Going to Inferos

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Magnus was freaking out, his Alexander was stuck in hell with the Mother of all Demon. Who knew what terrible things that Alec could be going to? He had to figure out how he was going to Edom, and fast though it would have to take a phase to pass. Magnus knew someone that lived in Edom, but he would rather not say. Let's just say that he and this person have a strained history with one another, a history that haunts him to this day. Now that he has to go back in there to save his love, the past doesn't matter anymore. Though he knew that he couldn't go alone, Alec would for sure kill him for facing a threat alone.

Clary: Magnus!

Magnus turned around to find Clary, Izzy, Jace, and, surprisingly, Simon behind him.

Magnus: What are you doing here?

Izzy: We tried to track Alec, and it led us here.

Jace: Where's Alec?

Magnus: He's.....He's........He's...

Magnus couldn't dare to say or think that he was kidnapped by Lilith, he didn't want to think about him being tortured to death or anything that had to involve Alec being in pain.

Jace: No.....No....he isn't! I'm his Parabati, he's not dead! My Parabati rune is still here!

Magnus: He's not dead! He's.......

Jace knelt down, and Magnus looked at him in the eye.

Jace: What happened, Magnus?

Magnus: He's been kidnapped!

Jace: By Valentine?

Magnus: No....it's someone else.

Izzy: The Clave?

Magnus: No...

Clary: Then who?

Magnus: By the Mother of all Demons and the Queen of Edom, Lilith.

Simon: The Lilith? As in Adam's first wife in the Garden of Eve?

Izzy: You know about her?

Simon: When I was in Hebrew school, all my teachers would tell us stories that were in Jewish folklore and Lilith was one of them. Lilith was Adam's wife before Eden, and God had ordered them to conceive a child but it was unsuccessful. Every time Lilith and Adame tried to have a child, she would end up having a miscarriage or would have a baby born but it would be born sickly and then it would die. God saw this as Lilith disobeying his orders, and she cast her out of Heaven and onto Earth. Then she got in touch with a Fallen Angel named Sammael, and they proceeded to create all different kinds of demons to roam the Earth.

Izzy: And then there went the story of Jonathan Shadowhunter to create the Nephilim, and hunt them down one by one.

Jace: So that means Alec is in Hell?

Magnus: In Edom to be more exact.

Jace: We have to go there.

Magnus: I know a way we can go down there, but we have to go to my loft in New York to do this.

Magnus opened a portal, and everyone went to his loft. Magnus went to his cabinet, grabbed a bottle of ashes, and used it to draw a Pentagram.

Izzy: Are you going to summon her here?

Clary: Magnus, you know how risky this could be.

Jace: This could put the whole city at risk.

Magnus: Fortunately, for the good people of New York, Lilith isn't coming here.

Izzy: What aren't you telling us?

Magnus: This Pentagram isn't for summoning Lilith to Earth, it's for sending someone to Edom.

Izzy: Will it fit all of us?

Magnus: It should, but I shall warn you that these flames are very strong but they won't burn you.

Simon: Flames?

Magnus illuminated the Pentagram up into flames, and everyone was seeing this right before their eyes. Magnus stepped into it then Jace then Izzy the Clary, and lastly Simon. It was burning all of them straight into Hell. When all of them arrived, they saw the deadliest land that they have ever seen. There was emerald grass, there were now trees filled with leaves and fruit, there weren't any flowers to show off there colorful petals and their unique bloomings every spring. All there was, was sand and trees that had branches that looked like it could trap you in their endless, barking web of fear for all the years to come.

Izzy: I don't see Alec anywhere.

Jace: ARG!!!

Clary: Jace!

Jace was feeling some sort of burning feeling on his forearms, and that is when Alec and Jace were sharing their pain of suffering.

Jace: It's Alec! ARG!!! He's trouble! He's burning!

Izzy: Do you know where he's at?

Jace: I'm sensing he's in some sort of dungeon.


When Jace said the word dungeon, Magnus knew exactly where Lilith was hiding Alec. He was hiding in the place where the strained person he met home. He knew that he had a dungeon where he would keep all of his dead children.

Magnus: I know where he is.

Jace: You do?

Magnus: I've been here before, but that is a story for another time. Come on, we have to save Alexander.

Everyone followed Magnus and went inside this abandoned building that had books scattered everywhere. Torches hung up on the walls, a whole roof that was gone, it just seemed to be an ordinary, scary house that someone would end up in no matter how many signs would give off to not go in there.

Clary: What is this?

Magnus: Quiet, he could be lurking in here.

Clary: Who's-

Magnus: Shh!

Everyone continued to follow Magnus all the way down to the dungeon part, where everyone saw two people chained up.

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