1| That kiss

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Toni's Perspective
I lied awake in my bed, trying to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about it, how Cheryl kissed me on the cheek after our night at pop's. It probably meant nothing, friends do that a lot, right? I wouldn't know, I've never really had a close female friend, and kissing one of my male friends on the cheek would probably be kind of weird. Maybe it meant something, maybe it meant nothing. I probably shouldn't get my hopes up. I pondered on this topic until I fell asleep.

*In the morning*

I heard my alarm go off, I didn't want to get up. I groaned and grabbed my phone to turn it off, I saw a text from Cheryl.
C: "hey, thank you"
T: "for what?"
I put my in the bag at the side of my bed. Friday. I thought, getting up to get ready.

*at school*
I slammed my locker shut with my history books in my arms. I jumped as I saw Cheryl right behind the door of my locker. "Hey Cha-Cha" she said, grinning. "Hey Cherry" I smiled back, I started to walk slowly to history, hoping Cheryl will follow. "What class to you have again?" Cheryl seemed generally interested. "History, remember I sit in the back, and you in the front." I chuckled. "Haven't noticed." She states plainly, "yeah, you don't notice much." I teased. "Maybe you're too silent!" She said, playfully pushing me. "Yeah I am silent, you could learn something from me." I continued teasing. "Screw you." She scoffed, shoving me. "I was just joking." I started to worry. "I know, air head." She giggled as we walked into history class. "Meet in the lounge at lunch." She said to me as I made my way to the back, I got kind of disappointed at the fact this was our only class together today.

*at lunch* Cheryl's perspective.

I sat at my usual spot on the couch, waiting very impatiently for Toni. She walked in and spotted me, we smiled at each other as she walked over and sat down. "Hey cherry." She greeted. I put my hand on her leg, "hey Cha-Cha." I responded, trying to give her a sign, I don't know why I was so nervous with her.
Toni looked up at me, I smiled at her, she smiled but quickly looked back down. I felt like crying, was she uncomfortable? I couldn't tell. I took my hand off her leg. "Something on your mind?" I asked, hoping she wasn't just uncomfortable with me. "Yeah." She responded, she did look deep in thought. "And that is...?" I tried to pry it out of her. "I have my sights set for a certain girl, and I can't tell if she's just being friendly, or if she likes me too, and I don't wanna assume." She sighed. I tried to think of any of her female friends, she had none that I could tell. Was she talking about me? "Does she have a lover? What colour his her hair? Does she go to riverdale high?" I decided to find out. "She's single as far as I know, she has red hair, and yes she does attend riverdale high." It took me a second to realize I fitted her explanation, I didn't want to assume so I decided to test the waters. "I can't imagine why you would doubt she's into you, who isn't?" I smiled, but i was nervous it wasn't me. She looked at me, baffled. "Did you just......" she muttered, blushing "Hey, later today wanna go to pop's and hang out." I asked, quick to change the subject as I felt my face heat up. "Yeah, that'd be nice." She said, looking hesitant for a moment. She put her hand on my leg, causing me to blush profusely. "P-pick me up at 4?" I stuttered, I never stutter, this girl was making me stutter. How. "It's a date." She states as the bell wrung, indicating for me to get to maths. I sighed and got up. "See you then" Toni called after me as I walked out the door, I turned smiled, and winked at her, I saw her beautiful, brown eyes light up before I was pulled away into the current of students going to class, I smiled and kept my head up. I have a date with Toni Topaz. The thought gave me butterflies. I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole day.

To be continued...

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