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I must admit I'm knackered! Perrie was up all night crying in pain, I kept hold of her all night tried my best to settle her. Eventually Sophie just took us to the hospital for an emergency appointment. They said it was normal and she just needs to keep up with paracetamol. My poor thing was dressed all smart now though, it's Graduation day. She had to say a speech which I'm slightly worried about (for her). We also had to sing, we have been practicing as much as possible. I walked down the stairs and she was sat on the sofa playing on her phone. She was also rubbing her belly occasionally. "How are you feeling baby?" I asked sitting behind her. "In pain." She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder. "Yeah I know. Are you excited about Graduation?" I asked her. "I am but I'm hella nervous about singing and the speech." She sighed. "You'll be fine sweetie, just watch me." I kissed her head. "I love you Jade." She said sweetly. "I love you too." I kissed her properly. "Enough of that girls, come on you'll be late."

"Now it's time for a few words from Perrie Edwards." Miss Cabello introduced me and I walked into stage. I adjusted the microphone, cleared my throat, searched for Jade and began my speech. "Hello Everyone, as you have guessed, I'm Perrie Edwards. I am 18 years old and I am a student here at Autumn Lane...

What I am trying to say is that even-though times are hard now, if you keep perusing and keep fighting you will end up in a great place." I finished my speech and the whole room erupted in cheer. Was it that good? I bowed and walked back off stage and to the back where I was met by Jade. She engulfed me in a massive hug and kissed my cheek. "That was amazing baby." She whispered. "Thank you baba." I replied and sat down with my hands on my belly. "Does it hurt?" she asked me sympathetically, I nodded and she handed me some more painkillers. "You're aloud them now, are you ready for the performance?" She sat next to me and our teacher came over. "Girls you're on next, are you ready?" He asked us, we nodded. Even though I was so nervous. "Now, Perrie Edward and Jade Thirlwall singing Good Times." we were introduced by Miss Cabello, I picked up my guitar, Jade grabbed our stools and we walked out. We got comfortable and adjusted our mics. "So through this song, we want every student, and teacher to remember every happy and good thing that happened in these walls. Forget the sad times and remember the good." Jade said then nodded to me, I began strumming the chords.


On a fault line, late night
Underneath the stars we came alive
And singing to the sky just felt right
I won't forget the good times
While the punks started picking fights
With the skater kids under city lights
Remember how we laughed 'til we cried
I won't forget the good times.


I never want to leave this sunset town
But one day the time may come
And I'll take you at your word
And carry on
I'll hate the goodbye
But I won't forget the good times

I won't forget the good times


We were bare-knuckled, tight lip
Middle fingers up, ego trip
Devil may care but we didn't mind
I won't forget the good times
We're the boys in black smoking cigarettes
Chasing girls who didn't know love yet
As the bonfire moon came down
I won't forget the good times


I never want to leave this sunset town
But one day the time may come
And I'll take you at your word
And carry on
I'll hate the goodbye
But I won't forget the good times
I won't forget the good times


When we laughed
When we cried
Those were the days
We owned the nights
Locked away
Lost in time
I found the nerve
To say that

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