We'll Die Together

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When Magnus parted his lips with Alec, Alec's demon eyes changed back into his crystal blue eyes. That's when Magnus knew that his Alexander Lightwood had come back to him.

Alec: Magnus?

Magnus: Alexander, you're okay.

Alec: What happened? Are we still in Edom? What's going on?

Lilith: NO, MY SON!!!

All of the chains around Alec had disappeared, and he dropped to the ground, safely thanks to Magnus of course.

Lilith: I don't understand, how did I not get you?!

Magnus: Because of love, something that you have never felt ever since Adam didn't appreciate the relationship you once had.

Lilith: Don't you dare bring my past into this!

Lilith was about to lash a bunch of magic until Asmodeus' chains were broken and Asmodeus used his magic to restrain Lilith. Even though it wasn't enough, at least it gave Magnus and Alec to get out of the way as soon as possible.

Lilith: So you're helping them, now?

Asmodeus: What makes you think I would help you?

Asmodeus then smashed her into a wall and then chained her up. When Asmodeus was walking away, that's when Lilith exploded the chains and broke herself free.

Lilith: Did you really think that you could chain me to the chains I created myself? I may not know how you broke out of them, but I'll make sure you will never get out of them again.

Lilith started to lash out her magic just for it to be blocked by Asmodeus.

Asmodeus: Did you forget that I will always find a way to outsmart your magic?

Asmodeus and Lilith went on a whole battle on each other, it was a Greater Demon battle royale. While Asmodeus and Lilith were having their fight, Jace, Simon, Alec, Clary, Izzy, and Magnus were making a run for it until they were stopped by Jonathan.

Jonathan: None of you are going anywhere.

Izzy: Face it Jonathan, your outnumbered.

Jonathan: That may be the case Isabelle, but that doesn't mean that I can't fight.

Jonathan transformed into his true demon form, and that's when he started to go monster on everyone. Every time someone found the perfect time to strike Jonathan, he would make sure it would slip by quickly by a quick a punch in the face. Then it came to Alec and Jonathan, and it was for sure to be an interesting fight. A demon-blooded Shadowhunter versus another demon-blooded Shadowhunter, none of them were powerful than the other, they had equal power but only one could win. Jonathan and Alec started to brawl each other with hitting, punching, kicking, slapping, anything that could knock one of the boys down.

Jonathan: Equal power, you have been taught well....but not good enough to face me.

Jonathan pulled out a shortsword, but that didn't stop Alec from facing him. Alec kept dodging the tip of the sword at every turn there was. Magnus saw this and knew Alec couldn't keep hopping around forever, so Magnus used his magic and did an attack spell on Jonathan to push him to a wall. That's when everyone started to get out of there, but Jonathan still followed and then he grabbed Magnus had his arms around his neck and started to choke him. His muscles had a tight grip on Magnus, and that meant that Magnus couldn't move which meant that he couldn't use his magic to get him out of Jonathan's arms. Alec pulled Jonathan off of him and continued to punch him.

Jonathan: You're definitely faster than the others.

Jonathan slammed Alec's head into a mirror, making the glass cracks show in its full glory but be dirtied with red blood.

You May Be A Demon, But I Still Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now