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The whole day was as calming as a morning sea breeze on a fine summer's day

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The whole day was as calming as a morning sea breeze on a fine summer's day.

Yoongi and the rest of group had had their coffee and then decided to roam around the city for a bit. Taehyung and Daejun both dragged the group inside a large thrift store and began to look through worn clothing.

Yoongi saw the small brunette also looking through some old worn hoodies with tacky words on it or just outright bright and colorful. He thought back to coffee shop.

Jimin seemed more open and bright when talking to the others about last night. He'd never seen that side of him during classes or even during lunch. Damn, he thought, maybe I do pay a lot of attention to him.

"Hey Yoongs." Yoongi looked up to see Hoseok holding up a nice looking leather jacket. "This kinda suits you don't ya think?" Yoongi walked over to where his best friend was and took the jacket from him, examining it. It did look pretty cool.

"Hmm...I don't know. Lemme ask."

Hoseok gave him a bewildered look. "Ask? Ask wh-"

"Hey sweet cheeks!"

Jimin looked up over the rack to see who was addressing him and he immediately pursed his lips and gave him the same annoyed look he always gave. Except, this one felt a bit lighter this time and not as serious. "What hobo?"

"Whaddya think?" Yoongi ignored his comment and held up the jacket as Jimin began to examine it. He hummed and then nodded, "yeah, looks pretty cool. Though, I'd think it'd look better on Hoseok-hyung."

Yoongi gasped while Hoseok began to cackle loudly, taking the jacket back and pointing towards Jimin. "I like the way you think Jimin." He winked and to Yoongi's utter surprise, the brunette winked back.

Hoseok began to put the jacket on and when he went to check himself out in the mirror, Jimin whistled and clicked his tongue. "You look hot." "Thanks, I'll probably buy it instead of Yoongs."

"You offered it to me!"

"Yeah well now I want it!"

Jimin's soft laugh made Yoongi stop from yelling back a remark and when he felt a nudge from his best friend, he decided to go over to the same rack the brunette was looking through. "So..."

Without looking up, the younger hummed.

"What are you exactly searching for?" He leaned back against the rack, crossing his arms and glancing back at Hoseok and Daejun who had their thumbs raised in the air with whispers of encouragement.

"Um, nothing in particular. I've been needing some new clothes and after Taehyung's party last night, I definitely need some new clothes."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It just means that if I ever get dragged, or kidnapped, to a another party again, might as well invest now into some new clothing." He already had an armful of different shirts and jean jackets and he seemed to be struggling a bit, so without any words, he took them from Jimin's arm.

"O-oh. Thank you."

"No problem. So does this mean you'll be hanging out with us more?" Does this mean I get to see you more often?

Jimin shrugged but Yoongi could see a hint of excitement in his eyes. "I guess I am."

"You are?!" Both Yoongi and Jimin jumped and turned to see an excited red head almost bursting with energy at hearing Jimin's words. Jimin smiled and nodded. "Yeah. If you'd like that." Yoongi could hear his slight hesitation. Maybe he thinks we wouldn't want him around.

Taehyung threw his arms around the brunette's and hugged him back and forth, almost making both of them fall over if wasn't for Jimin's balance to keep them upright. "YES! YES! YES! A thousand times YES! I would love for you to hang out with us more! We can do so many things! Oh my god and especially in the summer! We have so many things planned before we all go off to college. Okay so first we were thinking-"

Yoongi rolled his eyes while shaking his head, happy to see Taehyung so excited over gaining a new friend. He was like a new born puppy, giving all his love to anyone he sees.

He felt a nudge and turned to see Hoseok giving him a knowing smile. "What?"

"I see you lover boy. Holding his stuff and secretly getting excited over him saying he's willing to spend time with US. But I bet you probably heard 'you' instead of 'us'." "Shut up."

He pushed his cackling friend aside and turned back around to see Taehyung still talking amicably while the brunette smiled and nodded along.

Maybe he was just a tiny bit excited. Not that he would ever admit that though.


"Hey Mom, I'm home and I brought Hobi."

"Oh! My favorite son and Yoongi?"


Hoseok laughed and ran over to give his Mom a big bear hug. With how tiny his Mom was, Hoseok seemed huge in comparison. "Hi! Your favorite son is here!"

She laughed and returned his hug, rubbing his back and looked back towards Yoongi. "Hey minty, how was today?" He shrugged and went to the fridge to take out a popsicle. "It was good. Right Hobi?"

Hoseok grabbed one as well and sat down on stool and began to retell all that had happened today. Even the part where Jimin agreed to be part of their circle. Of course Hoseok and his gossiping ass had to talk about Yoongi's growing crush on the brunette.

"Hoseok shut up!"


"Oh so minty, it was you all along who had this crush?" His mom faked a gasp and placed a hand over her heart. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" Both her and Hoseok began to tease him and with a low 'fuck you both' he began to walk upstairs to ignore both his best friend and mother who seemed to enjoy his misery.

"Holly's the only being in this world that loves and respects me back unconditionally!"

They laughed even louder. "Assholes," he said with absolutely no venom in his voice but instead with undeniable love.


Yoongi was suddenly startled awake by his phone ringing and when he checked the caller ID, he sighed. Why the fuck is he calling me at 2 in the morning?

He clicked the green button and placed the phone on his ear. "If this is about your damn TV show Hobi, I swear on my mother, Holly, and God that-"

He almost missed it. A small sniffle could be heard over the phone.

Yoongi swung his legs over the side of the bed, anxiety filling his entire body, waiting for his friend to say something. "Hobi? Are you there?"

Silence followed.

"Hobi please say something."

A beat passed before he finally heard a heartbreaking sob.

"Yoongi...please come and get me."

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