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It was 4:30 am now

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It was 4:30 am now.

The outside still pitch black with no moon to shine over the world.

Jimin was finally calm.

It had taken awhile but not as long as his others were.

He felt like this was a small accomplishment to hold dear to himself.

He rubbed his sleeve over his face to clear the rest of his tears that had dried over the hour that he stared into nothing. He began to roll his neck and shake his arms to relieve the stiffness and anxiety that had not fully left yet but was getting there.

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed to go into his bathroom to wash his face. It was Monday morning and a school day, might as well get a bit of studying in and then get ready.

So he shed his clothes and turned on the shower head, not glancing once at the mirror in fear of having those horrid thoughts return. And once he entered the shower, he began to wash away all the bad events that had taken place the night before.


Classes today weren't all that bad. Maybe the teachers were feeling just as tired as the students were since it was the beginning of the week, he thought, a bit too happy they hadn't bombarded everyone with new lessons and homework.

Even one teacher just told everyone to rest their heads for moment, falling asleep himself. Everyone was eternally grateful.

When lunch time arrived, he was ready to sit alone at his table with his nose in his book until-

"Hey Jimin! Over here!"

He turned around to see a familiar redhead waving excitingly at him. "Come sit with us!" He slowly rearranged his feet to make his way to the table of 5? He counted heads to make sure he didn't miss anyone.

Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook, and...

"Hey, where's Hoseok?" As he sat down next to Taehyung who had patted the seat beside him, he saw everyone give each other sad looks before Namjoon spoke up. "He wasn't feeling well today so he stayed home. He'll feel better soon." The blond gave him a small smile that didn't reach his eyes nor let one of his dimples show.

"Oh...well I hope he didn't come down with anything serious."

Taehyung shook his head and quickly changed the subject to one of his teachers that had made an announcement about giving away puppies. As he talked away, Jimin looked over at the mint haired boy who had his head down resting on his arms.

He'd been like that during class too. Wonder if he's coming down with something too, he wondered.

"Hey Jimin?"

He turned to see Namjoon pointing at something and when he looked to see where his finger was signaling to, he saw that it was his book. "Do you mind if I see that?" "Of course not." He handed the book to the blond who began to inspect the cover and then turning it around to read the summary on the back.

"Do you like to read books too, Namjoon-hyung?"

"Oh he looovess them! Sometimes he won't even give me attention because he's so into his book." Seokjin, who was also reading the back too, answered him with a pout and an eye roll.

Jimin laughed at the older's annoyance. "Well maybe he can read to you?"

Namjoon let out a sigh. "I have, but then he always ends up falling asleep and drools on my shoulder." An offended gasp and light hit. "I do not!" "Do too! My shirt from last night has proof." "Namjoonie, you're so mean to me. You'd rather give love and attention to books than your OWN beautiful and amazing boyfriend."

"Jinnie, baby..."


"I love you."


"Aww c'mon baby, don't be like that." He slowly wrapped his arms around the older's waist who had his back towards him with his arms defiantly crossed. "Say it back my pouty baby."

"M'not pouty."

"Yes you are, now say it back."

"Fine." While Seokjin slowly turned around to give a Namjoon a peck on the lips and a growing smile, he said, "I love you too, you big nerd."

Jimin couldn't help but be a bit envious of their relationship. They were both so comfortable with each other despite differences.

Seokjin was a known figure throughout all of Asia with his father and mother owning huge technology companies and even though he was rich beyond belief, he really was a kind silly soul whose eyes seemed to light up like stars everytime he stared at Namjoon. And Namjoon was definitely the same way.

Everytime the older would crack a horrible joke or compliment himself everytime he took a selfie, Namjoon just seemed to melt at the other's personality.

An enviable couple indeed.

"Hey chim-you mind if I call you that?" Taehyung looked at him with a bit of worry in his eyes, but Jimin shook his head. "No, not at all. Mind if I call you Tae?" The redhead gave him a big boxy grin (cute) and shook his head too. "That's fine! Everyone calls me that anyway so go ahead."

Jimin gave him a smile back. "Great. So were you gonna ask me something?"

"Oh yeah! We're all going out again this Saturday. Think you can come?"

Saturday. He was going to be home that day. For sure.

"Uh...I can't actually. I have some chores and grocery shopping to do that day. And don't you dare send Daejun and a replacement to kidnap me again." Taehyung slowly put down his finger and pouted at his idea being turned down. "Maybe some other time, kay?"

"Fine. But next time for sure okay? I want to get to know you better and-oh! Maybe we could have a date-"


"As friends baby." "M'kay."

Jimin giggled at Jungkook melting under the soft kiss Taehyung places on his scarred cheek. Another enviable couple.

"But really! We should definitely have friend date soon." "Sure, I don't mind."

The bell suddenly rang throughout the cafeteria, signaling the end of lunch. Everyone began to pack up their things and Namjoon woke up Yoongi who slowly raised his head to squint at the bright lights invading his vision.

As everyone began to make their way back to their classes, Jimin grabbed his backpack and book and approached Yoongi. "Hey, are you feeling okay?"

The older looked at him and nodded. "Yeah I'm good. Why do you ask?" His voice was low and raspy from just waking up and the lack of use and it did things to Jimin.


"Cuz you were sleeping during class today and lunch as well. Just wanted to make sure you weren't getting sick too."

"Too? Who else got sick?"

"Um, Hoseok-hyung did? That's what everyone else said."

There was a moment of silence and Yoongi giving him a blank, almost sad, look before speaking. "Uh yeah...he is. He'll get better. Uh...also thanks." He gave Jimin a small smile.

"For what?" They both began to walk down the hallway.

"For checking up on me, sweet cheeks." He winked and clicked his tongue but soon began to curse when Jimin roughly pinched his arm.


"That's what you get, idiot!"

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