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"Hyung, I really am happy for you

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"Hyung, I really am happy for you."


"Because if you get a boyfriend, you'll be happy."

"First, I don't need a boyfriend. And second, am I not happy now? You're making it sound like I'm a depressed piece of shit." Yoongi shoved Hoseok hard. Hard enough to make the younger topple over the side of the bed and land on his ass. His head popped back up, whining and pouting about how mean his hyung was.

"If I broke something, you're paying for my medical bills and booty injections," with a huff, Hoseok sat back on the bed, throwing himself onto the pillows.

The others had already had plans so it was just Hoseok that had decided to come last minute with a movie and pizza, which they were still working on. After his Mom had left, Yoongi had had a full out thinking session in the silence of his room and the soft sound of Holly's snores on his pillow.

He had wondered if he did have a crush.

When the orange haired younger barged into his room, breaking the comfortable silence with his excitement, and almost giving both Yoongi and Holly heart attacks, he had decided to tell Hoseok about his restless thoughts.

Hoseok had been nothing but supportive and happy about the situation. "I'm really happy, knowing you actually have feelings in that heart of ice somewhere." "Of course I have feelings! I gotta take care of you brats when Seokjin hyung's not present." "Hyung!"

Hoseok stared and stayed quiet at Yoongi for a while, until he voiced out his next question, "how long have you been crushing on Jimin?"

Yoongi took another bite of his pizza, wanting more time to think about his answers, not wanting anything cringey to slip out. "I don't know...a few months?"

Hoseok shot straight up, his jaw dropped and his eyes wide in betrayal. "You had a crush for months and didn't tell any of us!?" "I mean I'm not supposed to tell you every detail about my love life, now am I? And besides...I'd knew you'd all get crazy and start bombarding me with questions and shit. Did you not see Tae and Jin hyung earlier?" "True."

"And also, I don't think he likes me." Hoseok snorted at that. "Did you give him your special stare or did you bully him?"


"Oh my god, you didn't actually-"

"No! I didn't bully him. I don't bully anyone. Only the kids who think they're the shit and picking on the weaker kids. You know this." Hoseok nodded. "Yeah I know. Wait, have you ever even talked to him?"

"I talked to him today."

"You did? That's good, what did you say?"

"Um...I asked for a pencil. And then paper. And then the notes which he gave to me after he hit his head on the table."

"He what?"

"He got annoyed because I kept bothering him." Hoseok flinched at that and that made Yoongi groan and drop onto the mattress, covering his face with a pillow. "I told you he doesn't like me," he said (whined), his words coming out muffled.

"Maybe cause you didn't have your supplies like you're supposed to bring to school? And how are you the king of flirting when you can't even flirt with your own crush?" Yoongi threw his pillow at the younger, hitting his face perfectly.

"Shut up you whore! You don't see me criticizing you when you try to flirt with every single person that walks in front of you."

"First of all, the use of the word 'whore' towards me is unnecessary. And second of all, you have a bigger body count than I do so I'm not this so called 'whore' that you speak of. It's you," Hoseok held up his index finger while sitting up straight and using a professional voice while staring down at Yoongi.

"I'm gonna choke you."

"Yes daddy."

Yoongi tackled the cackling idiot to the floor, laughing and tussling with him while jokingly making empty threats towards him.

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