Who Are You?

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The friends arrived at the bar, and already they split up leaving Alec all alone. Alec didn't mind since he wasn't a big socializer like Izzy or Jace. He decided to go over, and have a drink and just stare mindlessly into space. It was like this until Alec's eyes had caught the attention of some random guy. No, it wasn't his attractiveness but it was a circle mark on his neck. Which meant it was a Circle Member. Wasting no time, Alec devised a plan to follow it and when the moment is right, he'd was going to get him cornered and interrogate where the hell was Valentine. He got up, and started to walk but very slowly since he didn't want to the Circle Member to think he was being followed. He kept following him into a back room that had shelves of drinks, and old boxes. He hid and activated his soundless rune to hear the conversation.

Circle Member: Anything?

Other Member: Nothing, it's like this Warlock loves to hide.

Circle Member: Which doesn't make since he loves it so much.

Other Member: We'll have to look for him, he can't hide for much longer.

Circle Member: We can't face another punishment like the last time we did.

Other Member: We do it then we'll face worse consequences.

Alec knew that he would have to find this Warlock they were looking for, and then protect him from the members.

Circle Member: Let's move out, I have a feeling we are going to be here all night.

Alec rushed out of there, and he began the search for the Warlock. There was no time to warn the others, so he would have to do this alone. He was swarming through the crowds as fast as he could, but there was no luck in finding this Warlock they spoke of. That's when he stopped and saw the same Members walking through. Which meant if he couldn't find the Warlock then at least stop the Members from killing him. He had an arrow in his pocket and had his bow on his back, hidden in his shirt so he was ready. All he had to do was lure them in, and go in for the kill. He followed them out, and his plan was going into action. As soon as the Circle Members were in place, he took out his bow and arrow and shot on in the back of his neck letting him fall to the ground. During his success, it only revealed himself to the first Circle Member and he was prepared to kill.

Circle Member: Your him.....Your him!

Alec assumed that the Circle Member knew about the experiment that Valentine did before he was born, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from doing his job.

Circle Member: You were supposed to go to him when you were little, you were supposed to be ours!

Alec: Tell yourself and Valentine that he can forget me ever joining him.

Alec pulled out another arrow and started to pull.

Circle Member: You're betraying your creator, you are betraying your true family.

Alec: The Circle will never be my family!

Alec shot his arrow but at the same time, a flash of magic shot out at the same time. Making the arrow and the magic work together to kill the other Circle Member. Alec then looked behind him, and his eyes had revealed himself to a man that was dressed in a well-designed tux with a necklace hanging from his neck, makeup that was black as night but it managed to sparkle like the stars, his fingers covered in diamond and gold studded rings. Alec had no idea who he was seeing, but he had to admit that the man was looking very beautiful.

Magnus: Who are you?

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