Dreams Awake

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Valentine: Listen, Lilith, I didn't tell you about him because I didn't make a deal with you back then.

Lilith: And you could've sent him to me so I could tell him the truth.

Valentine: That your blood runs in his veins?

Lilith: That I am his true mother and I could make sure that he was loved every single day.

Valentine: Why is it that you want him? I thought Jonathan was well enough being for you.

Lilith: He is, but I think he deserves to know that he has an older brother.

Valentine: And lose another one of my greatest accomplishments again?

Lilith: Maybe he wants to stay away from you because you never gave him the chance to meet his real mother.

Alec shot up from his bed, and heavily breathed while looking at his surroundings. He realized that this wasn't his room, and it didn't look like he was in the Institute. Then he remembered, he was in Magnus' loft. He got up from the bed and did his usual morning routine. When he was done, then he got out of his room and into the living room to see Magnus standing on the balcony looking out at the morning sun.

Alec: Magnus?

Magnus looked around and smiled at his roommate.

Magnus: Alexander, I was wondering when you were going to be awake.

Alec: Sorry, I'm a heavy sleeper.

Magnus: I can tell since I was hearing snores last night.

Alec: Hey, I don't snore.

Magnus mocked him and did a soft snore.

Alec: I don't snore, never have and never will.

Magnus: Oh calm down, Alexander, I was only joking. Plus it's an adorable, little snore. It was hard for me to ignore it because of how soft and cute it was.

Alec: Well I'm glad you like them because if I do snore, which I do not, then you're going to have to get used to it since I'm going to be here for a while.

Magnus: I plan onto, and speaking of getting used to it. I was wondering if I can know you more over breakfast.

Alec: Um...sure. What is it that you want to know?

Magnus: As in breakfast, I don't mean breakfast, I mean as in breakfast in Paris.

Alec: Paris?

Wasting no time, Magnus portal Alec and himself to Paris city itself.

Alec: Woah, you know I've never been to Paris before. Well, at least not until now.

Magnus: You like?

Alec: I really do.

Magnus: And it's about to get better when you eat. Come on, I know a really good restaurant here.

Alec followed Magnus to the destination they were heading to. They arrived at a small cafe, where Alec got his usual black coffee while Magnus had received coffee with extra creamer. Their food would come at a later time, so Magnus had used the opportunity to start up a conversation with Alec.

Magnus: Tell me something about yourself other than all of your Shadowhunter traits, and what Isabelle had told me. Any friends?

Alec: Other than Clary and her mundane friend, not really. I'm kind of the loner so to speak. You?

Magnus: I've had a lot of friends over the centuries that I have lived. There are my warlock friends which are Catarina Loss, Tessa Gray, Ragnor Fell, and Malcolm Fade. Then there are my other Downworlder friends which is Luke Garroway, Leader of the New York Wolf Pack, and Raphael Santiago, which he is the leader of the New York Vampire Clan and he's like a son to me, and that's about it.

Alec: Any Shadowhunter friends?

Magnus: Funny thing about my friends Tessa is that she is actually half-Eidolon demon half-Shadowhunter.

Alec: What? How is that even possible?

Magnus: Long story, short a man named Axel Mortmain had stolen her mother, Adele Starkweather when she was a baby and replaced her with a sickly mundane named Elizbeth Moore. While Tessa's mother was being raised as Elizabeth, the real on was being raised as Adele. Then Mortmain had made Elizabeth's future husband, Richard Gray get closer to her, and then they were soon married. However there was a catch to this, Mortmain had summoned an Eidolon demon, had that demon shapeshift into Richard and sleep with her.

Alec: And after that, the conceived Tessa?

Magnus: Yes, but Mortmain had to make sure that she was delivered safely. To make that happen, he made a clockwork angel pendant that had the Ithuriel inside of it so it Tessa could be born safely.

Alec: And it worked?

Magnus: Why else would I know her by now?

Alec: Oh. Well other than Tessa, who else?

Magnus: Well I was friends with Edmund and William Herondale.

Alec: Herondale?

Magnus: Yes as in Jace's ancestors. I was very close to him.

Alec: Do you know any Lightwood ancestors of mine?

Magnus: There was Gabriel, Gideon, and Tatania Lightwood.

Alec: Explains my middle name.

Magnus: Your middle name is Gideon?

Alec: Yeah, my full name is Alexander Gideon Lightwood. Speaking of my name, how did you know my real name?

Magnus: Isn't Alec short for Alexander?

Alec: Yeah.

Magnus: Then that's how I figured it out.

Alec: Oh.

Magnus: That and Gabriel and his wife, Cecily Herondale, had a son named Alexander.

Alec: Wow, my parents did have a thing for naming me after people. Is Izzy named after anyone?

Magnus: Well I know there wasn't an Isabelle when I knew them, does she have a middle name?

Alec: Sophia.

Magnus: Well I did know a Sophie Lightwood, she was a mundane before she ascended and then married Gideon to have three children, Eugenia, Barbara, and Thomas Lightwood.

Alec: Wow, I didn't realize you knew my family that well.

Magnus: I've known your family for hundreds of years.

After finishing breakfast, Magnus and Alec decided to explore more of Paris. Alec was really happy about this since he could never do this when he was in the Institute.

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