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"So why didn't you let him kiss you?"

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"So why didn't you let him kiss you?"

Jimin groaned into his hands, his mind had been going haywire over what happened to be his almost first kiss. It was Monday now and Jimin hadn't been able to concentrate on any of his classes today. He was in art class and Taehyung had caught on to his worrying, silently slipping into the empty seat next to him and asking him how the date had been and so on and so forth.

And now they were here. Both wondering why he hadn't let Yoongi kiss him.

"I don't know! I didn't feel nervous or disgusted, but my body just reacted and I panicked and I turned my head away! Tae is something wrong with me? Like what the fuck was I thinking! Ugh! And now Yoongi hasn't texted me back and I feel like I'm never gonna get laid and I-"

"Mr. Park! Can you honestly be a little more louder?" Both boys suddenly looked up to see their teacher giving them her coldest stare and Jimin looked around to see some of the other students staring at him too, others snickering behind their hands, or others just ignoring them and continuing to do their project.

"S-sorry. I'll be quieter...I promise." She rolled her eyes while shaking her head and continued to type something on her laptop.

Jimin sighed and planted his forhead on the table, whining about he'll become a loner with dozens of cats. He'll be an old cat man.

"Aww Jimin, I don't think it's that bad. Honestly, you could just tell Yoongi that you wanna go slow and that's it! He'll understand."

Jimin looked up at the red head with uncertainty in his eyes and puffed out his cheeks, Taehyung immediately cooing and softly pinching them.

"But doesn't Yoongi have a reputation to keep? He's the school's bad boy who goes around fucking anyone he wants and everyone would gladly drop their pants for him. Taehyung, I'm scared. What if I'm just another fuck-OW! Tae!"

The brunette rubbed his forehead where the red head had violently flicked him, staring at the younger who gave him a scandalized face.

"Jimin! Don't ever think about Yoongi like that! Just because he gets into everyone's pants doesn't mean he'll just get into yours and throw you away like trash! Believe me when I tell you that Yoongi's feelings are honest and true when it comes to you. Yeah he's had a few fucks-"

"A few?"

"Okay, more than a few! But we all have! And besides, all his fucks come to him, not the other way around. And Yoongi's not some heartless bitch, he really does like you and wants to become something with you. But! It's definitely okay for you to wanna take your time. Just tell him that and he'll understand."

Taehyung patted his friend's shoulder and gave him his infamous boxy grin that made the brunette laugh. "Okay, I'll tell him just that. Thanks Tae...for listening to me panic and ramble."

They both hugged each other tight, the younger obnoxiously giving the older a loud kiss on his squishy cheek, laughing loudly at the other's annoyance but quickly closing his mouth when the teacher shushed both.

Again, for the hundredth time.


It was after school that Jimin finally had the courage to walk to the parking lot where the seniors usually were. He could see Yoongi's hair from a mile away and fear squeezed his insides but he didn't let them take control. So with a deep sigh, he began to head towards the mint haired boy.

Yoongi was talking to Namjoon when the blond suddenly pointed to something behind him and he turned around to face Jimin, who's face was a bit flushed.

"Hey Yoongi, can I talk to you for a sec?"

The older nodded and pointed to his car. "Wanna talk in the car?"


So with that, they silently entered the car, Yoongi not even bothering to turn it on. Jimin's fear intensified, but Taehyung's words spilled back into his mind, appeasing his nerves for a bit. That is until the older cleared his throat.

"Soooo I'm guessing you're trying to tell me something...? Or am I reading the situation wrong?"

Jimin startled at the voice, but quickly composed himself, trying to clear his throat but feeling like something was choking him from the inside. So with a less than relieving breath, he spoke.

"I-I wanted to talk about Friday night. About..the...kiss?"

Why did he phrase it like a question? It's not a question, it should be a statement! So with a bit more confidence and energy, now that Yoongi got the gist of what Jimin wanted to talk about, he spoke again.

"Yes, about the kiss."

He turned to see Yoongi staring back and him and nodding, a sly smile already gracing his lips. "Well, it wasn't really a kiss since we never really touched lips."

He is VERY correct, Jimin thought bitterly. So much for being confident in his words.

"The almost kiss then. On Friday night. Well, Saturday morning if you wanna get technical but I-"

Yoongi chuckled while placing a hand gently on Jimin's who was about to keep on rambling on and on if no one intervened. "What about the almost kiss on Saturday morning? Did I take it too far? You can tell me if something makes you uncomfortable Jimin."

Jimin shook his head quickly and licked his lips to gather his thoughts.

"No, you didn't take it too far. I just wanted to clear the air and tell you that I really really loved our date...and that if it's gonna become a constant thing...that I wanted to take things...slow."

"Okay." Yoongi smiled at the younger while nodding to show that he was on board. "I'm completely fine with that."

"Y-you are?"

"Totally. I don't want you to do something that you're not ready for, especially if I'm asking. But I did hear you mention about these dates becoming a constant thing? Could I maybe persuade you into one of these dates again sometime soon?"

Jimin let out a soft giggle at the suggestive tone and expression the older was giving and nodded, excitement, relief, and a little nervousness filling him up.

"Yes you can. I'd be very happy to go with you on one of these dates very soon."

"Perfect." Yoongi immediately started up the car, spooking Jimin a bit. Then he asked, "where are we going?"

"Does some bingsu sound good to you right now?"

Jimin smiled sweetly at the other, and began to put his seat-belt on. "It sounds great." 

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