What Is It That I Feel For You?

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Alec was kissing Magnus, and Magnus was kissing back. It was whole new feeling that made both men feel alive. Think of it as Sleeping Beauty's kiss with her Prince, but it was gayer and better than their kiss.

When they ended the kiss, Alec could just stare at Magnus and his warm, chocolate, and loving eyes. Magnus was doing the same, he could just see all the shining stars in his diamond eyes that he loved.

Alec: You know I've always wanted to do that, right?

Magnus: I could tell since you were close to until now.

Alec: Magnus I am feeling this weird emotion that I don't think I will ever find again. I don't know what it is, or what it could do but when I'm around you I just feel it right here.

Alec grabbed Magnus' hand and put it on his heart.

Magnus: I know what it is.

Alec: What?

Magnus: It's love. It's love that you're feeling.

Alec: I thought demons could never love.

Magnus: That may be true, but you, Alexander, are not a demon. The only thing that you are is just you. Kind, adorable, you stutter through your words when your nervous, you blush when I flirt with you, and you get so annoyed when Jace interrupts us when you try to kiss me. The best part about you is that you don't let the demon blood control or determine who you are, which makes you all the more hot in my book.

Alec was blushing like a girl who got a text from a crush. The best part about it was that Magnus was smiling, and gave Alec another kiss. It may have been a simple and shot but it was also a passionate and a deep kiss.

Magnus: Have you ever kissed anyone before me?

Alec: No.

Magnus: Weird, because you are a great kisser so much so that I think you must've had experience.

Alec: Nope, I've never kissed anyone until now.

Magnus: What did you think of your first kiss?

Alec didn't know how to respond, so instead of saying words, he kissed Magnus once more. Their lips were moving in perfect sync, and their lips just kept dancing through the music of their love. Magnus put his hands on his Alec's waist while Alec put his hands on Magnus' cheek, cupping him more into the kiss.

Lilith: My son, I have found you at last.

You May Be A Demon, But I Still Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now