8| Betrayal

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Toni's perspective.
"Miya.." Veronica's mom started walking into the room. Causing us to both look up. "Oh, sorry." She stepped out sheepishly. "It's fine, we're just reading." I chuckled. "Oh hello Toni." Hermione said, stepping back in the room. "I've heard great things about you." She added, I smiled. "Mind if i steal Veronica for a second." She asked as Veronica got up. "No problem." I responded, looking back at my book. It was Moby Dick (sorry if I misspelled~author) I must have read it a lot already, but it was for English so I decided to read it again, slacking off on doing the actual report.  Veronica followed Hermione out the door, as soon as I heard the door close I got up to eavesdrop, I knew it's a bad thing to do, but I was curious. "You shouldn't text me 'I don't think I can do this' that close to her, Miya." I heard Hermione say. What? I thought. "I know mummy, I just feel like I shouldn't date her, I've ruined her relationship with Cheryl." I heard Veronica say, I couldn't tell if I was mad or hurt, both. "Since when do you care about Cheryl? And I'm sorry if your uncomfortable but she can get jughead to shut up, and he's being a big pest right now." I heard Hermione explain. "Can't Archie do that too? Him and jughead are friends." Veronica whined. I couldn't say I was shocked, when she first started being friendly with me I thought it was fishy, dating me, too good to be true. "Veronica, I thought you liked Toni anyway?" Hermione pleaded, they really wanted jughead to shut up. "I don't like her like that thou, she's a bad kisser if I'm being honest." Veronica continued to whine. "Please?" Her mother begged. "Fine." She said grudgingly. I saw the doorknob turn. I jumped back to the bed and closed my book, putting it in my bag. The door opened, Veronica walking inside. "I gotta go." I said, brushing past her. "Wait, why." She asked, grabbing my arm. "I. Have. To. Go." I said, not bothering to hide my anger. I ripped my arm out of her grip and walked, almost ran. Out of her house. "Toni, something wrong?" Hermione smiles at me, stopping me. "No, I just have to go miss Lodge." I said, running away again. "See you later than." She called after me.
Cheryl's perspective.
Toni burst in the door, angry with tears in her eyes. She spotted me and smiled slightly, walking towards me. "Hey-" I said, cut off my Toni grabbing my face and kissing me violently, I missed this. I wrapped my arms around her, I wanted to stop her, say I'm stronger than that and not forgive her as easily. But I couldn't, the temptation was too much. I pulled away after a while. I looked at her, getting lost in her eyes as I always do. "What happened." I said, she was smiling but there was old tears in her eyes, before she kissed me they were fresh. "I was just a pawn for the Lodges, to shut jughead up." She states plainly, I still wanted to act strong and not forgive her as easily as I was, but I couldn't. I hugged her. "How did you find that out?" I asked. "I eavesdropped on her and her mom's conversation. She said I was a bad kisser. That she wanted Archie back, God, I'm so stupid for trusting her." She sighed. I kissed her, pulling away grudgingly. "First of  all, you're a great kisser, secondly, your not stupid, I've been there before. I admit it, she is very attractive." I remembered when a little while ago I too, was crushing on Veronica, how she found every single way to break my heart, Toni definitely wasn't alone. "Really?" She looked up at me, her hands were still around my waist. "Yeah, you're definitely not the first to have this type of experience with Veronica lodge." I concluded. "So much romantic drama in one day." Toni muttered, "I get two people to like me and now they both hate me." She sighed, letting me go. I didn't let her go. "As much as I want to say I hate you, to not forgive you as easily as I am, I don't hate you, and I'll accept an apology from you for anything, even if you did something as bad as killing someone, I love you." I confessed, she wrapped her arms around my waist again, squeezing tight. "I'm so, so sorry for ever choosing that snake over you." She said sincerely. Making me smile. "I accept your apology." I said, pulling her closer to me. I pushed her jaw up so she'd face me. "But don't do it again." I smiled. "Never." She assured me. I believed her. She kissed me again, more tamely. Slowly she pushed me into the counter, I sat on it so it didn't dig into me, wrapping my legs around her. I felt her hand run thru my hair once before she kissed me more aggressively, coaxing my mouth open with hers. "Yeah, you're not a bad kisser." I sighed, pulling away enough to talk, to take a breath before Toni kissed me again. I heard her phone ring once, she stopped for a second but ignored it, tangling her hands in my hair. It went off again. We both groaned as she pulled away. Looking at her phone. She sighed. "What?" I asked, she handed me her phone to look at. There were three messages from Veronica
"What the hell?" -6:15
"Okay, what's going on?" -7:00
"Toni, babe?" 8:15, now.
I sighed and gave it back to her. "Guessing you didn't discuss it with her?" I asked, mildly annoyed, I wanted to text Veronica something like 'go to hell' but that was childish. "I may or may not have just stormed out with no explanation, and when stopped simply just saying I have to go, like nothing is wrong." She confessed to the ground. "Oh Toni, you passive-aggressive beauty." I sighed, pushing her chin up to look me in the eyes again. "I'm.. sorry?" She asked. I giggled. "What should I say to her?" She asked. "I don't care really, just don't tell her everything's fine." I said. Her phone buzzed again, she turned around so I could read over her shoulder.
V: okay, seriously what'd I do?
T: I'm not a pawn.
V: what?
T: you should learn to keep your voice down.
V: I didn't mean that I just...
T: yeah okay, see you tomorrow.
She put her phone down. She faced me again, hands pushed down on the counter on either side of me. "I've been so stupid today." She smiled. I smirked. "Well stop being stupid and show me how sorry you really are!" I flirted, she blushed and took my invitation, attacking my lips with hers.
To be continued...
Sorry about the mild smut.

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