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Magnus: Who are you?

Alec had no idea what to say.

What was he supposed to say?

Hi, my name is Alec and I have demon blood in me?

He didn't know.

Not to mention, he was still breathless from the man's attractiveness.

Alec knew he couldn't just stand there and stare like an idiot, but he had no idea what the hell to say. It was like the man had used his magic to take the words out of his mouth, and he held them in his palm just waiting for Alec to look at him breathlessly.

Alec: Um...uh...

Magnus: Oh goodness me, where are my manners? I'm Magnus, I don't think we have been formally introduced.

Alec: Alec.

His name was the only thing he could say, he was trying to recover from his moment when he saw Magnus straight in those golden cat-like eyes of him. Only a small percentage wanted him to recover, but the biggest percentage didn't want him to. His mind was making him think that it was impossible for him to snap out of the daze, especially with a man like him in his presence.

Magnus: Well Alec, thank you for getting rid of those pesky Circle Members for me.

Alec: Your welcome, but I think I should be thanking you.

Magnus: Me? For what?

Alec: You were the one that did the magic on the arrow, and that must've been why he was killed faster. If wasn't for you, I would've died so thank you.

Magnus: You're welcome.

Alec still looked at him shyly which he, mentally, smacked himself on the head for doing that, because he was probably thinking that Magnus thought he was a clumsy weirdo for staring at him. Little did he know was that Magnus was finding him adorable, and very nice for a Shadowhunter.

Magnus: I was just about to have another drink, would you like to join me?

Alec: Um...sure.

Magnus and Alec were just about to leave until they were bombarded by all of his friends.

Jace: Halt in the name of The Clave!

Alec: Guys, what the hell are you doing?

Jace: Saving you from....whoever that is.

Alec: You mean saving me from a person who was just inviting me to have a drink with him?

Magnus could see that Alec was pissed and embarrassed more than anyone, and that just made him laugh.

Magnus: So sorry to interrupt, but Alec is right.

Jace: How do you know his-

Alec: I told him, you idiot!

Izzy: Told you, Jace, and how dare you to ruin this moment for Alec and...

Magnus: Magnus.

Izzy: And Magnus. I swear, Alec, you look like you were about to push him to wall and kiss him.

Alec: Izzy!

Alec could've swore that he was about to hyperventilate from the embarrassment that her sister was unraveling.

Magnus: Quite the charmer if you ask me.

Izzy: He's single, nice, a better cook than I am, and he reads.

Magnus: Is he more of a cologne or flower person?

Izzy: Don't know, he's a mystery.

Alec: Izzy, I'm right here!

Izzy: I am trying to help you!

Magnus: I'm assuming your siblings?

Izzy: Yup, I'm his little sister Isabelle but you can call me Izzy.

Magnus: My name is Magnus, and who is the blonde and the red head one?

Izzy: The blonde one is our adoptive brother, Jace, and the red head is our friend Clary Fairchild.

Clary: Hi, it's nice to meet you.

Magnus: Nice to meet all of you.

Alec: Magnus I need to ask you, is Valentine trying to attack you?

Magnus: With the two Circle Members in my club, I have reason to believe so.

Izzy: Then that means that Valentine must be getting closer and closer.

This stroke a nerve between the Lightwood siblings, pretty much all of Alec's life Valentine wanted to get him to join his side. Even though Alec refused to do so, Valentine would not give up in his quest to have his greatest accomplishment be at his side. If Valentine was getting closer just so that way he could have Alec then this means that Alec would have to be on watch at all costs.

Magnus: I'm sensing there is something wrong between the all of you with Valentine?

Izzy: Much more than you think.

Magnus: This is Valentine we are talking about, there is no telling in what he could unleash next.

Alec knew where this was going to head, Magnus was going to have to know about Alec's demon blood in order for him to fully comprehend what was going really going on.

Alec: Can you guys clear out the room? I need to talk to Magnus in private.

Izzy: Alec?

Alec: Please.

Jace: Let's go you guys.

Izzy, Jace, and Clary walked out of the room, leaving Magnus and Alec staring at each other.

Magnus: What is it, Alexander?

Alec had knelt down on his knees, hid his eyes by his two hands, and cried. Magnus knelt down, and placed his hand on Alec's shoulder.

Magnus: What's wrong, Alexander?

Alec looked up, revealing his demon mark, and had tears in his eyes.

Alec: Please......please help me.

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