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Valentine: My Maryse, how lovely to see you again.

Maryse: Hello Valentine.

Valentine: How are you coping with the baby?

Maryse: It acts up every now and then, but I shall be fine.

Valentine: Speaking of which, Robert has told me all about and I feel that must be painful for you.

Maryse: It is, but I think I'll be fine.

Valentine: You may be strong Maryse, but I have something that can help you throughout the pregnancy. Just to make the baby more....quieter.

Maryse: What is it?

Valentine pulled out a small vile, and gave it to Maryse.

Valentine: Here, it's potion that should help the baby calm down.

Maryse: Thank you, Valentine.

Valentine: You might as well drink it now before the effects wear off.

Maryse: Very well then.

Maryse drank all of the liquid in the vile, and set it aside when she was done.

Valentine: Feel better?

Maryse: Well I do feel less weight from it, but I', sure it will come to me.

That may have been the case for Maryse Lightwood, and her unborn child but when she was born something unexpected had happened. It all started when her husband, Robert Lightwood, had gave a loud gasp.

Maryse: Robert? What's wrong?

Robert: Get this hideous thing away from me!

Maryse: Robert!

Robert handed Maryse the baby, and she looked at her child to see what was wrong.

Maryse: What? I don't is this possible?

Valentine: Isn't amazing, Maryse?

Maryse: Valentine, what are you doing here?

Valentine: I came to see your newborn child, and it looks to me that I have achieved the impossible.

That's when everything had hit Maryse. The vile, and her drinking it was filled with the blood of demon. It had to be a demon, because of her baby's black eyes that represented as a demon mark.

Maryse: What have you done with my child?!

Valentine: Think of it, Maryse, your son with strength of angels and demons. With a power like that, under our command, he will be unstoppable. A true warrior.

Maryse: More like you will make him ought to be a monster!

Valentine: If you can't appreciate what I have given you as a gift then you will face the consequences.

In a flick of an eye, Valentine disappeared and not a moment too son a bunch of guards had busted into the Lightwood manor and apprehended the Lightwood's including the baby. The Lightwood's were brought to the Head Inquisitor, Imogen Herondale, for trail and punishment for their service in The Circle.

Inquisitor Imogen: Because of your cruel and unforgiving acts with your time in The Circle, all of you Lightwood's shall be exiled from Idris and sent to run the New York Institute until further notice.

Maryse held tight her baby, which was now discovered to be a boy, and cried in the blanket he was wrapped in. While her son was sleeping, Maryse looked at him and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

Maryse: I am so sorry that I didn't stop myself from putting that awful potion in you, but that doesn't mean that I could ever hate you. I love you so much, demon blood or not. Your father is going to need time to cope with all of this, but I know that your father will love you very much. My wonderful boy. I haven't given you a name, and since your father won't be in on it. I'm getting my way of naming you. I'll name you......Alexander.........Alexander Gideon Lightwood.

The Lightwood's were exiled to New York City, and that would only be the beginning for Alec Lightwood and the demons that existed in him.

You May Be A Demon, But I Still Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now