." Miles looked at her astonished by her presence.

"Yes way. Hi, I'm Ghost Spider." She put her hand out which he gladly took.

"Spider-Man." He wondered if she could see his face.

"Isn't that the guy in the red and blue suit? And yes, I can. No biggy though. Pretty cool how you cosplay as your lien version of Spider-Man." She began by pulling her hood down.

"No, no. I'm the other Spider-Man. There's two of us. I know the first one personally. He's dope." Things we're getting awkward.

Ghost Spider removed her mask and Miles was floored. She was beautiful and badass. This isn't fair on his heart. Apparently his expression spoke volumes at she giggled at his reaction. It felt good to be in this situation to her. It had been too long.

"I Uh, I'm Miles." He began to sweat from nerves.

"I'm Gwen and I'm not from here." That last part caught his attention.

"What do you mean?" His attention was fully on her.

"There was this time portal explosion and I was sent here. Some guy named Dr. Strange tried fixing it but it's been less than fixable. So I'm stuck here for the time being." Gwen shrugged and looked out to the city.

"I've been alone here for two weeks. No friends, family isn't actually my family. It some girl named Mary and they're all redheads. I'm far from red as you can see." She shrugged and tried focusing on something more positive, but it wasn't working.

"I should've approached you sooner. I could've given you a place to stay. I go to this weekend school called the Avengers Academy and," Gwen cut him off with a laugh.

"Been there, Done that. Got kicked out when they realized that I was the reason why my friend died. I didn't mean it. I didn't know that he was the chemically induced lizard." This poor girl.

"What can I do? You deserve to go home." Miles is willing to do anything.

"I don't even think I want to go home. No one knows me here and I'm not seen as a threat to society. If it kills me, oh well. At least I know I'll be dying a hero than a menace." Her tone was careless.

Gwen had already come to terms with the idea of staying. No one was going to change her mind. By the end of that night, Miles had made a friend that he needed. Someone who understood that wasn't working with him. This began a beautiful partnership. One that would be recorded in many books. But these two teens didn't know that. Not yet anyway.

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