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"Yoongi hyung!"

Yoongi shook his head and rapidly blinked at his best friend who was waving a hand in front of his face with a bewildered look. Hoseok snorted and raised an eyebrow. "You okay? You seem out of it today."

Yoongi nodded and just motioned his head to Namjoon who was talking to Seokjin about...something. Damn, I really am out of it. "Yeah, I was just remembering a riddle Namjoon told me earlier. I can't figure it out."

Namjoon's head whipped to look in Yoongi's direction with a sparkle in his eyes. "So you were paying attention! I thought you were just staring at that Jimin kid the entire time I was talking to you." Hoseok gasped and grabbed Yoongi by the shoulders, turning him in his seat to face him. "You have a crush!?"

"Who has a crush?"

Both Taehyung and Jungkook filled into their regular seats at the circular table, Jungkook's hands holding two trays of food instead of one. Taehyung was the one that had asked the question, sitting down in between Hoseok and Jungkook, staring intently on Yoongi over Hoseok's shoulder.

"No one has a cru-"

"Yoongi hyung has a crush on Park Jimin."

Taehyung gasped as well as Seokjin, both boys grabbing Yoongi's arms and bombarding him with questions and comments about his newfound "crush".

"The cute chubby cheeked boy in your math class?"

"I talk to him during art class, I can get you his number~"

"He is really cute, no wonder you like him."

"I didn't know you went for the quiet nerdy boys. I see you Yoongi, I see you."

Yoongi yanked his arms out of their grasps and put his hands on their mouths, knowing they would just keep rambling on and on, even if he did tell them to stop. "I. Do. Not. Have. A. Crush. Okay?" He emphasized every word clearly, wanting everyone to listen carefully and to quit making assumptions.

"Then why do you keep on ogling him like you're gonna eat him?" Namjoon spoke this time, stuffing his mouth with his homemade food. Yoongi rolled his eyes and glared at the blond giant who just couldn't seem to keep his mouth shut.

"Because I have his pencil."

"That's it?" Jungkook had already finished one tray and had begun to devour his second one. "Yes, that's it. I just wanna give it back to him." The raven haired boy rolled his eyes and scoffed. "That's the lamest excuse I've heard."

"It's not an excuse."

"Sounds like one to me" both Namjoon and Hoseok spoke in unison, high-fiving each other afterwards.

Taehyung and Seokjin peeled their faces from Yoongi's cold hands, continuing to talk his ears off about ways to approach Jimin.

The mint haired boy just sighed and continued to stare at the brown haired boy across the cafeteria who was too focused in his own little world, eyes flitting over the words in his book.

I just wanna give you your damn pencil back.

It's mechanical. 

FUCK THE RULES / Y.MWhere stories live. Discover now