When War Wages, Love Is Lost

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Alec: There is nothing ugly about you.

Alec was about to pull Magnus in for a hug, until a rippling noise was heard. Alec and Magnus looked at where the noise was coming from, and saw a portal opening. Magnus put his hand behind Alec in order to protect him from whoever was coming. When the portal revealed Valentine stepping out of it, Magnus was in over-protective.

Valentine: Magnus Bane and Alexander-ah!

Magnus shot a wave of magic, and knocked Valentine down. Valentine was about to get him, until Magnus caught him with his magic and started to choke him.

Magnus: Enough is enough, Valentine, your done.

Valentine: Really Alexander? After everything I have done to make you the most powerful Shadowhunter there is, you're, still, going to let this creature kill me?

Alec: You have done nothing for me. All you have done is spread panic and horror to everyone's lives.

Valentine: If I hadn't give your mother that vile then you wouldn't be the biggest accomplishment I have done.

Alec: I am not you accomplishment, or your experiment, and I am certainly not yours! I never was, and never will be.

Valentine: Oh Alexander if only you could understand what I have done for you.

Alec: And if only you would understand that you have made my life a living hell. Magnus, get him to Idris.

Magnus used his magic to put Valentine in a cage, and then portaled him away.

Magnus: He's The Clave's problem now.

Lilith: If a simple Shadowhunter can't get him then I will!

Magnus and Alexander looked behind him, and saw Lilith standing in the middle of the room.

Lilith: And I'll start with getting rid of you!

Lilith sent a wave of magic that sent Alec and Magnus flying to the front door. The doors were broken, and wasting no time Magnus had waved his hand to transport them somewhere safe.

Lilith: You think you can hide from me forever? We shall see about that!

Lilith disappeared, and started to search for Magnus and Alec. Magnus and Alec were transported to an old house that looked like it hasn't been cleaned in years.

Alec: Magnus, where are we?

Magnus: We're in my home.

Alec: No offense, but did you think about cleaning in here.

Magnus: This isn't my loft like the ones in Paris or New York, this is my childhood home.

Alec: You mean...

Magnus: Yes, Alexander, we are in Indonesian.

Alec: Why here?

Magnus: When I came back here a few hundred years ago, I put protective wards around it so no one could mess around in here. No mundane, Shadowhunter, demon, or Downworlder can enter here. Not even a Greater Demon can enter here.

Alec: So Lilith won't find us?

Magnus: Yes, you're safe.

Lilith: Are you sure about that, Magnus?

Magnus: How did you-?

Lilith: I can track my blood in Alexander's, so matter where you are I will always find my son.

Magnus knew that Lilith's voice was in the air, and not her physical body, but even hearing voice was a threatening chill in the air.

Lilith: You may have a wards that can protect you, but nothing a little magic can do to break it down.

Magic started to erupt from all around, and Magnus rushed to Alexander's protection.

Magnus: Alexander, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't protect you.

Alec: It's not your fault.

Magnus: Aku cinta kamu.

Alec: What?

Magnus: Aku cinta kamu, it means I love you.

Alec: Aku cinta kamu too.

Magnus and Alec hugged one another, and braced themselves for impact.

You May Be A Demon, But I Still Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now