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"So what's this 'mandatory' meeting about?" Namjoon sat on one of the couches, drinking his champagne like a royal would do, but ended up accidentally choking on it

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"So what's this 'mandatory' meeting about?" Namjoon sat on one of the couches, drinking his champagne like a royal would do, but ended up accidentally choking on it. Seokjin patted his boyfriend's back and handed him some water so he wouldn't die.

Taehyung made sure Namjoon was okay before resuming to announce his big plan to the group. "We are going to befriend the nerd Park Jimin and get him out of his comfort zone! It shall be named 'Operation Nerd Boy'! Who's in?"


"Why 'nerd boy'? Can't you think of a more creative name?" Hoseok was the first one to speak up. "And why do we have to befriend him?"

"Well do you have a better idea for a name? And for your second question, we need to get Yoongi and Jimin together."

Yoongi looked up from his phone and gave Taehyung an insulted look. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused."

Seokjin sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Taehyung, you can't just play matchmaker for Yoongi and Jimin all of a sudden. What makes you even think they wanna be together. From what I've seen, Jimin doesn't really take a liking to Yoongi at all."


"It's true don't even deny it."

Taehyung removed the pillow from Jungkook's lap and placed himself on top instead, huffing at the elder's words while Jungkook wrapped his arms around the red head's waist. "Oh c'mon hyung! It would be fun! Besides, I have a feeling Jimin needs to be slowly pulled out from his comfort zone. He's always so quiet and has his nose stuck in a book."

"I always have my nose stuck in a book," Namjoon remarked.

Taehyung sighed. "Yeah but you also do crazy shit with us. Jimin doesn't look like he goes breaking into swimming pools at two in the morning. I just can't stand seeing people look so miserable in their lives." The red head had a pout on his lips as he laid back against Jungkook, seeking comfort.

Seokjin patted Taehyung's knee and shook his head. "Taehyung maybe he likes it that way. You can't just force people to do things they don't wanna do. We can befriend him and if he gets comfortable with us then that's when we can invite him to do crazy shit with us, okay?"

Taehyung nodded. "Okay. But can we change the operation name though? Hobi hyung made me not like it anymore."

"How about 'fuck the rules'?" Yoongi spoke up, everyone turning their heads towards him. Hoseok laughed. "That one sounds nice." Everyone nodded and agreed.


After seeing most of the exhibits and trying some of the sweet treats on the candy table, Jimin had made his way over to the big stage in the middle of the building. Tables covered in fine silk with flowers arrangements in the middle were surrounding what Jimin guessed was the dance floor. The DJ could be seen talking to someone in the back and quickly came back to his set before announcing the first performer of the show.

Jimin was going to take a seat in the back at a lone table before he was dragged to the front by a very excited looking Taehyung. "You'll be able to see better from here. You're gonna love the show, I guarantee it!"

The first performer was Hoseok.

It was no surprise to Jimin that the happy-go-lucky male (and dance team captain) danced without a care in the world. Popping his body and moving like a snake to every beat caught everyone's attention, catcalls and praises being thrown at the skilled dancer.

Taehyung on the other hand was rapping the entire song of 'Base Line', jumping up and down at seeing his friend move and impress the audience with his quick legs and sly hand movements. By the time the song ended, everyone clapped and cheered for the ginger who had smiled like the sun and dramatically bowed. Someone had even thrown a flower at him in which he swiftly caught and waved goodbye, disappearing behind the stage.

"Wasn't he awesome?! He'd been practicing for months, not showing any of us what his new dance looked like. Oh! He did amazing! I can't wait until the other performances!" Taehyung was vibrating with excitement, even clinging onto Jimin's arm babbling about the after party and the fireworks show.

Jimin laughed at his eagerness, even finding himself somewhat excited for what was to come next. He wasn't going to admit it out loud but he was glad he was dragged out his house tonight. The night, however, was only just beginning. 

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