Finding the Light in the Dark

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Lilith entered the house to find Magnus and Alec hugging each other.

Lilith: How adorable is this? A little Warlock, the son of my enemy, is trying to protect my precious boy.

Magnus: You will never have him.

Lilith: But I have him now.

Lilith separated Magnus from Alec, and Alec tried to run to Magnus' aid but he was pulled back from Lilith.

Lilith: You don't need to worry about him anymore Alexander, now it's time to come home.

Lilith used her magic to draw a Satan Star, and have it go up in the flames. Lilith, then, dragged Alec into the flames, and then herself making sure to not step over the flames.

Lilith: It's time to go home, my child. You stayed away from home, from me, from your brother for a very long time.

Alec had let out a piercing scream as Lilith and Alec had entered Edom. When they entered, Alec opened his eyes and saw surroundings that looked like a dead piece of land. Alec looked up to see what he thought he would never see in his life, Wraith Demons.

Lilith: Don't worry my child, they won't attack you. I'll make sure they won't hurt you.

Alec: I am not your child.

Lilith: But my blood runs in your veins, and that is what made you so special, so powerful.

Alec: I could care less if I'm the most powerful Shadowhunter ever, whatever you see in me isn't true. I'm just a normal person, and I'm no higher than anyone else and neither or you.

Lilith: Oh but you have no idea what my blood could offer you, Alexander.

Alec: Don't call me that.

Lilith: Is that any way you talk to your mother?

Alec: You are not my mother, your blood may be inside of it but a mother and son's relationship isn't defined by blood, it's defined by love.

Lilith: I don't think you quite understand what you're capable of, and that's because you were forced to suppress that power for so long. Luckily, it isn't too late for you to rise and become what you truly are and I can help you, my son. I will make sure that you show the world who you really are, and I will never let anything harm you.

Lilith had knelt down and put her hands on Alec's arms, and started to burn him. Alec started to scream in pain.

Lilith: Shhh, mother loves you.

Alec: AHHHHH!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

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